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OOTP Baseball 16 Gets Official MLB License


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I've heard of this game but never really played it. what is it exactly? Can it be played during the offseason or does it have to be played during baseball season. MLB the show is getting a little stale.




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This definitely makes it more interesting/easier to just download the new game and start playing without searching online for the best mods. I enjoy OOTP, but also still enjoy Baseball Mogul as well. Sometimes when I only have a half-hour, BBM is just easier to fire up and play a game, while OOTP is a much more immersive, detailed experience that I find requires a little more free time and attention.

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I just saw that email come out the other day. I haven't been active on their boards for a while, but I still play the game and buy the new version each year. I think this should definitely help them sell more games, and there should be less of the work-arounds and third party add ons that were necessary to get real logos/faces/etc into the game. Slightly concerned by the conditions they probably had to sign up for - Manfred's boys probably now own Markus Heinshon's first several children.

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I've heard of this game but never really played it. what is it exactly? Can it be played during the offseason or does it have to be played during baseball season. MLB the show is getting a little stale.

Your staleness threshold is almost certainly different from mine, but I'm playing the same league/universe that I started with in OOTP2 in 1999/2000, that I manually imported from other games I'd been playing since 1988. Yes, I have actually been playing the same semi-fictional third major league since real life 1988. And it's not at all stale.

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Your staleness threshold is almost certainly different from mine, but I'm playing the same league/universe that I started with in OOTP2 in 1999/2000, that I manually imported from other games I'd been playing since 1988. Yes, I have actually been playing the same semi-fictional third major league since real life 1988. And it's not at all stale.

Well its mostly due to franchise mode in MLB the show being just about broken with the amount of stuff that is off or lacking.

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I've been playing since OOTPX. The depth of the game is amazing and I love it for individual play. But I get the most fun out of text-based simulators with online league play and managing a team against other human GMs. For that reason, I prefer the simplicity of Baseball Mogul personally. I even run my own online BM league if any of you are ever interested in playing. ;)

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out of curiosity, has anyone played out the 2014 season and how did the orioles do?

ave played this off and on since almost the first edition, and considering re-ordering yet again.


I've played it a few times. In my current sim, the orioles went 82-80 in 2014. Their pitchers were pretty underrated so most of the rotation ends up with an ERA in the mid 4s. Currently I'm in the 2016 offseason and the orioles are in the middle of a streak of five winning seasons in a row.

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