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Reminder: Stinson is 4a Fodder


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At least my conclusions, unlike your hunches (to put it mildly), are based on statistics and clearly, coherently presented. Interesting that you chose not to respond to that but thought it easier to accuse me of calling you names, which I didn't. Verbs aren't nouns.

This is a message board, not a college term paper. I don't need to prove a thing to you. We will see who is right.

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Not a fan of Stinson. Didn't like him in spring training and was disappointed that he made the team. I don't see him lasting past the All Star break. Having said that I'm okay with them continuing to give him innings until he shows what he can do. The sample size doesn't suggest he should be sent down yet.

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I said love fest (meaning people think he belongs here): I don't. I am sorry you disagree but I didn't say anything about walking on water.

I'll repeat my offer: if you are convinced he is a solid bullpen arm: let's make a friendly bet, just for fun.

Who are you trying to make a bet with? I don't think there are any Josh Stinson fanatics on the board, just fans willing to give him a chance. I don't understand this thread.

I don't understand it, either.

I don't even have a Josh Stinson jersey.

3 Brad Bergesen jerseys, yes. But not Josh Stinson.

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See this is my issue with the love fest with him on here. How much did he pitch last year ? Not much.

Matusz looked like a #1 starter for a short while too.

He has looked bad more than good.

I think he must be related to some posters on here. I just don't get it.


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Josh Stinson was very good in the Orioles bullpen, last year, and this spring. He was awful today. He was pretty bad against Toronto in his start last year. Maybe he should not pitch against the sign stealing Jays

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This is a message board, not a college term paper. I don't need to prove a thing to you. We will see who is right.

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A hint for your hunches. Bet against everyone that tries to play this game. You will be right far more times than not. By the way, you were the one that called out Stinson supporters. Not the other way around. I am sure you meant no harm though. In fact - it feels like a harmless rant here.

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I said love fest (meaning people think he belongs here): I don't. I am sorry you disagree but I didn't say anything about walking on water.

I'll repeat my offer: if you are convinced he is a solid bullpen arm: let's make a friendly bet, just for fun.

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Tony says he will be designated tomorrow. Tony usual has a good feel for these things. In a bullpen with few option-able components there are bound to be a casualty or two throughout the season.

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Tony says he will be designated tomorrow. Tony usual has a good feel for these things. In a bullpen with few option-able components there are bound to be a casualty or two throughout the season.

Hey, look on the bright side. At least now he probably won't get claimed by another team if we DFA him.

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I said it when our prospect list was announced by the OH. I said Aceves should have been kept over him and I'll say it again: Stinson isn't that good. He is textbook 4a. Excels at AAA, can't cut it in the majors.

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Totally agree. He looked like he was throwing BP today. Meatballs right down the heart of the plate. If Ayala gets healthy again they should call him up to take his place or else lose him now for Steve Johnson.

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So it's just about the opinion, not about any logic. Got it. My little sister could probably pick more winners in NFL football some Sundays than you. It doesn't mean she knows more football than you do.

Next thing, someone will spout that all opinions are created equal.

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I said it when our prospect list was announced by the OH. I said Aceves should have been kept over him and I'll say it again: Stinson isn't that good. He is textbook 4a. Excels at AAA, can't cut it in the majors.

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Honestly dude ....must you be negative everytime a guy has a bad night???

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Honestly dude ....must you be negative everytime a guy has a bad night???

I think you have me confused with other posters..I don't. I have thought Stinson is 4A since last year. I stated that a few times now. I think specifically, people overate him on here. I haven't bashed anyone else all year except today in this thread or stating Jimenz's performance today makes me officially "concerned"-is that bashing?

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