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MLB has now decided to eliminate home-plate collisions at home plate


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Doesn't make sense to me. Injuries are a part of sports. You chose to place yourself in that danger. It's a part of the game and will probably cause more trouble than its worth to police. But we'll see like with everything else. Don't care either way, just thought it didn't make sense.

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Color me bored of baseball more and more.

Stupid rule change. There are already rules in place that were NEVER called. Such as obstruction rules and forcing a player to slide just the injury on the runner, not the catcher. So you will see more broken legs, ankles and knee injuries.

The excuse for concussions is a lame one at that. Collisions at home plate are rare and not equatable to getting hit numerous times like in the NFL.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>MLB has now decided to eliminate home-plate collisions at home plate, meaning, players must slide going into home.</p>— Bob Nightengale (@BNightengale) <a href="
">December 11, 2013</a></blockquote>

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It will be interesting when a HR is hit.:rolleyes:

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Not to mention completely avoiding collisions is going to be nearly impossible. What if the catcher has to go up the 3b line to field the ball?

Exactly. This will just bring the umpires judgement into play more. It is moronic. They are creating a problem that doesn't exist. It is PC crap, that makes baseball appear to be being proactive and pretending they care about safety. If the really cared, they would put a stop to the highly aggressive act that takes place at 2nd base every game, where middle infielders are hammered,Not the once in a blue moon collision, that is avoidable.

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Doesn't make sense to me. Injuries are a part of sports. You chose to place yourself in that danger. It's a part of the game and will probably cause more trouble than its worth to police. But we'll see like with everything else. Don't care either way, just thought it didn't make sense.

Being that legitimate collisions at the plate aren't something that happens constantly, I don't think it'll be hard to police at all. Yes, sometimes there will still be contact - but it's quite obvious that this rule is largely geared toward shutting down the guys that realize they're dead to rights and just load up and try to plow the catcher. Not the incidental run-ins that happen from time to time, usually when the catcher's up the basepath.

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And the sisification of America keeps rolling along.

Yeah, what a bunch of sissies! Always whining about how they want to "avoid concussions" and "not suffer long-term brain damage" and "not have parts of their body get torn in half."

Real men just walk around getting constantly injured! Health is for babies!

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Yeah, what a bunch of sissies! Always whining about how they want to "avoid concussions" and "not suffer long-term brain damage" and "not have parts of their body get torn in half."

Real men just walk around getting constantly injured! Health is for babies!

HAHA. Big sissies Murica is. Just have a ginormous military budget. But we're soft. I hate how people in baseball always point back to how an era of how baseball should be played but yet in that same era anybody not white couldn't play. You really don't see this in any other sport. I don't get why baseball is so resistant to change.

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Yeah, what a bunch of sissies! Always whining about how they want to "avoid concussions" and "not suffer long-term brain damage" and "not have parts of their body get torn in half."

Real men just walk around getting constantly injured! Health is for babies!

That's a bunch of BS. If they really cared, pitchers would be forced to wear helmets, they would stop players from targeting SS and 2nd basemen. There are far more serious and more prevalent areas to address. I hope you rush home from work everyday, sit on your porch and yell at the kids on their bikes and skateboards to put on their helmets. It is very important .

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That's a bunch of BS. If they really cared, pitchers would be forced to wear helmets, they would stop players from targeting SS and 2nd basemen. There are far more serious and more prevalent areas to address. I hope you rush home from work everyday, sit on your porch and yell at the kids on their bikes and skateboards to put on their helmets. It is very important .

I think he failed to show his sarcasm thingy. He was not serious. You're on the same page.

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That's a bunch of BS. If they really cared, pitchers would be forced to wear helmets, they would stop players from targeting SS and 2nd basemen. There are far more serious and more prevalent areas to address. I hope you rush home from work everyday, sit on your porch and yell at the kids on their bikes and skateboards to put on their helmets. It is very important .

None of the other things you mentioned are as violent as home-plate collisions. Baseball isn't football-- there's no need to have players violently hurtling themselves at each other for the express purpose of jostling a ball free. Home plate collisions are an unnecessarily violent part of a sport that has no need for it.

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