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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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Committed to his contract, to me, would mean that he wouldn't entertain the idea of leaving for a better job in Toronto. Do you not think that is what is going on?

I'm committed to my job but if I had a better offer I would entertain the idea, who wouldn't?

And I'm sure that is what DD wad trying to say, he is committed, unless....

Unless meaning if he was to get traded. So until he is no longer an Orioles, yes I believe he is committed 100%.

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Um if he said what I suggested why would Angelos trade him and why would Toronto trade for him. LOL ...your not making any sense.

How does this type of PR benefit the Orioles? Its a freaking disaster for them.

Personally I think to many people on here are unwilling to accept that DD has a MAJOR role in this story continuing. If he simply says I have no interest in being anywhere but Baltimore, I do not want to be President of the BJ's, this ends and the BJ's move along to the next guy on their wish list. By not doing that though, by linking his employment to the Orioles as a contractual issue, it encourages the BJ's to seek ways of potentially getting DD free of that barrier.

DD knows this, the BJ's know it, hell PA knows this. The Connolly story admits as much "Angelos did concede that if the Blue Jays made an offer, he would take a look at the proposition, but he is not actively negotiating and has no intent on allowing Duquette to leave for a division rival" Which is code for its going to cost you something decent.

The problem with that whole approach that PA is taking is that milk is already spoiled so to speak. I can't imagine knowing PA and knowing the values he seems to care about that he and DD will have the same type of relationship moving forward. PA is not a guy who looks kindly on what he feels is disloyalty or unethical behavior. I am assuming here, but if Davey Johnson was on the the outs over where fines were being sent, I cant imagine DD's standing in his eyes is much better than when that broke. My fear is that dysfunction will start to creep into how we do the business of baseball and frankly I would much rather have Buck and Brady running the show and having the ear and confidence of PA than DD stuck here but having PA looking at anything he says with one eye open.

To the first part. If TOR really thought he could be a difference maker and they had for years of control on him, why wouldnt they?

To the second part, I never said it was good for the Os. Just for him incase he actually did get traded. There I'd no reason for him to say he isn't interested. I do believe he is but I also believe if his contract is with the Os, that he will be committed to them.

What I'm taking from some of you that yall think he wants to leave and that if he doesn't get to that he will ruin the organization the best he can. I don't believe that.

And what he is saying IS good for the Os. Could you imagine if he said he didnt want to be here abd wants to be in TOR, the Os wouldn't get anything close to what they wood want for him.

So for him being "coy" in his true feelings, at the moment does benefit the Os. Because like some of you worried he didnt definitively say he wants to say, he never said he wants to leave.

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Committed to his contract, to me, would mean that he wouldn't entertain the idea of leaving for a better job in Toronto. Do you not think that is what is going on?

I would have to totally disagree with your definition of "committed." Most of us are committed to our jobs. Most of us would also leave for a better, higher paying job. I have no doubts that DD is committed to his contract. That in no way means that, given the opportunity, he wouldn't leave to accept a job of greater responsibility that pays much more.

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To the first part. If TOR really thought he could be a difference maker and they had for years of control on him, why wouldnt they?

To the second part, I never said it was good for the Os. Just for him incase he actually did get traded. There I'd no reason for him to say he isn't interested. I do believe he is but I also believe if his contract is with the Os, that he will be committed to them.

What I'm taking from some of you that yall think he wants to leave and that if he doesn't get to that he will ruin the organization the best he can. I don't believe that.

And what he is saying IS good for the Os. Could you imagine if he said he didnt want to be here abd wants to be in TOR, the Os wouldn't get anything close to what they wood want for him.

So for him being "coy" in his true feelings, at the moment does benefit the Os. Because like some of you worried he didnt definitively say he wants to say, he never said he wants to leave.

And to add on, if he does really want the TOR job, him playing coy helps the Os FAR more than if he came out and said, yes, I want the job and I hope the Os will respect my decision. That would be far more worse for the Os than the current situation. no?

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Yep - hence the "Potter" euphemism....as others have said, at least we can count on Buck to steer the ship through the fog until it lifts.....

Just a sidenote... what is this "Potter" reference? I like all his nicknames just fine but I never understood this one. Is it a Harry Potter thing?

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To the first part. If TOR really thought he could be a difference maker and they had for years of control on him, why wouldnt they?

