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Buck Goes Off on Bud. Calls him Out by Name.


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Gotcha -- thanks.
Let me put it this way, I love baseball. The TV contract is to MLB what PEDS are to the players. In fact the two can not thought of separately since the ratings are tied in to the various PED fueled spectacles. Since MLB has decided to crackdown on the thing that created so much excitement to the industry it must now create an ultra-competitive scenarios that will generate viewership. The level playing field is just that. The problem is that the public is tried of watching the Yankees win and yet they will not tune in if the Yankees are not winning. So where does that leave the non Yankee teams?
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Yeah, with Rodriguez, I think that this is the crux of the matter. I've spoken before about all of the stupidity/vanity/bush league type of behavior that he has exhibited since he left the Mariners as a free agent back in 2001 (which was in my rat's ass of an opinion, the worst decision that he made, and when all of his troubles started and snowballed.) He decided to leave a first-place team of which he was well-liked by his teammates and the fans for a last-place team (the Rangers) because they topped all offers of the several contending teams that were also courting him at the time. With the exception of the 2009 World Series ring that he won with the Yankees, it's been one disaster after another for him since, including the Rangers finishing in last place all 3 years that he was with them and then immediately vaulting into contention after he left, finishing 2 games out of first place, his "I got it" stunt in Toronto, his hamburger helper slap at Bronson Arroyo's mitt in the 2004 A.L.C.S., his testing positive for steroids which forced him to admit his use while he was playing for the Rangers, his ill-advised comments during the 2007 World Series that he was "underpaid and under-appreciated" by the Yankees because he was making "only" $ 25 Million, etc.

I really think that he is a stupid person, and not just because I dislike him a lot. If he fights M.L.B. on their proposed suspension, I think that it has more to do with his stupidity and his vanity more so than his character in "doing the right thing."

Personally I really don't how much a person makes. I think there are processes for dealing with things when relationships go south. The heart of the matter is how can you break a contract like Arod's legally?

I believe that you missed the point of my post. Whatever happens with Alex Rodriguez in this latest fiasco doesn't change the fact that he has repeatedly acted stupidly and vainly on numerous occasions since he left the Mariners more than a decade ago.

Regardless of whatever is decided on this particular issue (one year ban, lifetime ban, no ban at all, he gets all of his money, he gets some of his money, he gets no money at all) the fact is that Rodriguez has become a laughingstock with no credibility whatsoever, and frankly, he deserves it, because it's all of his own making.

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I believe that you missed the point of my post. Whatever happens with Alex Rodriguez in this latest fiasco doesn't change the fact that he has repeatedly acted stupidly and vainly on numerous occasions since he left the Mariners more than a decade ago.

Regardless of whatever is decided on this particular issue (one year ban, lifetime ban, no ban at all, he gets all of his money, he gets some of his money, he gets no money at all) the fact is that Rodriguez has become a laughingstock with no credibility whatsoever, and frankly, he deserves it, because it's all of his own making.

This is exactly right. I am rooting for him to get all of his money, paid by the NYY, and to remain a laughingstock.

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Nice thoughts but something tells me A-Roid is going to see a big chunk of change go bye bye,which will help out the Yanks.

I would love for the above scenario to happen but as someone who also coaches part time,I'm also tired of seeing these guys cheat and suffering no real consquences for it.

Hard to tell kids to stay of PEDS etc when there won't be any punishment for it.

P.S. Even if they get out of the A-Rod deal,they still have a declining CC,Tex and Soriano on their books now.

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Something that seems to be lost in all this mishigas is the fact that most of the players about to be suspended have been tested countless times and never tested positive. That tells me that the MLB testing program isn't working very well. These guys aren't being caught because of it. ARoid, Braun, etc., have been using PED's all the time apparently and has never tested positive since 2004. You have to wonder how many other players are getting away scot free.

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Something that seems to be lost in all this mishigas is the fact that most of the players about to be suspended have been tested countless times and never tested positive. That tells me that the MLB testing program isn't working very well. These guys aren't being caught because of it. ARoid, Braun, etc., have been using PED's all the time apparently and has never tested positive since 2004. You have to wonder how many other players are getting away scot free.

They increased the difficulty of avoiding detection last offseason. Hopefully it will be enough to beat whatever regimen these players were using.

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Something that seems to be lost in all this mishigas is the fact that most of the players about to be suspended have been tested countless times and never tested positive. That tells me that the MLB testing program isn't working very well. These guys aren't being caught because of it. ARoid, Braun, etc., have been using PED's all the time apparently and has never tested positive since 2004. You have to wonder how many other players are getting away scot free.

It sure means when they do test positive, it's a big deal. Victor Conte says that with the fast acting natural testosterone that they use now, it is out of the system in two days. Maybe next CBA there should be daily blood tests of everyone who competes as a precondition of playing the sport for millions of dollars of compensation.

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It sure means when they do test positive, it's a big deal. Victor Conte says that with the fast acting natural testosterone that they use now, it is out of the system in two days. Maybe next CBA there should be daily blood tests of everyone who competes as a precondition of playing the sport for millions of dollars of compensation.

That's ridiculous.

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