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New to the forum, and a question


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A few years ago I wrote a very long piece about the perception of Black athletes in U.S. society and how the reactions are different to the alleged transgressions of Black athletes vs. White athletes. I wrote it because I did detect a weird kind of over-reaction to anything Adam Jones did or said.

Here it is: http://forum.orioleshangout.com/forums/showthread.php/98349-Adam-Jones-race-and-misrepresentations?highlight=Adam

Some people agreed with me and some said my conclusions were wrong and I was trying to create a racist mood on the OH. In that piece I quoted a couple of articles that discussed how we're all neuro-linguistically programmed to use certain code words and associate various negative attributes with Black people.

This doesn't mean everyone is "racist" - it means that our collective media culture puts out certain images repeatedly and we will often subconsciously make stereotypical associations with said images. For example: seeing a brown-skinned man in a turban post-9/11 will trigger subconscious associations based on stereotypes. It doesn't make you "evil" but we're living in a culture of Islamophobia and we've been hit with images of brown guys in turbans blowing stuff up on the movies and TV for decades.

Now, with Adam Jones, I do feel that SOME of the criticism is based on performance alone. I don't like how he swings at balls 10 inches off the plate, but then I've seen some critiques of the man that are way over the top. Jones is developing into the kind of player we've wanted for years: a grinder who has fire in his belly about being an Oriole and is willing to take a stand about the team being winners. He's helped to change the passive culture of the O's locker room from the days when it was B-Rob and Markakis putting their heads down after the numerous losses.

There are some posters (a VERY small percentage) who've made some comments I've not liked but you cannot prove "racism" on a message board. However, I will say that I find that some folks do have a very strong anti-Black/African-American bias and it shows in the things they say.

Also, if you find yourself getting defensive whenever anyone mentions the topic of race or ethnic relations in sports, you might want to take a long hard look in the mirror.


There may be fans on this board that are married to an African American, to a

Hispanic or Asian. I hate for someone to accuse others of racism when they don't

know that person. Simply because that person complains when AJ swings at a

pitch that is low and away. Maybe they are bothered by somethings he may say.

That doesn't prove any racism.

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Guest rochester
I grew up in Jim Crow BAL. The average middle class sensibility was not only racist, but anti-Semitic, homophobic, and misogynistic. By the time I was 6 I had been steeped in this. It has taken me a life time to come to recognize the predispositions in me for these prejudices, and to try to be vigilant against them. I dare not stop looking in the mirror. But maybe things are different for younger generations.

Not at all... first, I am not from a younger generation, and actually believe they are doing a better job than past generations did. Second, I did not say that some should not look "in the mirror", but in every instance? If I criticize Obama over a policy should I look into a mirror because it is based on his race? or Romney because of his religion? Were family members of mine spit on and called "baby killers" when they came home from Vietnam because of their vocation?

I agree and commend you to look into the proverbial mirror when you believe your vigilance has waned. But, even though you began with "maybe things are different" I hope you are looking at the mirror now as the statement in its entirety can be construed as a definitive prejudice against "younger generations", which includes all races, religions, etc..

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Not at all... first, I am not from a younger generation, and actually believe they are doing a better job than past generations did. Second, I did not say that some should not look "in the mirror", but in every instance?

I agree and commend you to look into the proverbial mirror when you believe your vigilIf I criticize Obama over a policy should I look into a mirror because it is based on his race? or Romney because of his religion? Were family members of mine spit on and called "baby killers" when they came home from Vietnam because of their vocation?

ance has waned. But, even though you began with "maybe things are different" I hope you are looking at the mirror now as the statement in its entirety can be construed as a definitive prejudice against "younger generations", which includes all races, religions, etc..

In a word, yes. Otherwise a self satisfied complacency will quickly lead to harm. How hard is it to take a moments reflection to analyze the source of an emotional response, or even an intellectual rationalization. You can construe the statement that things may be different any way you need to. My intent was to acknowledge that in my life time which, I imagine is a bit longer than yours, I have seen incredible improvement. I didn't attend school with black children until high school, and you never saw black faces on TV except as maids and Amos n Andy. How different today with a black president. But that is no reason to rest on our laurels, do you think?
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No, I would use jerk. Antics at least, are associated with amusement.

I don't know why you are trying to give the word "antics" a racial connotation. It is a fairly innocuous word, IMO, that can be associated with amusement, but is also associated with foolish behavior. We waste too much time nowadays trying to figure out what people mean when they use certain words when there was no intent to offend. Obviously some words are off limits, but antics? That's quite a reach.

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I wonder if he were white you would use the word antics to describe his behavior.

Yes I would. Blowing bubbles may bother some. Some of things he said about fans

on the field. You think I am a racist because I used the word antics? There you go

you accuse me when you don't know me. Some could be in an interracial marriage

yet calling or insinuating someone is racist seems to be what's popular today by

some on this board.

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Yes I would. Blowing bubbles may bother some. Some of things he said about fans

on the field. You think I am a racist because I used the word antics? There you go

you accuse me when you don't know me. Some could be in an interracial marriage

yet calling or insinuating someone is racist seems to be what's popular today by

some on this board.

Some on this board are just plain %&$%%^&**, and it has nothing to do with the color of their skin.

What they post and how they like to debate and argue every nuance of every post is crazy, this alone earns them their label.

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I really like Jones as a player. I like that he's becoming more outspoken and while he may not be expressing himself in the best way, he's intent and thoughts are valid.

I don't care about the bubbles. What I do care about is that he's developed into a leader on the team. I do care that he's a solid defensive outfielder and I do care that he's a very good hitter.

I also do give him some grief over his propensity to swing at the low and away breaking pitch way out of the zone, though he seems to have done a bit better so far this season (a few instances notwithstanding). I think that grief is because it's frustrating to watch and it is the one significant hole in the game of a player that otherwise has no significant weaknesses.

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I don't know why you are trying to give the word "antics" a racial connotation. It is a fairly innocuous word, IMO, that can be associated with amusement, but is also associated with foolish behavior. We waste too much time nowadays trying to figure out what people mean when they use certain words when there was no intent to offend. Obviously some words are off limits, but antics? That's quite a reach.

I did not use the word antics to offend anyone. That did not even inter my mind.

Golly some get offended so easily. By a simple little word. Never even dawned on

me that the word antics is a racist word now.

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