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Buck Goes Off on Bud. Calls him Out by Name.


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Selig that is.

"If Bud lets them get away with that, they're under the luxury tax," Showalter told USA TODAY Sports. "If they can reset, they can spend again and I guarantee you in two years Matt Wieters is in New York."

Wieters, the Orioles catcher, would be eligible for free agency after the 2015 season, though it's likely the Orioles would attempt to sign the 27-year-old to an extension in the meantime.

But a Yankees ledger freed of any A-Rod commitments would alter the market for many players.


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Nobody likes to talk about these things but having the Yankees and the Boston Red Sox not in ultra competitive mode makes baseball less profitable. Boston was able to dump a quarter of a billion in contracts last year. Boston was able to restructure and surprise they are competitive again. Boston hired Bobby V and he became the lighting rod for everything and the books were wiped. MLB starts an investigation which seems more like a get Arod vendetta and upside is 50 million to 100 million off the books. I love baseball but sometimes it reminds me of Pro-wrestling.

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It might just be brutal honest truth but that's still a really interesting comment you can definitely read into and come to a few conclusions. What does Buck think of Wieters and does this call Wieters' loyalty into question, and does he have to say anything about it?

I am fine with athletes chasing a dollar but now I think there's going to be people who want to ask Wieters some questions now. I don't think Buck would say something like that unless there was something more interesting going on.

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Nobody likes to talk about these things but having the Yankees and the Boston Red Sox not in ultra competitive mode makes baseball less profitable. Boston was able to dump a quarter of a billion in contracts last year. Boston was able to restructure and surprise they are competitive again. Boston hired Bobby V and he became the lighting rod for everything and the books were wiped. MLB starts an investigation which seems more like a get Arod vendetta and upside is 50 million to 100 million off the books. I love baseball but sometimes it reminds me of Pro-wrestling.

Yup. Anything for money. The game isn't about talent anymore. It's about protecting the 4 most popular teams and building up huge fanbases around them and charging $100 for tickets in the nosebleed section, at the expense of the other teams (they're just fodder anyway). Baseball as a competitive sport is replaced with baseball the reality TV show.

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I think you're missing the point.

Actually, you are 100% correct. Honestly, I understand exactly what Buck was talking about because I agree with him about the competitive imbalance that has existed in baseball because of salary issues.

Saying that Wieters looks disinterested was a cheap shot also. I have never questioned the guys commitment to the game. What I should have said is that if the Yanks want to pay him 16 million + per year, then it's nice knowing you Matt.

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I actually have no problem at all with this. Buck is speaking out on issues that would give the big market teams a huge advantage and screw us. We should support him!

Every single player has a price and would play for New York or any other team if the Orioles offered either a little less or a lot less depending on the player. I don't care about the call out. I work in national politics and I know if you want to be heard and to win you have to be heard, you have to shout! If we don't make our case nobody is going to make it for us. Make some noise. Go Buck.

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Dumb remark by Buck. Bud doesn't control what the CBA says, and Buck shouldn't be mentioning Wieters by name in a remark like this. How is Wieters supposed to take that?

Yeah that puts Matt in an awkward position. I'd expect Buck to show a little more restraint there.

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