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Koji Uehara linked to Orioles in MLBTraderumors.


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A few questions:

1. Who cares if Britton > Koji or not? Isn't the relevant question is the bullpen better with Koji closing and Britton setting him up?

2. Assuming the O's actually have interest in Koji, would they ever try to expand the deal to bring back someone like Peavy too? (Im not saying that is smart or un-smart)

3. Are there other 8th/9th inning relievers on selling teams that would still improve the bullpen without having to deal inside the division?

4. Does anyone know where my car keys are?

1. The bullpen is better with Koji (if healthy) over the group of MiLB pitchers who've been passing through. Doesn't matter if Koji is 9th inning or earlier.

2. I doubt it. He's not pitching that well and the Sux would want even more in trade.

3. Sure. Qualls or Sipp in Houston for example.

4. Between the center and left living room sofa cushions.

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I would love to have Koji added to the pen if he came without cost. I guess this whole conversation is a little silly as we don't know what Boston would ask for him and we don't know if he's healthy.

I think we can all agree that our bonafide prospects are precious to us. The question becomes a cost/benefit one. We don't know the cost and we don't know the benefit due to injury. So, I guess I'm done with this thread after coming to the conclusion that there isn't much to argue about here:)

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I am. The Horror. The Horror.

There's a rumble in the floorboards

No shutting out the sound

And the workers are below me digging underground

Feel the building all around me

Like a wrap of armored skin

But the more we are protected

The more we're trapped within

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