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MLB has now decided to eliminate home-plate collisions at home plate


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I don't fall for slippery slope arguments. I think they're usually lazy and sensationalistic. Batting helmets didn't lead to wrapping everyone in bubble wrap and playing with whiffle balls.

Rational people can just decide to do what makes sense.

But in real life there are slippery slopes. Why would that be lazy? Or sensationalistic? It's common sense.

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I'll try to stay out of the wild exaggeration and faux-machismo and just say I agree with the new rule. Baseball is not a contact sport.[/QUOTE]

Full contact, no. Some contact, yes.

Baseball is not even a semi-contact sport. There happens to be incidental contact on occasion, yes, but it's entirely possible to play a 9-inning game without ever having touched an opposing player (or teammate, for that matter).

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But in real life there are slippery slopes. Why would that be lazy? Or sensationalistic? It's common sense.

Because if all of the "real life" slippery slopes actually happened we'd already be in the Seventh Circle of Hell. And, near as I can tell, we aren't.

The league's made one small rule change that won't, in any way, shape or form, hurt the game. It's not going to lead to baseball becoming some sort of shell of its former self.

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Because if all of the "real life" slippery slopes actually happened we'd already be in the Seventh Circle of Hell. And, near as I can tell, we aren't.

The league's made one small rule change that won't, in any way, shape or form, hurt the game. It's not going to lead to baseball becoming some sort of shell of its former self.

You have your opinion, I have mine. Good day Sir.

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But in real life there are slippery slopes. Why would that be lazy? Or sensationalistic? It's common sense.

Do I really need to explain this? Most arguments are now framed with hyperbolic slippery slope arguments, apparently to get attention. I suppose a tiny handful turn out to be true, but most are cartoonishly outlandish. Vietnam fell... but amazingly we aren't a Soviet state. Machine guns were mostly banned... but somehow I still own other guns. Baseball added the DH... and yet SSs and CFers still have to hit.

Maybe this is related to the hypertraditionalist mindset baseball falls back on. It's equating the smallest incremental change with radical revolution.

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Do I really need to explain this? Most arguments are now framed with hyperbolic slippery slope arguments, apparently to get attention. I suppose a tiny handful turn out to be true, but most are cartoonishly outlandish. Vietnam fell... but amazingly we aren't a Soviet state. Machine guns were mostly banned... but somehow I still own other guns. Baseball added the DH... and yet SSs and CFers still have to hit.

Maybe this is related to the hypertraditionalist mindset baseball falls back on. It's equating the smallest incremental change with radical revolution.

My arguments and outlook are framed in reality and I don't crave attention. Far from it. I simply see a trend in sports, and society, that is trying to nanny everything. Anyone that has ever put a jock on knows the risks of injury and accepts that as part of playing the game. Maybe I am a traditionalist. Part of what comes with that is the realization that if something isn't broke, you don't have to fix it. Except in today's society, everyone is trying to fix everything so we can live in utopia.

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My arguments and outlook are framed in reality and I don't crave attention. Far from it. I simply see a trend in sports, and society, that is trying to nanny everything. Anyone that has ever put a jock on knows the risks of injury and accepts that as part of playing the game. Maybe I am a traditionalist. Part of what comes with that is the realization that if something isn't broke, you don't have to fix it. Except in today's society, everyone is trying to fix everything so we can live in utopia.

And you just did what I suggested: even small changes that could be simply undone if they don't work are characterized as a sinister part of a vast utopian conspiracy.

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And you just did what I suggested: even small changes that could be simply undone if they don't work are characterized as a sinister part of a vast utopian conspiracy.

Wow! You are so intelligent you can read my mind. Amazing! Are you working at a County Fair this week?

No conspiracy, just common sense.

While I admire your intelligence and knowledge about multiple subjects you go over the edge sometimes. JMO

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Yes I know he wasn't a Catcher but still...


Ryan Freel died last December from a self-inflicted gunshot wound after an eight-year major league playing career during which he claimed to have suffered 10 concussions.
Freel, the center has discovered, was suffering from Stage II CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) at the time of his death.
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You really have to have your head in the sand to be against this rule period.

Perhaps you have not seen that The NFL just shelled out 800M to settle lawsuits associated with head injuries and such.

This isn't your fathers baseball game anymore. Guys that are 6'4" and 225 that run a 4.5 flying around third base with no intention of even trying to touch the plate but instead are trying to blow up the catcher, has no place in the game of Baseball.

Bud Selig finally does something i agree with.

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I just saw that and wondered if anyone had posted about it. Sad. It means he was partly killed by his concussions playing baseball including for the Orioles.


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