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I will post the FG link on the main page. There is a reason, probably several, why Davis is doing it.

That much I figured. I just said it looks strange. I trust that Buck has reasons on top of reasons on top of reasons for everything he does. Watching it on television it looks a bit awkward for Chris.

I'll enjoy the article Im certain. Thank you in advance for linking.

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RE Manny's failed attempt at a triple: I know the throw beat him by a lot, but didn't it seem on the replay that he arched his right arm around and touched the bag before the tag on his chest or shoulders?

It was close. You're not gonna get that call very often though.

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It's so much better for my anxiety levels to know that Machado is fielding grounders at third rather than Reynolds or Betemit or Flaherty or Tolleson or Miggy. (Melmo wasn't bad though.)

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