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Drum beat a little louder for Cubs deal


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Eric Patterson is playing 2B and batting leadoff today...

As an admittedly biased Cub fan, I think that Eric Patterson is a steal for someone. The Cubs seem to hold Corey's past against him, but Eric is a better offensive player and as much as I like Brian Roberts (yes, I think he's as good as you Oriole fans do) and would love to have BRob atop the Cub order, I'd just as well like to have EPat platoon with DeRosa and then use the surplus prospects to upgrade at SS or Starting Pitcher and find a platoon mate for Pie. Unfortunately, there is no SS upgrade available on the market now. Hence, we always come back to Roberts as the best guy potentially available.

I like Marshall and Gallagher, but I don't think either will be more than a backend of the rotation starter. I don't know that Veal will ever have the command to make to the majors as a starter. He'll most likely end up as a power lefty in the pen.

Murton, he's good but he needs the right situation to get regular playing time. It's not going to be on the Cubbies with hundreds of thousands invested in corner OF's. He'll never be an elite Corner OF, but he's a very solid hitter. Cedeno? Well, there are 6 or 8 worse everyday SS in the majors, but he'll always fall below the mean.

Pie? Love this kid. He works very hard and is much more coachable than (K)orey Patterson. Hendry's under a lot of pressure to win now or most likely lose his job after the team gets sold. I hope we hold on to him and find a righthanded CF to take some heat off him against tough lefties.

Last and certainly least, is Jason Marquis. Very good hitter for a pitcher. There, I said something nice about him. Other than that, Marquis pitching in the AL East would provide lots of fodder for Sports Center as the home runs would be flying at unprecedented rates.

Oriole fans, I hear Payton has declined quite a bit in the field. Is that your observation?

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would you want Veal, Cedeno, Ceda and Gallaher instead? I highly doubt Pie will be in a deal AND the O's still get all the top prospects mentioned.

I'd take Pie, Cedeno and a lower pitching prospect. Though I'd hope to expand the deal to include Patterson for Payton too. Pie, Cedeno, and a pitching prospect is exactly the deal I wanted for Tejada all along, so I'd be fine with it for Roberts. I'm not sold on Veal or Ceda anyway and I'd take Pie over Gallagher.

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I'd take Pie, Cedeno and a lower pitching prospect. Though I'd hope to expand the deal to include Patterson for Payton too. Pie, Cedeno, and a pitching prospect is exactly the deal I wanted for Tejada all along, so I'd be fine with it for Roberts. I'm not sold on Veal or Ceda anyway and I'd take Pie over Gallagher.

What about Patterson, Pie, and Gallagher/Veal for Brob, Payton Cash and a Prospect or Bradford/Walker? Is that to much? Or Even just Brob for Pie and Huesby. I wonder if Burress interest them? Brob, Burress, Payton and cash for Pie, Gallagher and Cedeno. I love the thought of Pie but i also like the Gallagher/Veal/Cedeno/Ceda deal even more if they would sub Patterson for Cedeno. I just hope a deal works out soon or both clubs go there seperate ways. Its getting to the point where i almost just want to hold on to Brob and wait till the deadline or extend him. He is the face the face of the franchise with Kakes.

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I have tried to follow most of the posts on OH regarding various Roberts trade proposals. If the Cubs are able to get Coco Crisp for Marquis even up I would include him in the package coming to Baltimore for Roberts. I would rather have Crisp than Pie. If the Cuns fans are in love with Pie they can keep him. I would take him in a deal but prefer Crisp due to his track record. He can play left or center and replace Roberts in the lineup leading off. The deal should be Crisp, Marshall, Patterson, Ceda and Cedeno for Roberts and Payton. Crisp, Jones and Markakis would give us a young and exciting outfield and provide needed offense. Scott can platoon in left and DH. If anyone has suggested a Crisp to the Orioles deal via the Cubs I'm sorry for repeating the proposal.

