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Is Cal a former Oriole or Yankee?


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I don't think Scott will hit him with anything tough, im sure he will lob something up. Not that I blame him, Scott has built his reputation on being the nice guy that he is.

I agree, I hope Jeremy asks him a tough one or two. Knowing him though, he's just working on his best corny Carl material.

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Well I hope he gets better fast because this is killing me to listen to. He may work hard at this like he did at playing baseball but maybe he just doesnt have the charisma to do TV. He is pretty wooden.

Billy on the other hand is smooth and funny to boot.

Billy is fantastic. This might be a problem for Cal ;)

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Did Ripken, Jr. say anything immediately following J.J. Hardy's error ???

Much is being made of him explaining away Teixeira's and Jeter's error. Did he at least offer something after Hardy's blunder at shortstop ???

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I don't think Scott will hit him with anything tough, im sure he will lob something up. Not that I blame him, Scott has built his reputation on being the nice guy that he is.

Scott's a great guy, but he knows why Cal is coming on the show so I'm sure he's going to ask him about his Brooks comments.

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Did Ripken, Jr. say anything immediately following J.J. Hardy's error ???

Much is being made of him explaining away Teixeira's and Jeter's error. Did he at least offer something after Hardy's blunder at shortstop ???

Nope. Didn't even go back to the bumpy infield well, just said it was uncharacteristic.

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Did Ripken, Jr. say anything immediately following J.J. Hardy's error ???

Much is being made of him explaining away Teixeira's and Jeter's error. Did he at least offer something after Hardy's blunder at shortstop ???

Actually his (almost) exact quote after the Hardy error was, "He missed it. Just brought his hands up too quickly." That was it. No excuses about the field. It was all on Hardy.

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So, the one client I get on the phone wants to be really chatty right around when they started this interview. I hope they put up a recording because I would like to listen to the whole thing. I did catch the last question and I'll just paraphrase here

Q: Last question Cal, all things considered, who's the best fielding third basemen of all time?

A: Let's go Brooks Robinson.

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I think Cal's problem is mostly that he's just not a very good announcer at this point. Maybe he will be someday - for example, he's better than Bordick was after his first three games - but for now he's learning on the job.

I think the only players he knows much about are the Yankees vets that he played against, so it's natural that he mostly talks about them. It would be nice if he knew more about the current O's team, but Cal doesn't strike me as the kind of person who sits on the couch and watches every game like a lot of us here do. So he probably doesn't have much to say.

Finally, I think he's got the ex-ballplayer problem of not wanting to criticize players. For example, I think he mostly excused away how JJ held up at third, even though Cal Sr. must have been spinning in his grave over that play. Cal actually had an opportunity there, as the son of a great third base coach, to teach the audience something, to maybe tell a funny story about a player ignoring his dad's signs, without being overly critical of JJ, but he's probably not experienced enough to think to do that.

So anyway, if you're going to question Cal's "loyalty" to the O's, I think you're crazy. It's just that he's trying to learn on the fly and we're seeing the results.

EDIT: I should also mention that I went to the last two games, so I didn't actually, you know, HEAR anything Cal said. I just like to opine on things.

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I have absolutely lost all respect for Ripken. He is a piece of crap and a disgrace to the O's organization. I'm so glad that he thought it was a great win for the Yankees. He can go ahead and work for them or buy their team because I no longer want him doing anything with my Orioles. He should watch these games back and be totally ashamed of himself.

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