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Manny's Knees


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Podcast. <a href="http://t.co/A8IXDQTv7t">http://t.co/A8IXDQTv7t</a> Manny Machado tells <a href="https://twitter.com/karlravechespn">@karlravechespn</a> a story about his knees he's hasn't told anyone; Bumgarner; <a href="https://twitter.com/masnRoch">@masnRoch</a>.</p>— Buster Olney (@Buster_ESPN) <a href="

">February 24, 2015</a></blockquote>

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"Manny confided to us after that first knee injury, the doctor told him that his other knee was going to suffer a similar result. The same thing was going to happen again to his healthy knee because the way his kneecaps literally were formed from birth. It was predisposition. So he knew that at some point in his life usually given the activity of a baseball player during his baseball career, he was going to another devastating knee injury. So, he didn't tell anybody that but he knew and I guess now you find out that the Orioles to some degree and Buck knew about it. I said why didn't they just open it up, do surgery on it before it happened, if you all knew it was going to happen. He said like everyone, why doesn't every pitcher just have TJ surgery before they throw a baseball. You don't do it....The good news is having them both surgically repaired he believes and the doctors believe that part of his health history is in the past and won't happen again."

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I'm fine with it, so long as it's all in the past and we honestly have no reason to expect that Manny is more susceptible to knee problems going forward than any other player. That's what we've been told, and I'd be very irritated later to hear that this was B.S.

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