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Tom Verducci: Age and Contracts in the Post PED Era


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After reading the above posted article and then these comments, I for the first time since I was young kid have.. hope.. for the Orioles' future. I had hope for the next year or two and for the past couple of years, but ultimately, I would inevitably remind myself, we play in the AL East. We have to content with the MFY and the Sux who both bring in enough money to have a feasible budget that is 2-3 times larger than our own, and at some point the very good (Boras clients) players out there will be either there or LA.

It's not that don't have faith in Buck and DD because I really do. I know they will put out the best product possible and love them for that. I just couldn't help but think, "Well we caught lightning in a bottle for a bit.. a few extreme shrewd trades from AM, some very shrewd signings by DD, and Buck get some (maybe) once-in-a-lifetime performances (see Jim Johnson and, hopefully not, Steve Pearce) out of some players." But sooner or later the Yanks won't have Jeter and A-Rod and will be signing the Schrezer's and Lester's of the world.

I think some of this must be a product of having watched baseball for the last 20-25 years. Now the Pujols, Canos of the world probably aren't going to be worth it at the end of the day. We can win without the 30 year olds and their mega contracts at a sustained level, if we draft and trade well. For me, there is going to have to be a paradigm shift in my perception of what we should covet.

Related Note: I have been pro-resigning Cruz.. but man, maybe we should take the pick and see him when we go to Seattle?

I'm glad it was helpful. As are PEDs regardless of Roger's stay out of jail theme.

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Work computer still freezes up the minute I click on baseball-reference.com. Seriously, it's something to do with my IE10 install and I have zero admin rights to try to fix it or use something else. It's a tragedy I tell you!!

Try going InPrivate. Should work.

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"During a Tigers-Yankees game at Yankee Stadium, one-time Detroit ace Justin Verlander steps out of the dugout to lob a ball to his girlfriend, the model Kate Upton. Having seen a number of similar tosses from Verlander this season, Upton does the usual thing by hitting it for a ground-rule double."

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