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How many sure things do we have in our lineup right now?


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I don't post a lot on this board, but I do read many of the posts. The most arrogant opinion I see repeated often is the one that says the offseason is over in December. Who says the pickings are pretty slim now -- probably not Dan and Buck. Trades could still be made for Dexter Fowler or Jay Bruce or Seth Smith or ... Effective platoons can make a position strong. Last offseason the pickings were also deemed pretty slim by the time Duquette got around to addressing the offense. Most on this board did not want Cruz, and certainly did not want to consider him as our left-fielder, until his price came down. Why did his price come way down? Because Dan waited long enough. And even then, few here considered his performance in 2014 as likely to be a "sure thing." But that one signing made a huge difference in the perceptions of the fan base nonetheless. Let's wait to see how Dan's approach works out, as compared to the approaches of those who have been extremely active early in the offseason, when costs are at their peak. I don't see this attitude as arrogance, as you do, but simply as giving Duquette the benefit of the doubt after he's done pretty well for the past 3 years at assembling competitive teams. Some of us are just not so steeped in our own angst as others.
It's pretty clear why you post infrequently. Rationality is not well received here, but I thank you for this post.
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I think we can all agree that in today's baseball, the teams that play fundamentally good baseball and hit well have a distinct advantage.

I think we can all agree that in today's baseball, the teams that win the most games have a better chance of making the playoffs.

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What's the point in saying that relies on health? Isn't that a given everywhere?

Since there are no moves to talk about and every thread turns into the same thing whats the point of commenting on anything. Its just a pissing match full of snarky comments from people calling others snarky.

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I had mentioned about a month ago,there are to many IF's on this team.And at this time were looking to replace Markakis and Cruz and Miller with IF's.The front office seems fine with the way the team shapes out.Best said is nothing because it's not heard from the FO.

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Since there are no moves to talk about and every thread turns into the same thing whats the point of commenting on anything. Its just a pissing match full of snarky comments from people calling others snarky.

I apologized twice for that mistake. I was hoping you could let it go. I am sorry. I was wrong. I thought you started the throw down and you didn't.

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I had mentioned about a month ago,there are to many IF's on this team.And at this time were looking to replace Markakis and Cruz and Miller with IF's.The front office seems fine with the way the team shapes out.Best said is nothing because it's not heard from the FO.

I am interested in seeing how the Catching/DH situation unfolds.

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I had mentioned about a month ago,there are to many IF's on this team.And at this time were looking to replace Markakis and Cruz and Miller with IF's.The front office seems fine with the way the team shapes out.Best said is nothing because it's not heard from the FO.

How would you replace Miller's 20 innings with an infielder?

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I would like to see the O's do "something" this off season. At least make reasonable offers to players that will be free agents after 2015. Give Chen and Norris extension offers to see if they will sign reasonably. The 2016 rotation is looking very thin right now. The O's front office moves at such a glacial pace, that I'm expecting the 2016 squad to be a skeleton of a team. Duquette will probably be moving into his presidential suite in Toronto and the O's will spend half the off season picking his replacement. I don't mean to be so sour on the O's future, but they need to make some moves this offseason, because the O's losses are even greater next year.

Remember the last time the O's had tons of picks in the first 50 draft picks? The O's had one of the greatest drafts in history (or not). Didn't the O's get Roberts, Bedard, and not much else in 1999.

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I would like to see the O's do "something" this off season. At least make reasonable offers to players that will be free agents after 2015. Give Chen and Norris extension offers to see if they will sign reasonably. The 2016 rotation is looking very thin right now. The O's front office moves at such a glacial pace, that I'm expecting the 2016 squad to be a skeleton of a team. Duquette will probably be moving into his presidential suite in Toronto and the O's will spend half the off season picking his replacement. I don't mean to be so sour on the O's future, but they need to make some moves this offseason, because the O's losses are even greater next year.

Remember the last time the O's had tons of picks in the first 50 draft picks? The O's had one of the greatest drafts in history (or not). Didn't the O's get Roberts, Bedard, and not much else in 1999.

While they did miss a lot in that draft an end result of Roberts and Bedard is a pretty good return.

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Remember the last time the O's had tons of picks in the first 50 draft picks? The O's had one of the greatest drafts in history (or not). Didn't the O's get Roberts, Bedard, and not much else in 1999.

To think that the Orioles front office of 1999 is anything like that of today is not good thought.
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While they did miss a lot in that draft an end result of Roberts and Bedard is a pretty good return.

:agree: I'd take a draft netting a Roberts plus a Bedard every season, please. That was almost like saying the 1965 Bears' draft netted Butkus and Sayers, but not much else.

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What is situational hitting? How is it measured. Or is it like saying that Nick has great OBP when his OPS is so low. Where is this coming from?

There are several places you can go to find out what situational is. I could tell you I'm shocked that you don't know what it is, but I'm not.

If you taped game 2 against KC, there is a good example of what situational hitting should be. The Orioles are down 1 game to none. It's the bottom of the 7th, the score is tied, there are NO OUTS and runners are on first and second.

Someone :rolleyes: strikes out on 3 pitches while trying to hit a 3 run homer. That was the AB of the series right there.

It amazes me you don't understand the concept. My 8 year old nephew has it down pat.

If you watch teams like the Giants, Cardinals and Royals (just a few examples), you might catch on to the concept. It's been around A LONG TIME.

Also, being ranked 6th in runs out of 15 teams is not a great offense, it's an above average offense driven heavily be the HR ball.

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There are several places you can go to find out what situational is. I could tell you I'm shocked that you don't know what it is, but I'm not.

If you taped game 2 against KC, there is a good example of what situational hitting should be. The Orioles are down 1 game to none. It's the bottom of the 7th, the score is tied, there are NO OUTS and runners are on first and second.

Someone :rolleyes: strikes out on 3 pitches while trying to hit a 3 run homer. That was the AB of the series right there.

It amazes me you don't understand the concept. My 8 year old nephew has it down pat.

If you watch teams like the Giants, Cardinals and Royals (just a few examples), you might catch on to the concept. It's been around A LONG TIME.

Also, being ranked 6th in runs out of 15 teams is not a great offense, it's an above average offense driven heavily be the HR ball.

Easy there, fella. There is no need for the personal comments.

OK, so you don't like a team built on pitching, defense, and the 3-run homer. So be it. No team's make-up works 100% of the time. The Orioles make-up the last few years seemed to work pretty darn good, though. To pick out individual games or series where one team loses by using a different strategy than the team that wins proves nothing. Would the team really have been a better team if in the one single at-bat that you have cherry-picked resulted in that 3-run homer? No team has ever gone 162-0 and then swept thru the playoffs.

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