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Nine Ways To Reach Base

Lurker Todd

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My favorite trivia question from my bartender days was:

There are nine ways a batter can reach base, name them.

I'd like to pose the question, with the answers I have always given, to test the truth of the answers amongst the great minds of the Oriole Hangout. For purposes of the question, all hits, i.e single, double, etc. are scored hit. Also, pinch running doesn't get you to there, because it is not a way for the batter to reach base.

At any rate here are the nine, as I have always given them:



Fielder's Choice

Base on Balls

Passed Ball (dropped third strike)

Hit Batsman

Catcher Interference

Fan Interference

Illegal Pitch (scuffed ball)

Are there others? Can you really be awarded first base in a fan interference situation? How so? Is the same true for a scuffed ball? Are there others?

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