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Whither Urrutia?


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Yeah, he really passes the eye test - moreso than I realized. I wonder if his presence was a factor in the O's no re-signing Reynolds. Maybe they figured he's going to eventually be getting those at bats.

It's funny, this article from mlb.com http://baltimore.orioles.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20130306&content_id=42357644&c_id=bal written just last month says he's 6'3 190. I'm guessing that was his size 8 years ago. He's clearly much bigger than that. It's an indication of how little is known about him outside of the real experts. And from the quotes, Buck is really impressed with him. Am I correct in assuming that right now is basically his spring training - while he's adjusting to living in the US for the first time?

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Saw him last night at Bowie. The homer he hit went to dead center and was hit on a line. Not a majestic shot. Just a liner that you could hear off the bat probably wasn't going to stay in the park. Drew a walk his next time up. It's only one game, but he seemed to know what he was doing there at the plate. But again, one game, so it's a pretty meaningless thing to say.

Guy looked slow as hell on the bases though. Ricky Henderson doesn't have anything to fear. Him and X-man had the outfield covered though from center through right.

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