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Morales may not have job until after the June Draft


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I seem to remember Atlanta doing a sign-and-trade transaction a few years back which got around the draft pick compensation. Is that possible? Could a deal be worked where Seattle signs Morales and then we trade Seattle a prospect that we rate as less valuable than our 1st round pick for Morales? Legal?

That was before the new system was in place.

To allow a sign and trade now would admit the new system is a failure.

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I seem to remember Atlanta doing a sign-and-trade transaction a few years back which got around the draft pick compensation. Is that possible? Could a deal be worked where Seattle signs Morales and then we trade Seattle a prospect that we rate as less valuable than our 1st round pick for Morales? Legal?

Bud says he would invoke good of the game.

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They need to change the QO system. Players who play long enough to gain free agency status shouldn't have that status undermined by the compensation system.

Please see warorioles' comment below.

Guys are going to have to learn when to take those offers.

The whole point of the system is to compensate teams who have good players leave while not completely hindering the players. If you don't think $14+ Mil. is "enough", then I'm not quite sure what to tell you.

It's a hell of a lot better than what was in place before the QO system. Before, all the Type A/B FA system did was hinder guys like middle relievers for being productive. Teams like NY, Bos., LA, etc. didn't care about the lost pick because they could just take younger guys in the draft (i.e., high school guys w/ 1st rd. talent, but who wanted to go to college or who were just "raw toolsy" type guys) in later rounds and then (greatly) overpay them. Or they could throw a ton of money into young, latin players who don't need to go thru the drafting system. Or they could greatly overpay in Japan's bidding system. All things that rewarded big spending clubs and hindered clubs that either didn't have the money to spend (see: A's, Twin's) or refused to spend (see: your local MLB franchise) ... all while doing absolutely nothing for the players.

The QO system puts it on the team instead of automatically "sticking" the player with the draft pick compensation. Yes, they can make the offer, but that's $14+ Mil. to that player that they are guaranteeing if he takes it. And that's only going to keep going up in coming years.

It's not Seattle's fault for making the QO; it's Morales fault for not taking it. Did he really think he was going to make that much than $14 Mil? Especially with draft pick compensation attached to him? Guys have just got to learn when to take that offer. Morales is good ... but he's not worth (over])paying for AND losing a 1st round pick. Neither was Kyle Lohse the year before. They both just got bad advice from their agents.

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I seem to remember Atlanta doing a sign-and-trade transaction a few years back which got around the draft pick compensation. Is that possible? Could a deal be worked where Seattle signs Morales and then we trade Seattle a prospect that we rate as less valuable than our 1st round pick for Morales? Legal?

The braves trade was Rafael Soriano.

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I would not be shocked if we went after him. I know it sounds crazy to some but DH is a position. He is poor defensively but he could still spell Davis 25 games or so. You might be able to get a 31 year old switch hitter that produces from both sides of the plate at a reasonable price. Dan Duquette has said they might be willing to give up a pick. Unlike Beltran, Morales is much younger. I could see a team giving him an incentive laden deal. It wouldn't make sense to sign him for one year. Seattle has all the leverage with him. Would he be willing to sign a cheap contract with Seattle or take a chance on himself somewhere else? He isn't going to sit out, I am not buying that. Beltran will be 37 and his defense isn't getting any better. I am not the biggest WAR person but Morales was at 2.7 last year and Beltran 2.4, just food for thought.

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I would not be shocked if we went after him. I know it sounds crazy to some but DH is a position. He is poor defensively but he could still spell Davis 25 games or so. You might be able to get a 31 year old switch hitter that produces from both sides of the plate at a reasonable price. Dan Duquette has said they might be willing to give up a pick. Unlike Beltran, Morales is much younger. I could see a team giving him an incentive laden deal. It wouldn't make sense to sign him for one year. Seattle has all the leverage with him. Would he be willing to sign a cheap contract with Seattle or take a chance on himself somewhere else? He isn't going to sit out, I am not buying that. Beltran will be 37 and his defense isn't getting any better. I am not the biggest WAR person but Morales was at 2.7 last year and Beltran 2.4, just food for thought.

He turned down a guaranteed $14+ Mil. for next season. I can't seem him taking a discounted deal now. Though, that may change if we're pushing into Spring Training and he's still out there. Even so, how much of a "discount" would he have to take for it to be worth us losing a draft pick?

Just don't see the O's making this type of move.

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