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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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Whatever. Your response to the first post made the wisecrack and stated that Duquette had already said everything mentioned in Seabird's post. You made a second post that acknowledged that he hadn't said part of what was in Seabird's post. I acknowledge that you backed off (somewhat) of your original post, without quite the saracasm of the original post.

Actually, I'm being too nice. Seabird made two points. That Duquette hadn't said he was not interested in the Toronto job and that was "committed" to being the O's GM. You responed by saying he said all of that already at the winter meetings. Wrong. He still has said neither of those things.

He certainly said that he had every intention of fulfilling his contract, as he's always fulfilled his contracts. Go back and listen to it, and don't back off or be nice, it's not your nature, so don't start doing it with me, I've been around long enough to know your schtick.

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Everything I've read about how the Jays have handled Beeston is unprofessional. The Jays leaking of this information when they did is unprofessional. Why would DD want to be a part of an organization that does shady stuff like this? I've been in simliar shoes where I was offered more money and a better job at what I thought was a company ran by shady people. Sometimes the people you work with and the work itself is more important than a pay raise. Besides, doesn't DD want to add a WS title to his resume?


The Blue Jays organization is shady and classless from top to bottom. Even the fans. Their stadium is a complete dump and they'll never win a World Series again. The pay and title raises are literally the only reasons I can see DD accepting the position.

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Everything I've read about how the Jays have handled Beeston is unprofessional. The Jays leaking of this information when they did is unprofessional. Why would DD want to be a part of an organization that does shady stuff like this? I've been in simliar shoes where I was offered more money and a better job at what I thought was a company ran by shady people. Sometimes the people you work with and the work itself is more important than a pay raise. Besides, doesn't DD want to add a WS title to his resume?

In the meantime, someone above him in the Rogers hierarchy started placing mysterious phone calls, to the Chicago White Sox about executive vice-president Ken Williams ? or rather to Williams himself ? and to the Baltimore Orioles about Dan Duquette, a vice-president and general manager in that organization. Reports out of both Chicago and Baltimore have said that the team owners, Jerry Reinsdorf and Peter Angelos respectively, were angered by the would-be poaching.


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Everything I've read about how the Jays have handled Beeston is unprofessional. The Jays leaking of this information when they did is unprofessional. Why would DD want to be a part of an organization that does shady stuff like this? I've been in simliar shoes where I was offered more money and a better job at what I thought was a company ran by shady people. Sometimes the people you work with and the work itself is more important than a pay raise. Besides, doesn't DD want to add a WS title to his resume?


They were talking on MLB Radio this afternoon about Reinsdorf saying that Williams will not be allowed to leave. Negotiating tatic, maybe? The one dude, forgot his name, seemed to believe that Williams would not be allowed to leave.

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What Toronto has done here is completely unprofessional IMO. At this point I am probably as annoyed by the coy and cryptic comments of DD in the past regarding this matter and his lack of a definitive statement that says something close to the following:

I have NO interest in leaving the Orioles, I have no interest in the Toronto job. I fully intend to remain as Orioles VP and look forward to a bright future of Orioles baseball. There is no need to speculate where I will be working because it is right here, for the Orioles.

Saying you honor your contracts is not the same thing. That is the equivalent of saying....well if I have no other choice, or if I have to IMO. It purposefully leaves open the idea that if he can get out of his contract...well you know. Saying it that way is like saying to the Jays....if you can get me out of this contract well sure I would be interested.

Personally I love what DD has done here. I do not want a GM and owner who at odds. I have no idea if they are at odds but based on history, I do not have high hopes that will remain the case. Lets face it, Angelos soured on a successful manager over a ethics issue (not a slam). Pete seems to be a guy who takes ethics, loyalty and the such very seriously. I can't imagine this whole fiasco has had no impact on the relationship there.

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Saying he would honor his contract is a lot different than saying he's committed to being the GM of the Orioles for the next 4 years. My schtick, as you call it, is holding people accountable for what they say when it's not accurate. You made a sarcastic response to Seabird's post and you were wrong. Just admit it.

