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Is Cal a former Oriole or Yankee?


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The fact that he was assigned to the Orioles/Yankees series and not one of the other three is meaningful. The overall TBS coverage of this series is considerably worse than mediocre.

If I'm not mistaken, he wasn't even originally supposed to be in the booth - but then the birds made the play-offs and that changed. So while I understand the "objectivity" argument, I'm not sure TBS really had objectivity in mind when they put him in the booth.

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If I'm not mistaken, he wasn't even originally supposed to be in the booth - but then the birds made the play-offs and that changed. So while I understand the "objectivity" argument, I'm not sure TBS really had objectivity in mind when they put him in the booth.

This is my point.

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I don't if anyone else saw this, but I was really impressed with Dennis Eckersley on the post-game broadcast on TBS last night after the Yankees lost.

First off, Eckersley laid into the Yankees and their meek offense, saying that they "didn't deserve to win against Baltimore, and they don't deserve to win against Detroit."

Now ....... Personally, I don't give much credence into the "deserving" to win concept. You have 9 innings to win a game, 3 games out of 5 to win an L.D.S, and 4 games out of 7 to win an L.C.S. and/or a World Series. You have your chances to win games and series, and if you don't get it done, you really have no one to blame but yourselves. However ........ I liked the fact that Eckersley didn't even remotely sugar-coat his criticism of the Yankees, like some others do.

Secondly, Cal Ripken, Jr. immediately started throwing his hat into the ring on behalf of the Yankees, alluding to the crucial call that went against them in the 8th inning last night. Eckersley fired back about how bad calls are and have been a part of the game for more than 100 years, now. Cal came back with how they have the technology to have instant replay and that they should therefore use it, but Eckersley stayed firm that the Yankees had no one to blame but themselves.

I know that this subject has been beaten to death, but I really liked what I heard from Eckersley, partially because I hate the Yankees, and partially because it was refreshing to have someone criticize the Yankees and not take a backwards step when Mr. Yankee came along to add his usual pinstripe excuses.

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I don't if anyone else saw this, but I was really impressed with Dennis Eckersley on the post-game broadcast on TBS last night after the Yankees lost.

First off, Eckersley laid into the Yankees and their meek offense, saying that they "didn't deserve to win against Baltimore, and they don't deserve to win against Detroit."

Now ....... Personally, I don't give much credence into the "deserving" to win concept. You have 9 innings to win a game, 3 games out of 5 to win an L.D.S, and 4 games out of 7 to win an L.C.S. and/or a World Series. You have your chances to win games and series, and if you don't get it done, you really have no one to blame but yourselves. However ........ I liked the fact that Eckersley didn't even remotely sugar-coat his criticism of the Yankees, like some others do.

Secondly, Cal Ripken, Jr. immediately started throwing his hat into the ring on behalf of the Yankees, alluding to the crucial call that went against them in the 8th inning last night. Eckersley fired back about how bad calls are and have been a part of the game for more than 100 years, now. Cal came back with how they have the technology to have instant replay and that they should therefore use it, but Eckersley stayed firm that the Yankees had no one to blame but themselves.

I know that this subject has been beaten to death, but I really liked what I heard from Eckersley, partially because I hate the Yankees, and partially because it was refreshing to have someone criticize the Yankees and not take a backwards step when Mr. Yankee came along to add his usual pinstripe excuses.

That's just silly. I'm as big an Orioles fan as you'll find, but that statement by Eckersley makes no sense at all. The Yankees didn't deserve to win??? Unfortunately they did...and it sucks too, but that's life sometimes. The Yankees did what they had to do to win the series...simple as that. If Detroit wins (and I hope they do) they deserve to win. So I agree more along the lines with your train of thought.

As far as our division series....I'm not going to go over the key points, no one needs or wants to relive it. Comments like Eckersley's (while they may be nice to hear) I just don't understand.

