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It's a New Year, let's turn the page here at the Hangout!


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If you follow Tater's link above, well, he's not coming back. Should he come back, and his post count was reset to 0, he'd probably go past me again by Easter :D

I was bored so I went over and read that thread. First, it's always good to know the guys who talk crap about me while being a member over here. Again, they are cowards. They know who they are so I don't need to out them. Not man enough to say it to me personally, but cowardly enough to go over on another board and say it. Says all you need to know about their character.

Sports Guy says that he wants an apology from me for "lying" about Stoner, yet I have no idea what lies they could be. Everyone knows what my beef is with Stoner and how he went behind my back on my own PM system to try and get posters to leave and join his site. I'm a huge loyalty guy and of course, as a former managing editor to do that was, let's just say, less than loyal. Chris has never apologized to me personally for doing that. As for Sports Guy, I always liked Rob (sent him business and bought stuff from him as well) and took up for him when multiple people wanted me to ban him over the years. I gave him lots of leeway because I enjoyed the knowledge he brought. However, when he broke the rules, instead of saying "Yeah, I went too far," like he normally did, he decided to tell me he'll do what he wanted and then left for Stoner's board full-time. That's his prerogative. I see that as him being loyal to his lifelong friend and I can respect that. Like I said, I'm a loyalty guy. Maybe it's my Army background, but like to know the guy in the foxhole is with me, even if I make mistakes. SG is in Stoner's foxhole and I can appreciate that.

See, I like the guys that will contact me personally and let me know their thoughts. I may not always agree with them but I respect them. I absolutely despise cowards and people who stab you in the back. I have no respect for those kinds of people. I'm a straight forward guy and that gets me in trouble with some people because most people rather you blow smoke up their butts instead of being straight-forward. Another problem I have is that we have thousands of active members. I honestly don't remember every beef I've had with people. I don't always remember who I gave an infractions to or who I took rep points from. However, they certainly remember me. People seem to always remember the negative and not the times I've given them rep or said good things about them and their posts!

Very few times has it ever been personal for me. I rarely take rep points anymore, and when I do, I normally give them back in a few days. In the Army, guys fight and argue and then we make up and we buy beers and it's all good. Unfortunately, there are too many people that hold grudges way too long.

My thoughts was to offer out an olive branch to anyone who wanted a second chance. Clean slate from me as well as the community. sometimes you just gotta start over. I was willing to that, but some others are not. I am who I am, I try to treat everyone fairly across the board but some people are way too sensitive. Either way, I'm happy that some long lost friends have stopped back and for those that have other homes and are happy, I'm glad for them as well.

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I nominate Yuds for the Elephant memory award! Good God man, you have an amazing ability to remember so many things about people. That's a gift.

Are we POSITIVE that he wasn't just spending time inbetween posts researching everyone else's posts???

One of my favorite things about this place is the ability to go back in time and re-live old exchanges. Absolutely hilarious.

And yuds.... my "endless chain" (:rolleyes:) has come to an end, broski ;)

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Are we POSITIVE that he wasn't just spending time inbetween posts researching everyone else's posts???

One of my favorite things about this place is the ability to go back in time and re-live old exchanges. Absolutely hilarious.

And yuds.... my "endless chain" (:rolleyes:) has come to an end, broski ;)

Oh yeah, almost forgot....

I miss the original HanksGF too! :D

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I was bored so I went over and read that thread.

I just went and read it. In a community this large, you always are going to have some people who become unhappy and leave. Your intent in starting this thread was to give people who had been banned a chance to come back if they promised to follow the rules, and I think that was a very nice gesture. It would be ironic for this thread to be used for a new round of hostilities with some of those who either chose to leave, or were forced to.

I haven't posted at BSL, but I do visit it and like some of the things Chris has done, and some of their posters (including a number of ex-OHers) have good insights. But if SG thinks the quality of this board has gone down the last 6-12 months, I disagree. A few good posters have left, other good posters have joined, and on balance the discussion is as good as ever so far as I'm concerned.

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I was bored so I went over and read that thread. First, it's always good to know the guys who talk crap about me while being a member over here. Again, they are cowards. They know who they are so I don't need to out them. Not man enough to say it to me personally, but cowardly enough to go over on another board and say it. Says all you need to know about their character.