Since when is it not okay to make sarcasm? I corrected my post and said he never said he didn't want the Jay's job. He explicitly stated during the winter meetings that he had always fulfilled his contracts and never gave any indication that he wasn't committed being the O's GM. He said it was his job, and he was planning to approach the meetings as the GM of the Orioles. You seem to be associating him not standing up and saying I hate Toronto and I'm staying here forever, as him not being committed to his GM spot with the O's. I have little doubt that if Angelos doesn't let him leave, Dan will do his best as the GM of the O's. You seem to doubt it. Either way, he'll be gone when compensation gets sorted out, and honestly, it's not the end of the world. What I have been quoting Duquette as saying is accurate, whether you want to believe it or not, well, I don't care, you keep twisting things to suit yourself.

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Everything I've read about how the Jays have handled Beeston is unprofessional. The Jays leaking of this information when they did is unprofessional. Why would DD want to be a part of an organization that does shady stuff like this? I've been in simliar shoes where I was offered more money and a better job at what I thought was a company ran by shady people. Sometimes the people you work with and the work itself is more important than a pay raise. Besides, doesn't DD want to add a WS title to his resume?


Why mysterious? Tampering?

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What Toronto has done here is completely unprofessional IMO. At this point I am probably as annoyed by the coy and cryptic comments of DD in the past regarding this matter and his lack of a definitive statement that says something close to the following:

I have NO interest in leaving the Orioles, I have no interest in the Toronto job. I fully intend to remain as Orioles VP and look forward to a bright future of Orioles baseball. There is no need to speculate where I will be working because it is right here, for the Orioles.

Saying you honor your contracts is not the same thing. That is the equivalent of saying....well if I have no other choice, or if I have to IMO. It purposefully leaves open the idea that if he can get out of his contract...well you know. Saying it that way is like saying to the Jays....if you can get me out of this contract well sure I would be interested.

Personally I love what DD has done here. I do not want a GM and owner who at odds. I have no idea if they are at odds but based on history, I do not have high hopes that will remain the case. Lets face it, Angelos soured on a successful manager over a ethics issue (not a slam). Pete seems to be a guy who takes ethics, loyalty and the such very seriously. I can't imagine this whole fiasco has had no impact on the relationship there.

He clearly has interest in the position, though. It's a big promotion from what he's doing right now, real big. Who in their right mind wouldn't be interested in a grand promotion? I don't believe for one second that if Angelos doesn't let him leave, he's going to sabotage the team for the next 4 years.

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What Toronto has done here is completely unprofessional IMO. At this point I am probably as annoyed by the coy and cryptic comments of DD in the past regarding this matter and his lack of a definitive statement that says something close to the following:

I have NO interest in leaving the Orioles, I have no interest in the Toronto job. I fully intend to remain as Orioles VP and look forward to a bright future of Orioles baseball. There is no need to speculate where I will be working because it is right here, for the Orioles.

Saying you honor your contracts is not the same thing. That is the equivalent of saying....well if I have no other choice, or if I have to IMO. It purposefully leaves open the idea that if he can get out of his contract...well you know. Saying it that way is like saying to the Jays....if you can get me out of this contract well sure I would be interested.

Personally I love what DD has done here. I do not want a GM and owner who at odds. I have no idea if they are at odds but based on history, I do not have high hopes that will remain the case. Lets face it, Angelos soured on a successful manager over a ethics issue (not a slam). Pete seems to be a guy who takes ethics, loyalty and the such very seriously. I can't imagine this whole fiasco has had no impact on the relationship there.

You guys who want him to assure you he wants to be a Oriole have to understand something.

Why would he publicly start he had no interest in the TOR job just to make Os fans feel comfortable?

What happens if he said exactly what you said and the Angelos decided to make a trade. Now he is left saying that, what would TOR fans think? Let me guess,yall don't care?

Well be does, he wanted to be back in baseball and the Os gave him that opportunity. Now he is a wanted man and bet your Ace he is loving it.

I bet he MOST CERTAINLY interested in the job, but it doesn't mean he will leave Baltimore having dry with a site taste in their mouth. He is a PR savvy guy abd isn't going to make himself look bad just to make a handful of fans feel comfortable. He is still a O and sill song his job, thats all that matters, not what he said or hasn't said.

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He certainly said that he had every intention of fulfilling his contract, as he's always fulfilled his contracts. Go back and listen to it, and don't back off or be nice, it's not your nature, so don't start doing it with me, I've been around long enough to know your schtick.

Saying your will honor your contract and you have every intention of fulfilling it is not the same as saying you have no interest in the job and WANT to remain as VP of the Orioles. Its not even remotely close.

