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Britt's Birdwatch: Adam Jones Talks Fans on the Field


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Regardless of whether most of these people are harmless, it's still a player safety issue. I agree with Jones except for stupid isn't the term I would use. It's more than that. It's all a lighthearted occurrence until somebody gets attacked.

But I don't think people would go up to a ball player if they knew he was allowed to spike them in the twig and berries.

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Regardless of whether most of these people are harmless, it's still a player safety issue. I agree with Jones except for stupid isn't the term I would use. It's more than that. It's all a lighthearted occurrence until somebody gets attacked.

But I don't think people would go up to a ball player if they knew he was allowed to spike them in the twig and berries.


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"It wasn't about breaking out, man. It was about continuously doing what we do, swing the bats," he said. "Some days you get them, some days you don't. Today we got them. Now, it's over with. Tomorrow we have to come out and do the same exact thing with the same approach.

"We've been swinging the bats good. It's hitting the balls right at people. You guys want results. I got it. It's all about results. We look at things a little bit differently. We've had good at-bats. That's all we really ask out of everybody is have a good at-bat, go up there and compete. We know that you're not guaranteed to get a hit, but you can go up there with a good approach, and the first eight games of the season, everybody's went up there with a really good approach. We're just getting pitches to hit."

Is it easier to hit in warmer weather?

"It ain't easy to hit, no matter what," Jones replied. "There's the misconception. It's never easy to hit. I don't know whoever said that, but you've got to go out and compete, man. There's a guy on the mound who has to eat also and you're going to be battling each other and playing chess. Today, we were able to get to the queen quicker."


"I'm not going to make excuses," he said. "The Yankees lost the first two games to the Astros. Are the Yankees done? You've got to be kidding? It's a 162-game season, but that's the media. That's you guys' job, to create a story when there really isn't a story, just to have a story. We don't buy into it as players. It's kind of just go with the flow and understand that this game is long and the game's hard, and look at the results."


"Oh, yeah," he said. "I've liked this team for a long time. It's like how this clubhouse is every day. We're laughing and enjoying ourselves.


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No, you can never stop people from getting on the field, but stricter penalties would help. I think not showing them on TV has helped, too. It's easy for us to say most of these people are harmless, but for a player it only takes one to have something really terrible happen. You can never eliminate all unsafe situations, but you can work to reduce them. I support what Adam said, I think some of it was deliberate hyperbole, but his message was right on.

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Completely agree with AJ#10. Drunken idiots....hopefully charged with criminal trespass.

Think about tennis pro Monica Seles being stabbed by that crazed German fan....Seles was completely dominant and clearly on her way to being an all-time great. She's still considered among the greatest but was never the same afterwards.

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Two words: Mike Curtis.
This is how we treat idiots on the field in Charm City. I would love to see Jonesy put a hit like that on one of these jokers.

That's a classic!! I never get tired of watching that!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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IN wrestling, when a drunk idiot fan runs into the ring, the wrestlers go real on his ass and beat the spit out of him. I agree with Adam...let the players start attacking the fans with metal spiked karate kicks, and you'll have a lot less people running onto the field.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Major League Baseball is reviewing <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Orioles&src=hash">#Orioles</a> CF Adam Jones' postgame comments yesterday regarding fans running onto the field. <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23MLB&src=hash">#MLB</a></p>— Eduardo A. Encina (@EddieInTheYard) <a href="
">April 9, 2014</a></blockquote>

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I would hope they are only reviewing his comments to make sure they were sufficiently awesome.

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