Sports Guy says that he wants an apology from me for "lying" about Stoner, yet I have no idea what lies they could be. Everyone knows what my beef is with Stoner and how he went behind my back on my own PM system to try and get posters to leave and join his site. I'm a huge loyalty guy and of course, as a former managing editor to do that was, let's just say, less than loyal. Chris has never apologized to me personally for doing that. As for Sports Guy, I always liked Rob (sent him business and bought stuff from him as well) and took up for him when multiple people wanted me to ban him over the years. I gave him lots of leeway because I enjoyed the knowledge he brought. However, when he broke the rules, instead of saying "Yeah, I went too far," like he normally did, he decided to tell me he'll do what he wanted and then left for Stoner's board full-time. That's his prerogative. I see that as him being loyal to his lifelong friend and I can respect that. Like I said, I'm a loyalty guy. Maybe it's my Army background, but like to know the guy in the foxhole is with me, even if I make mistakes. SG is in Stoner's foxhole and I can appreciate that.

See, I like the guys that will contact me personally and let me know their thoughts. I may not always agree with them but I respect them. I absolutely despise cowards and people who stab you in the back. I have no respect for those kinds of people. I'm a straight forward guy and that gets me in trouble with some people because most people rather you blow smoke up their butts instead of being straight-forward. Another problem I have is that we have thousands of active members. I honestly don't remember every beef I've had with people. I don't always remember who I gave an infractions to or who I took rep points from. However, they certainly remember me. People seem to always remember the negative and not the times I've given them rep or said good things about them and their posts!

Very few times has it ever been personal for me. I rarely take rep points anymore, and when I do, I normally give them back in a few days. In the Army, guys fight and argue and then we make up and we buy beers and it's all good. Unfortunately, there are too many people that hold grudges way too long.

My thoughts was to offer out an olive branch to anyone who wanted a second chance. Clean slate from me as well as the community. sometimes you just gotta start over. I was willing to that, but some others are not. I am who I am, I try to treat everyone fairly across the board but some people are way too sensitive. Either way, I'm happy that some long lost friends have stopped back and for those that have other homes and are happy, I'm glad for them as well.

SG thinks that the material at the OH has slipped since his departure. I loved reading SG's posts, but I have to look back on my life and try to recount a person that is as full of themself as he is. Granted, he knows a ton about baseball and sports in general. Hell, I personally found myself letting him decide how I was going to think about an Orioles related matter, so I guess that he had full control over my mind. When I followed wrestling as a young man, I had a couple of encounters with Paul Orndorff when they came to my hometown...nope, still nothing.

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I haven't posted at BSL, but I do visit it and like some of the things Chris has done, and some of their posters (including a number of ex-OHers) have good insights. But if SG thinks the quality of this board has gone down the last 6-12 months, I disagree. A few good posters have left, other good posters have joined, and on balance the discussion is as good as ever so far as I'm concerned.

I think what he means is that there aren't countless threads about how we should be trading the JJ's, Jones and anyone else of value to try and start over. Trade, trade trade.;)

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See, I like the guys that will contact me personally and let me know their thoughts. I may not always agree with them but I respect them. I absolutely despise cowards and people who stab you in the back. I have no respect for those kinds of people. I'm a straight forward guy and that gets me in trouble with some people because most people rather you blow smoke up their butts instead of being straight-forward. Another problem I have is that we have thousands of active members. I honestly don't remember every beef I've had with people. I don't always remember who I gave an infractions to or who I took rep points from. However, they certainly remember me. People seem to always remember the negative and not the times I've given them rep or said good things about them and their posts!

With respect, I'd just like to say that it appears the only people who are saying anything negative about you at all in that thread are people who left here because you made them, or asked them to do so. I don't think it's reasonable to call them cowards for openly discussing a topic that was brought up for conversation at their new home. Their new home, which is only their new home because, again, they were banned or asked to leave. I guess I just fail to see what it is so cowardly about that. Unless you're trying to say that anyone who has left OH for BSL given your and Chris's personal drama is a coward.

I continue to post at both, and don't typically feel defensive or biased when one or the other is talked about in a negative light, but like many, many people here, the people you call out for bashing you in that thread are my friends and I just don't understand the criticism. The irony is that, if handled differently, that thread may not even exist... at least in the sense that many of those posters wouldn't even be there in the first place.

Anyway, this is me giving you my .02 cents on the matter in this thread, rather than back at BSL.

I do appreciate this gesture, even though I have never been banned. You're really trying to move on from all of this, and I think that's great. I certainly won't be participating in any of this drama moving forward, and have never lost sight of what you have done for me to create such a great place to serve as a distraction from some terrible, terrible Orioles baseball.

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With respect, I'd just like to say that it appears the only people who are saying anything negative about you at all in that thread are people who left here because you made them, or asked them to do so. I don't think it's reasonable to call them cowards for openly discussing a topic that was brought up for conversation at their new home. Their new home, which is only their new home because, again, they were banned or asked to leave. I guess I just fail to see what it is so cowardly about that. Unless you're trying to say that anyone who has left OH for BSL given your and Chris's personal drama is a coward.