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I have tried to follow most of the posts on OH regarding various Roberts trade proposals. If the Cubs are able to get Coco Crisp for Marquis even up I would include him in the package coming to Baltimore for Roberts. I would rather have Crisp than Pie. If the Cuns fans are in love with Pie they can keep him. I would take him in a deal but prefer Crisp due to his track record. He can play left or center and replace Roberts in the lineup leading off. The deal should be Crisp, Marshall, Patterson, Ceda and Cedeno for Roberts and Payton. Crisp, Jones and Markakis would give us a young and exciting outfield and provide needed offense. Scott can platoon in left and DH. If anyone has suggested a Crisp to the Orioles deal via the Cubs I'm sorry for repeating the proposal.

Why would the Cubs trade Crisp? They are getting him because he is more of a sure thing than what they have.

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Why would the Cubs trade Crisp? They are getting him because he is more of a sure thing than what they have.

Yup, and we don't need "sure thing to be mediocre" players, we need high risk, high reward guys like Pie that if they reach their potential could be all star level. Crisp is what he is.

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The Cubs apparently will trade Marquis and his high salary and are looking at another centerfielder coming back to them. They can send Marquis to the Orioles in a Roberts package which I am okay with if they eat some of his salary. They appear to be close with the Sox on a Crisp deal. They don't need Crisp and Pie for CF. It's a matter of choice. I agree with you about Crisp. He is an upgrade in my opinion. The Cubs may not share our viewpoint as they are looking closely at salaries and Pie is a lot cheaper. I think they just want to get this deal done tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest and they'll view the deal as Marquis and others for Roberts even though Crisp could be substituted in the package.

If the Crisp deal doesn't happen between the Cubs and Sox I would make the Red Sox an offer of Payton, Walker or Bradford and a lower level prospect for Crisp. Payton can spell Ramirez in left and help in center if needed. The Cubs are going to go the extra mile to make this deal for Roberts and will do what it takes.

We need speed coming back to offset what we are losing in a Roberts deal. We have already let Patterson go elsewhere and also lost a lot of speed with that decision.

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I'd take either right now over Payton. MacSnail's pace is gonna cost you guys.

Johnson is the same thing as Payton, Davannon, the son of a former Oriole, is not very good. They both are cheaper than Payton though.

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As an admittedly biased Cub fan, I think that Eric Patterson is a steal for someone. The Cubs seem to hold Corey's past against him, but Eric is a better offensive player and as much as I like Brian Roberts (yes, I think he's as good as you Oriole fans do) and would love to have BRob atop the Cub order, I'd just as well like to have EPat platoon with DeRosa and then use the surplus prospects to upgrade at SS or Starting Pitcher and find a platoon mate for Pie. Unfortunately, there is no SS upgrade available on the market now. Hence, we always come back to Roberts as the best guy potentially available.

I like Marshall and Gallagher, but I don't think either will be more than a backend of the rotation starter. I don't know that Veal will ever have the command to make to the majors as a starter. He'll most likely end up as a power lefty in the pen.

Murton, he's good but he needs the right situation to get regular playing time. It's not going to be on the Cubbies with hundreds of thousands invested in corner OF's. He'll never be an elite Corner OF, but he's a very solid hitter. Cedeno? Well, there are 6 or 8 worse everyday SS in the majors, but he'll always fall below the mean.

Pie? Love this kid. He works very hard and is much more coachable than (K)orey Patterson. Hendry's under a lot of pressure to win now or most likely lose his job after the team gets sold. I hope we hold on to him and find a righthanded CF to take some heat off him against tough lefties.

Last and certainly least, is Jason Marquis. Very good hitter for a pitcher. There, I said something nice about him. Other than that, Marquis pitching in the AL East would provide lots of fodder for Sports Center as the home runs would be flying at unprecedented rates.

Oriole fans, I hear Payton has declined quite a bit in the field. Is that your observation?

Great Post. And very fair. As for Payton, I do not think he has the range to play centerfield on a semi-regular basis. As a corner outfielder he is probably better than average. His arm is fair but he is fundamentally sound.

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I'd take either right now over Payton. MacSnail's pace is gonna cost you guys.

We get you do not like McPhail. As for it costing us, I am fine with that if there, in McPhail's mind, is not a fair offer on the table. AM does not talk to the press about players so most of the conjecture and speculation is coming from the Cub media. Roberts is our last chip that will bring a good package. If the package is not fair in AM's mind then he should pass. I agree this has taken way too long but the blame can probably be linked to both sides.

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