To the second part, I never said it was good for the Os. Just for him incase he actually did get traded. There I'd no reason for him to say he isn't interested. I do believe he is but I also believe if his contract is with the Os, that he will be committed to them.

What I'm taking from some of you that yall think he wants to leave and that if he doesn't get to that he will ruin the organization the best he can. I don't believe that.

And what he is saying IS good for the Os. Could you imagine if he said he didnt want to be here abd wants to be in TOR, the Os wouldn't get anything close to what they wood want for him.

So for him being "coy" in his true feelings, at the moment does benefit the Os. Because like some of you worried he didnt definitively say he wants to say, he never said he wants to leave.

Executives are not traded like baseball players. It does not happen unless there is MUTUAL interest between the team wanting the executive and the executive himself. Never in baseball history has an executive or manager been moved to another team and then come out and said, geez I really did not want to come here, I wanted to stay with my old team. Its not like trading players.

This publicity is negative for the Orioles organization, DD could put an end to it right now, perhaps he will but until he does I have to believe that he has made it know he wants the job if he can get out of being the Orioles VP. There is no other reason for him to not definitively squash this, his lack of doing so is why Toronto is fixated on him being their guy.

At this point my primary concern is not even if he stays or goes. I do not believe for a second DD would do an intentionally crappy job. It is if the relationship between the owner and the VP is damaged enough that it will impede or somehow impact us making sound baseball decisions moving forward. Now PA has Buck and Brady to lean on also but if he is going to lean on them and not necessarily DD then what is the point of keeping him around? DD is an effective and excellent GM so long as PA has trust and faith in what he is doing and allows him the latitude to do his job how he sees fit. If that dynamic is damaged then I am concerned and would just as soon have a new VP that PA can feel that way about again.

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And to add on, if he does really want the TOR job, him playing coy helps the Os FAR more than if he came out and said, yes, I want the job and I hope the Os will respect my decision. That would be far more worse for the Os than the current situation. no?

Again its self serving. Coming out and saying yea I want the job is burning your bridges. Playing it coy is leaving options open.

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Committed to his job is different than saying he's committed to his contract. I believe he's committed to giving 100% while he's here. His contract is for 4 years. How can someone be committed to a contract of 4 years and want to leave before 1 year is up. Do you know what the word "commitment" means.

Duquettet made a commitment of 4 years to the Orioles. He doesn't want to honor that commitment. Do I blame him? No.

Now I believe you're the one not making sense. If he's committed to his job and his job stats it's for four years, why would he not be committed for 3/4 of that?

Abd where did he say he doesn't want to be here?

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We need a nice Colby Rasmus signing to make everyone feel better today.

Colby Rasmus might have a good year in 2015.

But in his most recent season (2014), his O.B.P. was under .300., as was the case in 2012 (.289), of which he had a solid offensive season sandwiched in between in 2013.

As an Oriole fan, signing him would hardly give me the feeling of a security blanket for the upcoming season.

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Executives are not traded like baseball players. It does not happen unless there is MUTUAL interest between the team wanting the executive and the executive himself. Never in baseball history has an executive or manager been moved to another team and then come out and said, geez I really did not want to come here, I wanted to stay with my old team. Its not like trading players.

This publicity is negative for the Orioles organization, DD could put an end to it right now, perhaps he will but until he does I have to believe that he has made it know he wants the job if he can get out of being the Orioles VP. There is no other reason for him to not definitively squash this, his lack of doing so is why Toronto is fixated on him being their guy.

At this point my primary concern is not even if he stays or goes. I do not believe for a second DD would do an intentionally crappy job. It is if the relationship between the owner and the VP is damaged enough that it will impede or somehow impact us making sound baseball decisions moving forward. Now PA has Buck and Brady to lean on also but if he is going to lean on them and not necessarily DD then what is the point of keeping him around? DD is an effective and excellent GM so long as PA has trust and faith in what he is doing and allows him the latitude to do his job how he sees fit. If that dynamic is damaged then I am concerned and would just as soon have a new VP that PA can feel that way about again.

Your second paragraph made me realize something... so he has all the power to squash this, right?

But since he hasn't, the Jays are still fixated, and Focused on him. An I following you so far?

So maybe him doing this I'd hurting the BJs more than the Os because maybe he knows he isn't going to Toronto, maybe he already informed Bmore of that as well. So him paying this game is hurting the BJs more than the Os because they are golfing it for something that isn't going to happen and just hitting then down the road? You ever think of it like that?

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