I continue to post at both, and don't typically feel defensive or biased when one or the other is talked about in a negative light, but like many, many people here, the people you call out for bashing you in that thread are my friends and I just don't understand the criticism. The irony is that, if handled differently, that thread may not even exist... at least in the sense that many of those posters wouldn't even be there in the first place.

Anyway, this is me giving you my .02 cents on the matter in this thread, rather than back at BSL.

I do appreciate this gesture, even though I have never been banned. You're really trying to move on from all of this, and I think that's great. I certainly won't be participating in any of this drama moving forward, and have never lost sight of what you have done for me to create such a great place to serve as a distraction from some terrible, terrible Orioles baseball.

Not true. My only issue is with anyone who posts here and then bad mouths me over there. The guys that left, were banned, or I asked to leave (there is only one that I can think of and he was asked to leave because he was and is still badmouthing me on BSL) can say anything they want. It's cowardly to remain an active poster here and then go over there and bad mouth me or the site. Just move on. I wish the folks that left well. If they are more comfortable somewhere else that's great. If people want to use me as the crutch as to why they left, more power to them. I don't like when quality posters leave, but as Frobby said, more quality posters show up and take their place. I used to get defensive when people would say the Hangout was a big clique, but you know what, they were right. The new blood at the Hangout has helped it to remain fresh and I think the site is more inviting to newcomers, which is part of the reason why aour numbers have swelled of late.

Some people have no idea how hard it can be at times to control such a large community and to ensure it remains an inviting place for all. Sometimes that meant I was tougher on long time folks and some of them choose to leave. Maybe some people want me to cry over the folks that left, but I rather invite the new people who have joined our online family.

The quality of discussion has not gone down, and in fact, I think we have less in fighting and just as many quality discussions. I also see more voices being heard and that's a good thing. I love this community, and that's exactly why I'm not afraid to see some of the old guard go. It's really just the nature of life. Chris felt a need to go out and make his own place and some went with him. Had he done it openly and on the level with me I would have wished him well and we'd have no hard feelings. That's not how it was done. Regardless, I've turned the page with Chris and his site. Chris works hard at what he does and he's a fan of the same teams as I am. More power to him. I'm not going to badmouth him.

Some folks want to make this is a war, and just like the old Sun board, I really have no desire to do so. I know who the loyal Hangouters are (I see their rep point comments, thread comments, PMs and e-mails and thank them) and there are many who have remained. They know they are huge part of this site and they help keep our history. They show up to Hangout events and they help each other in just about every personal situation one can imagine. Not surprisingly, they are also more welcoming to new people and they are normally the ones posting in other forums besides Orioles talk. See, the heart of the Hangout remains its people within the community and I'm thankful they choose to be part of our Hangout.

This entire thread was to allow some folks a second chance. Some old friends have come back and that's great. That's what this was about and it worked out just fine!

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But if SG thinks the quality of this board has gone down the last 6-12 months, I disagree. A few good posters have left, other good posters have joined, and on balance the discussion is as good as ever so far as I'm concerned.

That's pretty clearly personal bias. I think the daily discussions are as good as ever, with far fewer bizarre tangents and pissing contests of the type we'd regularly see centered on some of the obvious posters who've left. There was a time a few years ago where every other thread seemed to be in a surreal other dimension involving OldFan, Trea, SG, Shack and others devolving into nonsensical rantings about how Curt Blefary and Luis Hernandez were better than Mark Teixiera and that proved Andy MacPhail wouldn't spend from Angelos' open checkbook.

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That's pretty clearly personal bias. I think the daily discussions are as good as ever, with far fewer bizarre tangents and pissing contests of the type we'd regularly see centered on some of the obvious posters who've left. There was a time a few years ago where every other thread seemed to be in a surreal other dimension involving OldFan, Trea, SG, Shack and others devolving into nonsensical rantings about how Curt Blefary and Luis Hernandez were better than Mark Teixiera and that proved Andy MacPhail wouldn't spend from Angelos' open checkbook.

This + 1.

It was like every thread would eventually devolve into the same arguments between the same posters.

I'm not posting quite as much anymore as I used to, but the independent quality of each thread seems to hold up better these days. (Maybe I was the problem :laughlol:)

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I don't have the time or the desire to post on message boards regularly anymore but I just had to jump in here to partake in some of this reminiscing about the old times.

