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Buck Goes Off on Bud. Calls him Out by Name.


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Don't they do that in the olympics? And track and field meets?

So a couple years ago when Roberts was on the 60 day DL almost totally incapacitated by his concussions you would have expected him to come in, daily, for blood tests?

I would have to think the daily tests would include folks on the 40 man so you would have Dylan Bundy coming in for daily tests while trying to recover from TJ?

How about the off season? Lots of PEDs get used there, you going to have daily tests then as well?

"Sorry, hun, i know it's our honeymoon in Paris but I have to go find a Doctor to go take my blood."

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It sure means when they do test positive, it's a big deal. Victor Conte says that with the fast acting natural testosterone that they use now, it is out of the system in two days. Maybe next CBA there should be daily blood tests of everyone who competes as a precondition of playing the sport for millions of dollars of compensation.

Actually, it's out of the system in a matter of hours.

I posted this a while ago.

Conte, formerly of Balco, explained that a new form of synthetic testosterone is available that is virtually undetectable. It is in the form of a candy flavored lozenge that can be placed in the mouth, under the tongue, by a ball player as he is leaving the stadium after a game or after arriving home. The lozenge gives the player a spike of testosterone which promotes muscle growth and healing, and then, in a few hours or by the next morning, it is undetectable if the player is tested.

The lozenge is designed to keep the T/E Ratio ( Testosterone to a related steroid, Epitestosterone, ratio) below the league acceptable 4:1 reading. In most men, the normal T/E Ratio is 1:1.

The testosterone is also available in a cream form or a gel which can be rubbed into the skin. If carefully applied, the T/E Ratio stays below the 4:1 ration and the applications can stay in the system for a long time doing what they are expected to do without being detected.

A better way to detect the testosterone's presence is through the Carbon Isotope Test; it is more definitive but also much more expensive test. Currently, MLB conducts the Carbon Isotope Test on only 10% of the testees.

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It sure means when they do test positive, it's a big deal. Victor Conte says that with the fast acting natural testosterone that they use now, it is out of the system in two days. Maybe next CBA there should be daily blood tests of everyone who competes as a precondition of playing the sport for millions of dollars of compensation.
I hope you are joking. I have blood drawn about 5 or 6 times a year. Sometimes twice in one week. It would not be physically possible to have blood drawn daily. The suspensions, except for ARoid as poster boy, are not really a big deal. And all they do is distract from the fact that the testing itself is not effective.
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So the rumor is that ARod gets suspended for the rest of this year and all of 2014. I have no problem with that. However, if ARod appeals, I could see him still being found "guilty" but the suspension only being 50 games, since he's never been caught before. I know all about the charges against him but I'm not sure MLB can make it stick enough that an arbitrator panel goes 2-1 for a harsher penalty than 50 games. Selig can always try to use the "best interests of baseball" card but it sounds like he's going the "drug program" route on Monday.

I am not sure he can win a panel appeal. Not only would he have to convince the arbiter but I would not be surprised if MLB and the MLBPA haven't already come to an agreement that the PA will let Arod hang out to dry.

I don't see MLB allowing this to go to arbitration if the decision isn't already in the bag.

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Actually, it's out of the system in a matter of hours.

I posted this a while ago.

Conte, formerly of Balco, explained that a new form of synthetic testosterone is available that is virtually undetectable. It is in the form of a candy flavored lozenge that can be placed in the mouth, under the tongue, by a ball player as he is leaving the stadium after a game or after arriving home. The lozenge gives the player a spike of testosterone which promotes muscle growth and healing, and then, in a few hours or by the next morning, it is undetectable if the player is tested.

The lozenge is designed to keep the T/E Ratio ( Testosterone to a related steroid, Epitestosterone, ratio) below the league acceptable 4:1 reading. In most men, the normal T/E Ratio is 1:1.

The testosterone is also available in a cream form or a gel which can be rubbed into the skin. If carefully applied, the T/E Ratio stays below the 4:1 ration and the applications can stay in the system for a long time doing what they are expected to do without being detected.

A better way to detect the testosterone's presence is through the Carbon Isotope Test; it is more definitive but also much more expensive test. Currently, MLB conducts the Carbon Isotope Test on only 10% of the testees.

This is because they only flag samples with a T/E ratio of 4-1 or better. If they lowered the T/E ratio or did a way with it all together,they would catch many more, if not all.$$$
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So a couple years ago when Roberts was on the 60 day DL almost totally incapacitated by his concussions you would have expected him to come in, daily, for blood tests?

I would have to think the daily tests would include folks on the 40 man so you would have Dylan Bundy coming in for daily tests while trying to recover from TJ?

How about the off season? Lots of PEDs get used there, you going to have daily tests then as well?

"Sorry, hun, i know it's our honeymoon in Paris but I have to go find a Doctor to go take my blood."

I'm sorry. I meant those who played that day in my postulation. But did they not pull Lindsey Vonn out of a formal red carpet event to make her test recently?
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