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Per Connolly: O's intensifying interest in Morales (Roch says he's hearing no)


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You suck Mike, my friend! Make me learn ish drunk on a Friday night! smh

I don't even know what this means!

S?io credesse che mia risposta fosse

A persona che mai tornasse al mondo,

Questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.

Ma perciocche giammai di questo fondo

Non torno vivo alcun, s?i?odo il vero,

Senza tema d?infamia ti rispondo.

LET us go then, you and I,

When the evening is spread out against the sky

Like a patient etherized upon a table;

Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,

The muttering retreats

Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels

And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:

Streets that follow like a tedious argument

Of insidious intent

To lead you to an overwhelming question?.

Oh, do not ask, ?What is it??

Let us go and make our visit.

In the room the women come and go

Talking of Michelangelo.

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,

The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes

Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,

Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,

Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,

Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,

And seeing that it was a soft October night,

Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.

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You suck Mike, my friend! Make me learn ish drunk on a Friday night! smh

I don't even know what this means!

S?io credesse che mia risposta fosse

A persona che mai tornasse al mondo,

Questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.

Ma perciocche giammai di questo fondo

Non torno vivo alcun, s?i?odo il vero,

Senza tema d?infamia ti rispondo.

LET us go then, you and I,

When the evening is spread out against the sky

Like a patient etherized upon a table;

Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,

The muttering retreats

Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels

And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:

Streets that follow like a tedious argument

Of insidious intent

To lead you to an overwhelming question?.

Oh, do not ask, ?What is it??

Let us go and make our visit.

In the room the women come and go

Talking of Michelangelo.

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,

The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes

Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,

Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,

Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,

Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,

And seeing that it was a soft October night,

Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.

You don't need to learn.

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I ALWAYS need to learn!

If I believed that my reply was

A person who never returned to the world,

This flame without more staria shock.

Because of this fund but never

Did any one return, s'i'odo the truth,

Without the fear of infamy I answer you.

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You suck Mike, my friend! Make me learn ish drunk on a Friday night! smh

I don't even know what this means!

S?io credesse che mia risposta fosse

A persona che mai tornasse al mondo,

Questa fiamma staria senza piu scosse.

Ma perciocche giammai di questo fondo

Non torno vivo alcun, s?i?odo il vero,

Senza tema d?infamia ti rispondo.

LET us go then, you and I,

When the evening is spread out against the sky

Like a patient etherized upon a table;

Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,

The muttering retreats

Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels

And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:

Streets that follow like a tedious argument

Of insidious intent

To lead you to an overwhelming question?.

Oh, do not ask, ?What is it??

Let us go and make our visit.

In the room the women come and go

Talking of Michelangelo.

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,

The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes

Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,

Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,

Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,

Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,

And seeing that it was a soft October night,

Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.

Excerpted verbatim from the first Comment (by Mark C) on Roch's Feb. 17 piece "Aceves' first day brings first positive signs" http://www.masnsports.com/school_of_roch/2014/02/aceves-first-day-brings-first-positive-signs.html

"The off season of '13-14

(or the Prufrockian GM)"


But seeing that it was a soft October night,

[Dan] curled once about the warehouse, and fell asleep.

And indeed, he thinks, there will be time

Time for you and time for me

And time yet for a hundred indecisions,

And for a hundred visions and revisions,

Before the taking of a toast and tea.

For Dan has known them all already, known them all:

Has known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,

He has measured out our lives with coffee spoons.

Should he, after tea and cakes and ices,

Have the strength to force the moment to its crisis?

But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed,

We have seen the moment of our greatness flicker,

Have seen the eternal Footman hold our coats, and snicker,

And in short, I am afraid.


A pursuit not for the slow, faint-hearted.

Spring training has already started.

Tanaka, Choo and, yes, Cano

Were perfect fits for us, you know

But we were not deemed to be in their class

Garza, Kazmir and Burnett

Were the guys we had to get

But we have chosen to just let them pass

Arroyo, Hudson, and Colon

Came and went, the seeds were sewn.

Jason Vargas, Douglas Fister

Somehow got right by you, Mister!

We'll get our guy, Dan still says,

But all that's left is Jiminez

And Santana, too, it seems

But both would help our playoff dreams

Can Dan somehow beat the clock

And cause the Yards to truly rock?

Can he get a Starter and a Hitter?

And Retrieve our prospects from the outhouse?

Santana can pitch, and Morales can rake.

Adding those two to the team would make

The winter's frustration almost go away

and keep the pitchforks and torches at bay.

With those two on board, it could almost be said

That we maybe, just maybe we might come out ahead

When compared with the team from two years ago

That took the Yanks to the limit in the October show.

The ending's not here, though Spring Training's begun

But there are few days left to get the work done.

The window's not closed yet, tho it's closing fast.

Come on, now Dan Duquette and get off your unfortunate tendency to do nothing

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