If I were a Toronto person interested in DD, I would have taken everything he said to mean the following. I am happy as the VP of the Orioles but if you can get me out this contract that has me tied to them, I would certainly have some interest.

Had DD said he had no interest in the job, that he only wanted to remain as Orioles VP then Toronto would have started looking elsewhere. Anyone who thinks that DD either via 3rd parties or back-channels has not reached out and provided Toronto with clear and obvious reasons to continue to pursue him is kidding themselves. Toronto may want DD, they may want him bad, if DD however tells them its not happening, that is the end of it. Obviously that has not happened here.

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If you can't prove it, it isn't tampering.

Did all this rumor start before Toronto asked for permission to speak with him? If so, one would have to be naive to assume someone with Toronto wasn't the source. Yes that is an assumption but a logical one. I don't know what kind of smoking gun you think would be needed. The reporter isn't going to give up his source and no one in baseball is dumb enough to allow themselves to be quoted on the record. My feeling is that the press knew this would create a soap opera and printed it. Once they did that it's understandable that it created repercussions in our front office.

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Saying he would honor his contract is a lot different than saying he's committed to being the GM of the Orioles for the next 4 years.

Duquette said all of that at the winter meetings. I guess it wasn't enough to say it once. Maybe he'll need to tweet it every 10 minutes or something.

With all due respect RZNJ, if he wasn't committed he shouldn't have signed the extension, right? And if he wanted the TOR job over his current position, I'm sure those who want a more definitive response, would have gotten it in the form they didn't want.

And what difference does it make of he says committed or I will honor my contract. Anyone should be able to understand, him wanting to"honor" his contract means he is committed to his contract.

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You lost me here. Are you suggested that if Duquette said he wanted to stay, and meant it, could still be in danger of being traded to the Jays by Angelos?

I would never say never. If they made him an offer he couldn't refuse, yes, I think it would be possible.

It's just the same as some thinking he doesn't want to be here even though he implied that he will honor his contract.

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To be honest. I don't understand your post. Are we talking about whether Toronto tampered or whether the press deliberately started a firestorm based on nothing?
By leaking their intentions to go after Dan before asking permission, if that were to be the case, what would you call that?
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You guys who want him to assure you he wants to be a Oriole have to understand something.

Why would he publicly start he had no interest in the TOR job just to make Os fans feel comfortable?

What happens if he said exactly what you said and the Angelos decided to make a trade. Now he is left saying that, what would TOR fans think? Let me guess,yall don't care?

Well be does, he wanted to be back in baseball and the Os gave him that opportunity. Now he is a wanted man and bet your Ace he is loving it.

I bet he MOST CERTAINLY interested in the job, but it doesn't mean he will leave Baltimore having dry with a site taste in their mouth. He is a PR savvy guy abd isn't going to make himself look bad just to make a handful of fans feel comfortable. He is still a O and sill song his job, thats all that matters, not what he said or hasn't said.

Um if he said what I suggested why would Angelos trade him and why would Toronto trade for him. LOL ...your not making any sense.

How does this type of PR benefit the Orioles? Its a freaking disaster for them.

Personally I think to many people on here are unwilling to accept that DD has a MAJOR role in this story continuing. If he simply says I have no interest in being anywhere but Baltimore, I do not want to be President of the BJ's, this ends and the BJ's move along to the next guy on their wish list. By not doing that though, by linking his employment to the Orioles as a contractual issue, it encourages the BJ's to seek ways of potentially getting DD free of that barrier.

DD knows this, the BJ's know it, hell PA knows this. The Connolly story admits as much "Angelos did concede that if the Blue Jays made an offer, he would take a look at the proposition, but he is not actively negotiating and has no intent on allowing Duquette to leave for a division rival" Which is code for its going to cost you something decent.

The problem with that whole approach that PA is taking is that milk is already spoiled so to speak. I can't imagine knowing PA and knowing the values he seems to care about that he and DD will have the same type of relationship moving forward. PA is not a guy who looks kindly on what he feels is disloyalty or unethical behavior. I am assuming here, but if Davey Johnson was on the the outs over where fines were being sent, I cant imagine DD's standing in his eyes is much better than when that broke. My fear is that dysfunction will start to creep into how we do the business of baseball and frankly I would much rather have Buck and Brady running the show and having the ear and confidence of PA than DD stuck here but having PA looking at anything he says with one eye open.

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