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Sun: "Complex Issues put Bedard Deal On Hold"


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I do not know if either of these have been posted but: http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/7726024/Source:-M's-deal-for-Bedard-on-hold?CMP=OTC-K9B140813162&ATT=49

Rosenthall - who has proven to be largely useless in most trade issues involving the O's (recall the "O's & Astros have broken off talks" story moments before the trade was announced - while the most reliable source on the Seattle side: http://prospectinsider.com/ believes the hold up is that Angelos is pissed the trade was leaked by Seattle.

While it has happened to several other teams that also do not have Baltimore on their road uniforms where a trade is killed because on side leaked too much too soon, I really do not think this is what is happening here.

And, while I do not think Angelos operates on the same plane of reality that the rest of us do, I just can't believe he is naive enough to think Bedard was being honest when he said he would love to re-sign if the deal was for 5 or more years. Anything is possible - look at Mora and Gibbons - but how could the same guy who let Mussina walk over 1 year and passed on several quality pitchers over the last 5 years because they wanted more than 3 years want to go 5 years on Bedard?

Another really important thing is that this is not the 1st time Seattle has pulled Jones from games in the past month. The last time this happened Jones said he was being traded to Baltimore and the Seattle media said he was on his way to the US only to find no trade and Jones still in Venezuela.

My gut feeling is that they reached the final frame work and then MacPhail said something similar to "Let me run this by PA. I am sure he will approve, but he will not be available until Tuesday. I'll call you back." Bavasi, not quite having the grasp on the language his father did, jumps right on the phone to pull Jones from games lest he get hurt and blow the deal. Again???" Jones says. "You are going to Baltimore," Bavasi replies, "and you will need to take a physical for them, but this time it is for real!" Bavasi leaves out the part about keeping it under his hat.

The other possibility is that, just like the Roberts to Chicago deal, once the deal was agreed to MacPhail got greedy and tried to squeeze out a little extra.

We may never know, but my gut also tells me the deal is happening, it is just going to happen in PA time.

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FWIW My boss lives in the same area has PA, and there are rumors of family issues that could have a profound affect on his family life and maybe even the team. From that pressure and being older it could be some health issues, or he could have the stomach flu that is going around. If so he will be out of commission for at least 2 days.

We are such a banana republic. Can PA at least take a hint from his hero Fidel and cede power to his brother or somebody in good enough health to sign off on decisions? He can pop his head out every few months to let us know he's still alive...

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I just refuse to believe that an early leak to the media would be enough to call off a trade that has been painstakingly worked out and agreed to by both sides. If the trade were to go through, it would never matter ever that it was reported a day earlier in the newspaper. It just doesn't make sense, at all.

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I just refuse to believe that an early leak to the media would be enough to call off a trade that has been painstakingly worked out and agreed to by both sides. If the trade were to go through, it would never matter ever that it was reported a day earlier in the newspaper. It just doesn't make sense, at all.

Agreed. That explanation falls completely flat.

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I just refuse to believe that an early leak to the media would be enough to call off a trade that has been painstakingly worked out and agreed to by both sides. If the trade were to go through, it would never matter ever that it was reported a day earlier in the newspaper. It just doesn't make sense, at all.

PA has done lots of things over the years that make no sense.

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If this thing falls apart like it's looking, all you "keep Bedard" and "keep Roberts" fans should be happy. The Orioles will not get another team in the majors to do any serious negotiating with them. They will be stuck with everyone on the roster until their contract expires (too soon for some, too long for others)

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PA has done lots of things over the years that make no sense.

heck, it didn't make sense that he would bring in a respectable, capable front office man to run baseball operations the way it should be run.

the hits keep a comin' !

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My gut feeling is that they reached the final frame work and then MacPhail said something similar to "Let me run this by PA. I am sure he will approve, but he will not be available until Tuesday. I'll call you back."

My gut is having a similar feeling. Not sure if it's related to this or all the Pepto Bismol I recently consumed. :D

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I really find articles like this a waste of time. It basically says, "there is a behind the scenes issue that is holding up the deal." Well thanks, but I knew 99.44% of that before I read the damb article. :) What's the point in telling us that there's something we don't know? I think we knew that there was something we didn't know. We read, to learn these things, not to be reminded of our ignorance. :)

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I really find articles like this a waste of time. It basically says, "there is a behind the scenes issue that is holding up the deal." Well thanks, but I knew 99.44% of that before I read the damb article. :) What's the point in telling us that there's something we don't know? I think we knew that there was something we didn't know. We read, to learn these things, not to be reminded of our ignorance. :)

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Was that English? :P

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