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Fangraphs: Evaluating the Prospects


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Something that came up on every call with an Orioles official was their internal prospect list. Most teams I've talked to don't have a consensus list; maybe a list a couple people in the office maintain with agreed-upon tiers of players, but not one that the whole organization refers to. Others in the org maintain their own lists as well. At one point or another, this master list was referenced enough that I saw some trends where the Orioles own list would diverge from my own.

They skewed high for the near big league ready players, with down list players like Dariel Alvarez and Henry Urrutia much higher than I have them and thus some lower level players like Stephen Tarpley lower than I have them. As you would expect, they also have some information a typical scout may not have, regarding injuries and progress in private workouts, so some players with subpar 2014 season are higher than I have them, like Urrutia, Michael Almanzar and Josh Hart. Other than those two main differences, our lists ended up being pretty similar, with only a handful of players we disagreed on that didn't fall into one of those two groups.

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The Orioles have a specific "money ball" theory it seems in which they value a player skewed more to a " what can you do for me right now" kind of thing. Its all about squeezing value from every angle possible to help the big club. So, maybe a guy like Alvarez we see as a mid tier at best prospect based on his floor and ceiling, the front office sees more in the light of a guy who potentially could provide us 1 win. To a team who has a very limited budget, 1 win above replacement level for league minimum is quite valuable.

Of course i could just be reading a little to deeply into the article!

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    • You mean a AAAA starter.  Sometimes I think he thinks he’s smarter than everybody else, so he does things that no one else would do just to prove a point. I don’t actually think he wants to spend money on free agents. I think he likes the idea of trying to be the smartest man in the room. I think his attitude is going to change somewhat next off-season, After his many blunders at the trade deadline. 
    • I don’t think this is true. He’s had a lot of games as you described and there haven’t been these ten post reactions to said games. He’s going to hit. Would it be nice if he was producing this year like the other rookie Jacksons? Of course but no one (that I’ve seen) on this board is rooting against him or suggesting that he won’t be a high caliber major league hitter. His defense is another thing but he’s going to figure it out at the plate at the MLB level. You’re right though - his nice game should have garnered more attention, especially with the way the year has largely gone for him. I’m not sure what role he has in the postseason other than maybe as a pinch runner. Right now I don’t think I’m putting him ahead of any of the lefty bats on the roster. I guess he’s the only other ‘SS’ they have on the big club so he’s surely going to fill a spot but I can’t think that he plays ahead of anyone, including Rivera right now. It will be interesting to see how Hyde and Co. deploy Holliday come Tuesday. 
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    • He’s also replaced the leg kick with a toe tap. At least with two strikes I noticed. 
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    • I don't think this is true.  He's struck out 3 times a few times and gone 0-4 several times and 10 posts haven't been made. I hope he has a nice view from the bench during the playoff series and gets an at bat here or there if we're up big or getting blown out.  I'd like to see him put in a lot of work this offseason and start 2025 on fire.
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