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Boras Upset that Wieters will not be active as a hitter - Sherman NYP says will begin on DL


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Absolutely not. They have Team Boras meetings.

Yeah, I think that he must at least tell his clients don't listen to what I say to the media. My job is to make teams at least slightly uncomfortable to maximize the amount of money I will help you earn and rattling an organization's cage is part of the process. I seriously, seriously doubt that Matt was very surprised by the comments. It would be nice to be able to let someone else handle all the negative aspects of the business side of baseball and just totally turn off that part of the game and allow you to be all nice and politically correct. You can't hire the meanest guard dog available and not expect it to bark and occasionally bite. I doubt Boras keeps his clients up-to-date on comments he will make unless it's a bigger deal (like the kid in Chicago), but I'm sure he makes it clear that barking in the media is part of his job and part of the process.

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I get that Boras has a job to represent his client, but what an asinine thing to say.

News flash, hot shot: the Orioles don't exist to pump up the market value of your free agents so that some other team can give them a huge payday. Their goal is to win games, not get your clients paid. If they think Wieters being a DH can help them win games, they'll make him a DH. Otherwise, go cry about it somewhere else.

If Boras thinks this makes him "intimidating" or "tough," he's sorely mistaken. He looks a lot more like a pathetic, whining crybaby to me. I mean, is that the best response he can come up with, to "blame" the Orioles for resting Wieters? If so, that's pretty weak. He's certainly not convincing anyone, and comments like these could scare off potential suitors who don't want the aggravation of a bratty agent taking potshots at them in the media anytime they try to rest or bench one of his clients.

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There are all kind of variables to this equation. Making an enemy of Boras isn't wise. Kissing his butt also isn't wise. But, there needs to be some serious thought to the situation. I'm not advocating hurting the team to accomodate Boras but maybe we should sit down with him and Matt and explain our position once the decision is made.

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It's quite possible Boras is confident about Matt's recovery, and Matt himself would like to continue DHing to work on his offense. Whatever the reason behind his remarks, he is indeed a very smart guy and it probably is better to ask what is the upside for him and his client, by saying what he said, not why did such a smart guy screw up?

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It's quite possible Boras is confident about Matt's recovery, and Matt himself would like to continue DHing to work on his offense. Whatever the reason behind his remarks, he is indeed a very smart guy and it probably is better to ask what is the upside for him and his client, by saying what he said, not why did such a smart guy screw up?

One definite upside for Boras is that he gets to send a message to all the rest of his clients that he will always be in their corner fighting for their interests against the man, blah, blah, blah... It's also clear that Wieters on the DL says "player with career-threating injury hemmorhaging value on a daily basis". If I'm Boras, I might reason that if he's in there swinging a bat, at least there's a long shot chance that Wieters could transition to DH or maybe 1B.

I don't see it myself. At this stage, I think we already have a fair idea about his offensive upside and it doesn't translate to DH or 1B. If I were Matt, I would appreciate the Orioles taking it slow with exposing him to the running game to insure his arm is as ready as it can be. I don't think he gets a big payday at any position other than catcher. He really needs to show he can do that job.

I agree that Boras is smart. I'm not as convinced that he's principled when it comes to always putting his client's interests ahead of his own, or recognizing that being an advocate doesn't license any and all behavior on a client's behalf.

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He is a generational switch hitting bat, and will be full healthy to catch for his new club. His catching skills are already considered among the best the game has ever seen. Look at all these Orioles pitchers he has developed with his coach behind the plate abilities.

Is this sarcasm?

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From the Sun:

Wieters also echoed Showalter’s sentiment that he wouldn’t join the major league club to be strictly a designated hitter.

"That's kind of always been whatever Buck feels is best,” Wieters said. “I think as far as my rehab, I really wanted to focus on getting the catching right first. Once we get there, then we can sort of look at whether or not DHing's an option. But right now, it's a matter of just making sure I can get back behind the plate and get catching first.

"If Buck ever feels like that's better for the team for me to DH as opposed to just making sure I get back quick catching, then I'll surely do it. But I think the big thing is being able to get back catching first."


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    • You mean a AAAA starter.  Sometimes I think he thinks he’s smarter than everybody else, so he does things that no one else would do just to prove a point. I don’t actually think he wants to spend money on free agents. I think he likes the idea of trying to be the smartest man in the room. I think his attitude is going to change somewhat next off-season, After his many blunders at the trade deadline. 
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