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Is Cal a former Oriole or Yankee?


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Of course, I haven't see all of them but I guarantee you that I've seen more of them than Cal Ripken. Sorry that you are so offended that anyone dare question Ripken on a statement like that.

You haven't given any reasonable basis for your statement implying he's making stuff up - so yeah, I find your comment offensive.

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I would think a national audience would want to find out who these Orioles are and how did they get here. Everyone knows the Yankees. Listening to Cal, Smoltz and Johnson early in the game you would think Chen was garbage incapable of throwing anything other than a fast ball. It was ridiculous.

Another poster last night posted a link to the ESPN radio broadcast. It was like night and day compared to the TBS crew. I listened to ESPN's radio guys as Machado came to bat. They talked about what a talent he is. What a boost he has given the Orioles down the stretch. How he is going to develop into a very special player. How good he is defensively. How the Yankees need to be careful with him. etc.., etc... How hard is it to just focus on the player at bat - in this case Machado? Not very hard. ESPN had it covered. What did the TBS crew talk about during the exact same at bat? Arod. How Manny wears #13 because his favorite player is Arod. How great Arod is. Pitiful.

and btw, when the Yankees were up, ESPN talked about them too. It was fair and balanced for both teams. That is all I am asking for... balance.

In any case I am done with TBS. It's ESPN radio for me.

I didn't catch the ESPN radio feed last night. Was Dan Shulman calling the game? Imo, he's one of the best baseball announcers around, if not the best.

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There's an Irish expression,"and who are you when you're at home?" With Brooks, the guy you see in public is the guy you'd see home. Not sure that is so with Cal. His public persona seems a carefully crafted vanilla, designed not to offend any one, and to serve his multivariate busness interests. Who he really is and what he really thinks, I have no idea. It's not something he'll let people even get a glimpse of. He is sufficiantly bland enough that people can project their own fantasie on him, good or bad. He reminds me of someone who is running for every available public office simultaniously, from dogcatcher to mayor.

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I love Cal as much as anybody, but listening to him makes me appreciate Jim Palmer much, much more. The thing I love about Palmer is that he gives credit where it's due (for both sides), and even though you know who he's rooting for inside, his compliments/criticisms are usually pretty neutral and fair. Another thing I like, which some people hate, is that he even when he's a know it all, he's almost always right.

Maybe with practice Cal can be that caliber of color guy, but I suspect he's trying so hard not to be a homer that he's kind of getting on our nerves a little bit.

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I just don't remember it ever happening, even once, let alone on multiple occasions. I think he's wrong. I just wish there was a way to check it. Then I could apologize to you and everyone else I offended, IF I'm wrong.

I'd bet it's happened before. I can recall it being discussed and it's certainly not something that would have been routine. Although Pettite's career stats show him slightly better against LHB, he's had pretty drastic splits the other way in several years.

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Most people didn't seem to have a problem with what he was saying, but that he was saying it while watching replays of the play, and not seeing much, if any, change in ball direction that screwed it up. It was probably a great observation, but the it started sounding like excuse making for plain ol' error. I mean, looked like a fairly straight line ball that didn't take any bizarre hops or twists at the end at all.

Ok, go it. I haven't heard the TBS crew the first two nights. They pumped in the radio broadcast over the TBS signal for the press. I'm real interested in hearing what Cal has to say about his Brooks comments today on the Scott Garceau show.

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Hey, there is an Angel board that I occasionally visit and even they are wondering what is with Cal. They are making fun of him and the way he defended both Jeter and Tex when they made errors.

Give us a link. It would be great to see outsiders opinions on this.

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There's an Irish expression,"and who are you when you're at home?" With Brooks, the guy you see in public is the guy you'd see home. Not sure that is so with Cal. His public persona seems a carefully crafted vanilla, designed not to offend any one, and to serve his multivariate busness interests. Who he really is and what he really thinks, I have no idea. It's not something he'll let people even get a glimpse of. He is sufficiantly bland enough that people can project their own fantasie on him, good or bad. He reminds me of someone who is running for every available public office simultaniously, from dogcatcher to mayor.

I have spent some time around Cal in a social setting. He is definitely a jock at heart. With a good deal of intellect thrown in. I have seen how he interacted with his neighbors. He seems like a very competitive version of high achievers that I have known. I like what I saw when I think his guard was down a bit.

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Ok, go it. I haven't heard the TBS crew the first two nights. They pumped in the radio broadcast over the TBS signal for the press. I'm real interested in hearing what Cal has to say about his Brooks comments today on the Scott Garceau show.

I don't think Scott will hit him with anything tough, im sure he will lob something up. Not that I blame him, Scott has built his reputation on being the nice guy that he is.

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I have spent some time around Cal in a social setting. He is definitely a jock at heart. With a good deal of intellect thrown in. I have seen how he interacted with his neighbors. He seems like a very competitive version of high achievers that I have known. I like what I saw when I think his guard was down a bit.

Well I hope he gets better fast because this is killing me to listen to. He may work hard at this like he did at playing baseball but maybe he just doesnt have the charisma to do TV. He is pretty wooden.

Billy on the other hand is smooth and funny to boot.

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