In regard to Cal...I've had a nicely framed hand drawn rendition of Ripken and Gehrig that was done by an artist in California hanging in my living room for the last 15 years. Its more or less a perspective of the two in regard to the streak. That baby came down and was shoved in a closet last week after I got tired of hearing all his nonsense.

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That's just silly. I'm as big an Orioles fan as you'll find, but that statement by Eckersley makes no sense at all. The Yankees didn't deserve to win??? Unfortunately they did...and it sucks too, but that's life sometimes. The Yankees did what they had to do to win the series...simple as that. If Detroit wins (and I hope they do) they deserve to win. So I agree more along the lines with your train of thought.

As far as our division series....I'm not going to go over the key points, no one needs or wants to relive it. Comments like Eckersley's (while they may be nice to hear) I just don't understand.

In regard to Cal...I've had a nicely framed hand drawn rendition of Ripken and Gehrig that was done by an artist in California hanging in my living room for the last 15 years. Its more or less a perspective of the two in regard to the streak. That baby came down and was shoved in a closet last week after I got tired of hearing all his nonsense.

You've given Eckersley criticism for his comments, but not Ripken's (other than you are tired of his nonsense.)

Ripken's continual defense and advocating on behalf of the Yankees after the way that they played yesterday, and his alluding to them getting robbed and him subsequently calling for instant replay was considerably more "silly" than were Eckersley's comments ...... especially considering that the Yankees, of all teams, don't seem to wind up on the short of of the stick with the umpires overall.

Although as I stated, I don't agree with Eckersley (or anybody) when they speak in terms of "deserving" to win. You win the games on the field, lucky breaks going whatever way they may.


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That's just silly. I'm as big an Orioles fan as you'll find, but that statement by Eckersley makes no sense at all. The Yankees didn't deserve to win??? Unfortunately they did...and it sucks too, but that's life sometimes. The Yankees did what they had to do to win the series...simple as that. If Detroit wins (and I hope they do) they deserve to win. So I agree more along the lines with your train of thought.

As far as our division series....I'm not going to go over the key points, no one needs or wants to relive it. Comments like Eckersley's (while they may be nice to hear) I just don't understand.

In regard to Cal...I've had a nicely framed hand drawn rendition of Ripken and Gehrig that was done by an artist in California hanging in my living room for the last 15 years. Its more or less a perspective of the two in regard to the streak. That baby came down and was shoved in a closet last week after I got tired of hearing all his nonsense.

I think what he meant by this was that the Yankees were terrible hitting (as we were) and therefore had no business winning a series playing as terribly as they did. Essentially they beat us only because we were just as bad (if not worse) on offense as they were. Most objective people agree. To use a football example, the Ravens didn't deserve to beat the Cowboys yesterday. They played horribly on defense, and couldn't even stop a nosebleed. Yet they won.

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You've given Eckersley criticism for his comments, but not Ripken's (other than you are tired of his nonsense.)

Ripken's continual defense and advocating on behalf of the Yankees after the way that they played yesterday, and his alluding to them getting robbed and him subsequently calling for instant replay was considerably more "silly" than were Eckersley's comments ...... especially considering that the Yankees, of all teams, don't seem to wind up on the short of of the stick with the umpires overall.

Although as I stated, I don't agree with Eckersley (or anybody) when they speak in terms of "deserving" to win. You win the games on the field, lucky breaks going whatever way they may.


My actions towards Ripken's comments carry much more weight than what I said towards Eckersley.

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry for bumping a very old thread, but Cal recently did an interview on WBAL where he gave a little insight to his commentary.


(You'll have to download the audio from there.)

He says at one point that he probably was overly aware of his hometown bias and went too far the other way. Sorry, I don't know the exact minute mark where he says it, I just heard a snippet on my way in to work this morning.

Now maybe that is just Cal trying to say the right thing to appease the hometown fans, we all know he's good at that, but I did think it was interesting that he acknowledged it. I said at the time that, while I understand what TBS was trying to do, it just wasn't a good decision to bring Cal in to do color on the Orioles.

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