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Asking For A Stats Guru Explanation


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I do get that of course - Frobby explained it extremely well in a singular response post. However, based on his explanation total hits would seem to rank no higher than maybe 5th or 6th on the scale of importance in scoring runs. This is actually what I am trying to gain a grasp thereof - so is that more or less a fair take?

No. that is not a fair take.

It's the most second most important thing. The First is total bases. It's not really up for debate. I guess everyone on the team could walk and have no power. But that would stop after the third game when the coaches would activate themselves and throw BP to prevent this. You have to hit. And you have to hit hard. To score runs. Over any sustainable period of time. Luck and finesse only help in small samples.

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I really think 5 should have his own specail tread. Philosophy by 5 maybe. I think it would be a hit.
I was thinking of putting it in the Kids at the Ballpark fiasco. If kids can't go...man. I guess that proves that we allow all kinds of different folks here. With free will and wacky opinions.
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I do get that of course - Frobby explained it extremely well in a singular response post. However, based on his explanation total hits would seem to rank no higher than maybe 5th or 6th on the scale of importance in scoring runs. This is actually what I am trying to gain a grasp thereof - so is that more or less a fair take?

Please don't think that a very intelligent informed poster like Frobby was numbering those things in scale of importance for you. He was simplifying by putting numbers with it. So that you could understand. If you wanted to.

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No. He did not say that. Neither of us are entitled to an opinion of that. Ask him. It's not like you are trying to add value.

I can only ask a question here if I "add value"

now? Is that some rule that I must have overlooked? Also are you the sole judge, jury, and executioner of when a poster's question has so called "value" ? Seems a bit arbitrary imho.

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I can only ask a question here if I "add value"

now? Is that some rule that I must have overlooked? Also are you the sole judge, jury, and executioner of when a poster's question has so called "value" ? Seems a bit arbitrary imho.

I know you can't criticize moderation. I know that. PM.

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No. that is not a fair take.

It's the most second most important thing. The First is total bases. It's not really up for debate. I guess everyone on the team could walk and have no power. But that would stop after the third game when the coaches would activate themselves and throw BP to prevent this. You have to hit. And you have to hit hard. To score runs. Over any sustainable period of time. Luck and finesse only help in small samples.

Well sorry but I disagree with you on this if you think I sm an idiot for it so be it. You claim hits are of secondary importance to total bases. Maybe you are right but I would prefer hearing it from Frobby who has always treated me kindly and respectfully here and whose knowledge I highly value. I could be wrong but he seemed to indicate that obp, slg,risp,base running, and productive outs were more of an indicator of things than BA or hits. He even had them nimbered!

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Well sorry but I disagree with you on this if you think I sm an idiot for it so be it. You claim hits are of secondary importance to total bases. Maybe you are right but I would prefer hearing it from Frobby who has always treated me kindly and respectfully here and whose knowledge I highly value. I could be wrong but he seemed to indicate that obp, slg,risp,base running, and productive outs were more of an indicator of things than BA or hits. He even had them nimbered!

Ok. You have asked him. And I never indicated anything but a plan on your part. Not being unaware.

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I can only ask a question here if I "add value"

now? Is that some rule that I must have overlooked? Also are you the sole judge, jury, and executioner of when a poster's question has so called "value" ? Seems a bit arbitrary imho.

You ask whatever questions you want. And for some of the newer folk who may not know of some of your past endeavors. Well. I am here to educate and jump into to the discussion if I feel you are "mistaking" the information. I have nothing but the highest respect for FROBBY and should he indicate in ANY way that he numbered them for you in declining order of importance, I will gladly withdraw my opposition to your "understanding" of his help.

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Ok. You have asked him. And I never indicated anything but a plan on your part. Not being unaware.

Not sure what "plan" on my part you are indicating as I don't think asking posters here with waaay more insight and knowledge on stats interpretation constitutes a "plan. " I just was seeking some insight!

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Btw today's game made more sense to me as we both out hit and out scored them. Of course hitting multiple hrs with men on base was the reason!

One man on base, One.

I would not want you using flawed data in your quest for knowledge.

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Well sorry but I disagree with you on this if you think I sm an idiot for it so be it. You claim hits are of secondary importance to total bases. Maybe you are right but I would prefer hearing it from Frobby who has always treated me kindly and respectfully here and whose knowledge I highly value. I could be wrong but he seemed to indicate that obp, slg,risp,base running, and productive outs were more of an indicator of things than BA or hits. He even had them nimbered!

I'm not sure if my numbers were in the right order. I was just listing things that came to mind. A hit is better than a walk, but most times you'd rather have 7 hits and 3 walks in a game than 8 hits and no walks. But you might prefer six hits and no walks if three of the hits were homers. Over 162 games, OBP usually correlates better with runs than BA or SLG, but BA is the biggest and most important part of OBP. And it's hard to walk a lot unless you have some batters that pitchers fear, so SLG feeds OBP to an extent.

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