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Press Box: Pursuit Ends


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Who investigates and who issues the penalties?

If it's the MLB, there is no point. MLB hates Baltimore and isn't hiding it. Nothing will be done. They're smacking the Orioles in the face and everyone is just standing there watching.

No, I don't think this is right. If PA follows through with tampering charges, as he should IMO, MLB has no choice but to rule properly on the evidence. If they were to rule that what the BJs did wasn't tampering, then a precedent would be set that what they did does not constitute tampering. MLB can't afford that. Nothing would then stop teams from poaching division rivals' best front office people right at the height of the off season. Now, MLB may well set the punishment in such a way that the BJs are punished without the Orioles seeing any real benefit, but I seriously doubt that MLB would find that no tampering occurred.

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IMO, It's over when Dan Duquette comes out and says its over. Maybe this will happen at FanFest.. who knows.

This could be the most awkward FanFest ever if DD ignores / refuses to comment on the situation.

He'll get to practice Thursday.

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I think it is Shorebirds' Hot Stove Banquet. He's the guest speaker.

Thanks for this. Some of the reports were stating DD is scheduled to be at the Ironbirds hot stove banquette. That's Thursday, March 27. The sold-out Shorebirds banquette is this Wednesday, January 28. I didn't see anything on the Shorebirds page about DD being there - although Buck is scheduled to be.

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