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Morales may not have job until after the June Draft


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It may be fair to wonder whether he will be able to better the qualifying offer that he turned down. (It would not be the first time that something like this has happened: Jason Varitek declined arbitration, under the prior Type A/B compensation system, only to re-sign with the Red Sox for far less than he stood to earn via arbitration.) Indeed, one GM even told Peter Gammons that he "just cannot see Kendrys Morales signing until after the draft."


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Have to think the situation with Morales is somewhat different considering the compensation changes and valuation of draft picks. The qualifying offer seems to be the kiss of death for some of these mid tier free agents.

Or maybe he should have just taken the 1/14.1 million dollar contract. Please kiss me with that. Was Boras Loshe's agent too? Can Seattle do a sign and trade? I bet he takes a 2/18 type deal from a team with a protected first round pick.

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What if a team has already signed a FA that took a draft pick? Would they be able to sign Morales without giving up one or do they take the 2nd round pick?

They would lose their next draft pick, including any comp picks. The Yankees gave up their first round and comp picks.

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Have to think the situation with Morales is somewhat different considering the compensation changes and valuation of draft picks. The qualifying offer seems to be the kiss of death for some of these mid tier free agents.

There was no reason for Seattle to take that chance. Even less for Morales to reject. Someone in the Player's Association must have leaked the solidarity agreement.

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Or maybe he should have just taken the 1/14.1 million dollar contract. Please kiss me with that. Was Boras Loshe's agent too? Can Seattle do a sign and trade? I bet he takes a 2/18 type deal from a team with a protected first round pick.

Maybe, but without that QO he'd surely get more.

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Man, Morales has some bad luck. First the freak ankle thing, then getting traded to a crappy team in a pitchers park for his walk year, now he has a QO draft pick baggage that will both hinder his pay and his opportunities.

He should have taken it. There is no way he finds 14 million for a single year anywhere. If he can even get a job.

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I seem to remember Atlanta doing a sign-and-trade transaction a few years back which got around the draft pick compensation. Is that possible? Could a deal be worked where Seattle signs Morales and then we trade Seattle a prospect that we rate as less valuable than our 1st round pick for Morales? Legal?

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