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Minor Leaguers as the Working Poor


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College education, doesn't always gain you successful income. Granted, it can improve your chances.

In today's economy, there are way too many educated college workers, out of work, or working outside their field, making less than what they thought they would.

2011 Median Salary in Maryland.

With High School Diploma


With Bachelors Degree




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The topic is acceptable. Political discussions are not. Thanks.

This is a political discussion. Tell me what you mean by politics, since it obviously isn't the commonly accepted English language definition of the term?


the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, esp. the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. These other areas include the organizations of ML and MiL baseball, and their relationship with government, re": anti trust laws and union organizations. By acting as a moderator you are engaging in politics. Pretty hard to avoid them at any level.

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Sure they are not paid enough but they signed up for it. They can quit at any time. Not sure how it is different from someone waiting tables in NY or LA trying to break into the entertainment biz.

Yeah, it's sort of like how doctors are paid relatively low salaries for an enormous amount of hours during their residency, but then move on to high-paying jobs. I guess the difference is that doctors' residencies are for a set length of time, and just about everyone ends up with that high-paying job. And I think resident pay has gradually increased - there used to be none - and hours have been limited.

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A person "elects" to accept the opportunity to play pro baseball when/if it is offered. They have the freedom of choice to accept or not. The lucky few who are gifted and truly talent will get sizable bonuses to alleviate the financial strains of playing in the minor leagues. Everyone else has to get a job. Most get outside help from parent and relatives. These are kids chasing a dream. MLB teams are giving them the chance to make those dreams come true. Both are buying a lottery ticket despite the odds against it paying off big. If someone doesn't like the odds, or the conditions, they are free to walk away. I see no reason to change anything and possibly mess up a system that works.

Bravo. Nicely stated.

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No. It's is not necessarily a good thing. Baseball as we know it would not exist without the government exclusions that are provided it. I like the world in it's flawed state. It is the only world I have known. I prefer the beauty in the flaws and accept that all outcomes are not optimal.
Wow that sounds a lot like, you know, your political opinion, man.
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This is a political discussion. Tell me what you mean by politics, since it obviously isn't the commonly accepted English language definition of the term?


the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, esp. the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. These other areas include the organizations of ML and MiL baseball, and their relationship with government, re": anti trust laws and union organizations. By acting as a moderator you are engaging in politics. Pretty hard to avoid them at any level.

If you're having trouble, I guess you could just stop commenting in this thread.

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Sure they are not paid enough but they signed up for it. They can quit at any time. Not sure how it is different from someone waiting tables in NY or LA trying to break into the entertainment biz.

While waiting tables, those future actors must be paid at least minimum wage (at least once tips are accounted for, etc.). That's a significant difference.

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This is a political discussion. Tell me what you mean by politics, since it obviously isn't the commonly accepted English language definition of the term?


the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, esp. the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. These other areas include the organizations of ML and MiL baseball, and their relationship with government, re": anti trust laws and union organizations. By acting as a moderator you are engaging in politics. Pretty hard to avoid them at any level.

I mean governmental politics. Of a country. Not a message board. Thanks.

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This is a political discussion. Tell me what you mean by politics, since it obviously isn't the commonly accepted English language definition of the term?


the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, esp. the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. These other areas include the organizations of ML and MiL baseball, and their relationship with government, re": anti trust laws and union organizations. By acting as a moderator you are engaging in politics. Pretty hard to avoid them at any level.

Just stop. Seriously, stop. You are just stirring up trouble for no reason. No one else has an issue with this discussion so stop. If someone starts talking democtras or republicans or takes this in different direction then we'll step in, but until then, you are not moderator so stop telling weams what he or can't post or what fits our definition of politics or doesn't.

If you don't like it, go to another thread. Everyone else is trying to have a conversation and not worrying about semantics or the exact meaning of the word politics.

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While waiting tables, those future actors must be paid at least minimum wage (at least once tips are accounted for, etc.). That's a significant difference.

Are MiLers paid less than minimum wage when you account for the number of months they are being paid to play baseball? I used to work in MiL baseball, and most of the guys who played got other jobs in the offseason. Several even worked in the FO doing ticket sales-type stuff.

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I mean governmental politics. Of a country. Not a message board. Thanks.
Doesn't this discussion involve the notion of the anti trust laws. Isn't that an aspect of governmental politics? Should governmental organizations intervene in any way with the "free market"?
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Are MiLers paid less than minimum wage when you account for the number of months they are being paid to play baseball? I used to work in MiL baseball, and most of the guys who played got other jobs in the offseason. Several even worked in the FO doing ticket sales-type stuff.

And, if I'm not mistaken, wouldn't they receive their health care through the organization?

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