Southernbird was one of the all time classic posters and Orioles Jim is a legend of legends. Looking back over that weed thread was like peering into a time capsule - AmaralFan, MChance, Mackus, ChrisAF79, Coker, Squeeze, bigDave, Tank, ledzepp and all the other great old timers.

I miss all the old chats with those guys, we had some great fun back in the day. BillySmith with his goth girl obsessions. AmaralFan with his never ending hookup stories and future ambitions to become President of the USA. BaltBird24 with his hilarious dry sense of humor. Arch being Jason's wing man. MChance with his swole physique. BobMC just being crazy as always. SouthernBird going nuts and getting banned every couple of weeks. Scott just being a cool dude in general. John Domen living in an apartment above a bar. BRobinsonfan always bringing his smart, well informed opinion to every thread. SuperBoller accusing everyone of being a racist in every thread. Stan being the funny curmudgeon. Hank Scorpio having an endless chain of hot girlfriends. Monkey Pumpers and Scottiebaseball being a hilarious comedy duo. Mashed Potatoes and Icterus Galbula bringing the super witty sarcasm. Hatter with his great taste in music. Hardballs getting super angry and writing stream of consciousness tirades with no punctuation and terrible spelling. Brookboyz with his stories about playing in the minors. Mefogus with his anime inspired avatar and dry yet very well informed posts. Journeyfan with his avatar creation skills (check out my Bob Dylan one for proof). Doobydoo with his movie obsession. Objectivity with his brilliant insight. I'm sure I'm forgetting some other Hangout legends as well, who have I missed?

Oh man, and how could I forget BOOZE! Every post of his was about getting wasted and hooking up with chicks, with some kind of baseball tangent involved. Didn't he once offer to go scout Loewen at his college so that he could also check out the chicks there?

We had some awesome AIM chats and Myspace wall posts back in the days when people still did that stuff.

We had a hangout get together in 2001 or so with BoogBBQFan, Mackus, PaulFolk, jiminnj and maybe some others. And BustaJ was part of the gang too at later meetups. Great times.

It almost made it kind of cool to have no life when you had all these other people to share it with :D

I hope some of those guys are lurking in this thread and just post to say hi for old time?s sake.

He lives!

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Not true. My only issue is with anyone who posts here and then bad mouths me over there. The guys that left, were banned, or I asked to leave (there is only one that I can think of and he was asked to leave because he was and is still badmouthing me on BSL) can say anything they want. It's cowardly to remain an active poster here and then go over there and bad mouth me or the site. Just move on. I wish the folks that left well. If they are more comfortable somewhere else that's great. If people want to use me as the crutch as to why they left, more power to them. I don't like when quality posters leave, but as Frobby said, more quality posters show up and take their place. I used to get defensive when people would say the Hangout was a big clique, but you know what, they were right. The new blood at the Hangout has helped it to remain fresh and I think the site is more inviting to newcomers, which is part of the reason why aour numbers have swelled of late.

The only people in that thread who post at both are Pedro, BNickle, RZNJ, Duffman, Lex and myself... and none of them are badmouthing you as far as I can tell. So again, I see no reason to call anyone a coward in this whole deal. Anyway, sorry - I'm not trying to be a pest with this, or piss you off, I just take issue with the name calling in this case. I don't think it's just. But to each their own.

I've enjoyed reading from the folks who have come back. While I wasn't in on the ground floor of the Hangout, it's still interesting and amusing to read recounts of the old days. Yudz post was just awesome.

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I think what he means is that there aren't countless threads about how we should be trading the JJ's, Jones and anyone else of value to try and start over. Trade, trade trade.;)

I'd been assuming that SG left to bestow the full, unbridled (see what I did there?) and undivided weight of his adoration on Yonder Alonso.

If only the Orioles' FO had possessed and exercised the foresight to bring that 9-HR power to Baltimore.

If only...

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The only people in that thread who post at both are Pedro, BNickle, RZNJ, Duffman, Lex and myself... and none of them are badmouthing you as far as I can tell. So again, I see no reason to call anyone a coward in this whole deal. Anyway, sorry - I'm not trying to be a pest with this, or piss you off, I just take issue with the name calling in this case. I don't think it's just. But to each their own.

I've enjoyed reading from the folks who have come back. While I wasn't in on the ground floor of the Hangout, it's still interesting and amusing to read recounts of the old days. Yudz post was just awesome.

Ricker old buddy old pal, you don't have to like it, but it's not going to change my views. If it makes you feel any better, I wasn't referring to you. The two that did know who they are and I stand by my comment. I'm not going to ban them or anything, but just think less of them as posters/people. We'll all live through it and I doubt either care how I feel. ;) Chris has wished us well and we wish them well. How about we just leave it at that?

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