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At the close of camp, we chatted with Buck in his office. He went over a report on the top of his desk. It was a list of the bodyweights of all players at camp. Some were asked to increase their bodyweight in the off-season, others were asked to decrease their bodyweight, some were given no bodyweight instructions. Buck said he was pleased with all. Of course bodyweight is not the same as body-fat. I took several glances at Chris' midsection during the camp and was not disturbed by what I saw. It's a long, hard season.

Best news I've seen.

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This is idiotic. Maybe it is the angle of the picture or the clothes that he is wearing, but to say that Bundy looks as chiseled as he normally does is just plain wrong.

I guess the reason I even cared is that I can't stand it when people try to pile on on these message boards. I am a big boy. I can take it and even laughed at some of the shots. But there is a way to express a difference of opinion without disdain. Sarcasm and ascerbacism at times are perfectly fine, but it can get a little out of hand.

I see.

Frankly I don't really get out of context, misinformed evaluations of a players shape in January when it doesn't matter what shape they are in until they start pitching in games that matter in march or even arguably april. And further if it even matters what kind of shape a player looks to be in. David Wells was never in good shape and yet was phenomenal pitcher. Greg Maddux never looked like he was in shape for even the local softball league, let alone major league baseball, and yet he was one of the best pitchers of all time.

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I see.

Frankly I don't really get out of context, misinformed evaluations of a players shape in January when it doesn't matter what shape they are in until they start pitching in games that matter in march or even arguably april.

Shudder to think what the reaction to Boog Powell would have been...

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Doc, love your insights and reports. However, saying you are not disturbed does not mean that Tillman does not have a gut. It might have no relation to how he pitches or if he's ready to go when the season starts. The fact still remains, it looks like he's got a bit of a belly. You say it's a long, hard season. I take it that you are figuring that players lose weight during the season and being a little overweight in spring is no big deal? It probably is no big deal but not too many players have that gut.

Tillman does look rather jolly. His posture isn't helping him. I dunno, I don't think it's a big deal.


Photo credit - Roch

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Doc, love your insights and reports. However, saying you are not disturbed does not mean that Tillman does not have a gut. It might have no relation to how he pitches or if he's ready to go when the season starts. The fact still remains, it looks like he's got a bit of a belly. You say it's a long, hard season. I take it that you are figuring that players lose weight during the season and being a little overweight in spring is no big deal? It probably is no big deal but not too many players have that gut.

And he has a good month to get rid of it.

I'll withhold judgement until I see what he looks like the last week of spring training.

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I didn't judge. Looks like he's got a big belly there. That's all. That's a bit of a surprise from someone who has been working out with Brady this winter.

Didn't say you were just that I wasn't.

As for Brady I have not heard that Tillman was working with him this year. I know that he has in the past.

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Thank you - much ado about nothing!

I should make a clarification. Tillman MAY not have been a formal participant in the mini-camp, and therefore MAY not have been officially evaluated and included on the print out that Buck was reading from. However, Buck made no reference to Chris at that time.

You're welcome. However, to give you more comfort about the subject perhaps, I'll quote from one of Roch's Wed's blogs. "Showalter is pleased with the weight gains and losses of players that needed to make the adjustments.

Brian Gonzalez, the Orioles' third-round pick in 2014, has lost 18 pounds since last year. Hunter Harvey, the first-round pick in 2013, has gained 12. Pitcher Stephen Tarpley lost 25 pounds, reliever Ryan Webb lost 18, catcher Jonah Heim gained 13, catcher Michael Ohlman gained 15 and Urrutia gained 10."

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I should make a clarification. Tillman MAY not have been a formal participant in the mini-camp, and therefore MAY not have been officially evaluated and included on the print out that Buck was reading from. However, Buck made no reference to Chris at that time.

You're welcome. However, to give you more comfort about the subject perhaps, I'll quote from one of Roch's Wed's blogs. "Showalter is pleased with the weight gains and losses of players that needed to make the adjustments.

Brian Gonzalez, the Orioles' third-round pick in 2014, has lost 18 pounds since last year. Hunter Harvey, the first-round pick in 2013, has gained 12. Pitcher Stephen Tarpley lost 25 pounds, reliever Ryan Webb lost 18, catcher Jonah Heim gained 13, catcher Michael Ohlman gained 15 and Urrutia gained 10."

Wow - thanks for the updates! I'm comfortable that Tilly will be just fine come opening day.

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Doc Shorebird

Day 3 brought the mini-camp to a successful close. The coaches and players got to know each other a little better and there was ample opportunity for impromptu learning and making adjustments in a fairly relaxed atmosphere. An example is shown in this photo where pitching coach Alan Mills explains to a minor league pitcher how to change strides to accomplish different flight paths across the plate. No scheduled class or drill. No iPad was required – just a stick and dirt!


One of the highlights of the day was the flawless performance of Manny Machado. He demonstrated that he can do all base-running moves and everything fielding except fielding grounders going side-to-side, which he hasn’t yet been cleared to do. After his workout, Manny chatted with the media on the side of the field. He said he feels great and hasn’t felt this good since his first professional year. He did sound very relaxed and happy and rearing to go. After the impromptu media conference, we chatted about his first spring training, his Shorebird season, his nephew JJ and that Manny was just voted the best all-time shortstop for the Shorebirds. I can sum it up by saying not only is Manny back – but the “old Manny” is back J

Here are a couple of photos I was able to take today:

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