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Duquette SAT trade analogy - DeShields:Schoop as Pedro:Puig?

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Schoop for Puig would probably not be enough but Schoop should get it done as the main piece.

I like Schoop but I'm sketpical that he's more than a .250-.260 hitter with poor plate discipline that hits you 20 homers and plays an above average 2B. A very nice player at 2B but Puig is a potential super star in OPACY.

I don't get how those two phrases go together. On one hand you're saying Schoop would be nearly enough to get Puig by himself. Then you turn around and say Schoop is a nice player but Puig is a potential superstar.

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The thought occurred to me some as homage to how promising Schoop might be. It's exciting how quickly he's made it back, and there's still opportunity for him to build on the progress he hinted at in the first couple weeks of the year. He might be the club's second best trade commodity to the impossible Manny by the offseason.

The other angles are that Duquette more than Buck has shown willingness to try talented guys with baggage: K-Rod, Cruz, Delmon. Some Buck weeds out fast, others have become contributors.

When I think about who flanks Jones for the rest of his contract, there's Stewart who is a LF profile, and then the mix/match echoes of Lowenstein/Roenicke we have now. Nothing wrong with that necessarily, but Puig has the RF arm and the other soft factor that is friendly to today's Orioles is he doesn't make more than Jones. Until/unless Manny extends, I believe Jones's remaining 3/50 is a symbol of about the max the club will give a player. Jones's mid $16M's benchmark will be an interesting over/under in Wieters/Davis talks - I can imagine part of the club's negotiating position being you shouldn't earn more than he does.

I wouldn't expect us to really entertain this with the defense emphasis the club has. But of all in the leadership, I imagine Duq would more than anyone else.

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The thought occurred to me some as homage to how promising Schoop might be. It's exciting how quickly he's made it back, and there's still opportunity for him to build on the progress he hinted at in the first couple weeks of the year. He might be the club's second best trade commodity to the impossible Manny by the offseason.

The other angles are that Duquette more than Buck has shown willingness to try talented guys with baggage: K-Rod, Cruz, Delmon. Some Buck weeds out fast, others have become contributors.

When I think about who flanks Jones for the rest of his contract, there's Stewart who is a LF profile, and then the mix/match echoes of Lowenstein/Roenicke we have now. Nothing wrong with that necessarily, but Puig has the RF arm and the other soft factor that is friendly to today's Orioles is he doesn't make more than Jones. Until/unless Manny extends, I believe Jones's remaining 3/50 is a symbol of about the max the club will give a player. Jones's mid $16M's benchmark will be an interesting over/under in Wieters/Davis talks - I can imagine part of the club's negotiating position being you shouldn't earn more than he does.

I wouldn't expect us to really entertain this with the defense emphasis the club has. But of all in the leadership, I imagine Duq would more than anyone else.

Puig has been a nightmare to manage, he doesn't always play hard, and he likes to the Hollywood Party scene.

The guys you mentioned fit into the clubhouse and while they had baggage, it was typically of-the-field baggage.

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I think trading a young guy with potential but significant holes for a player with multiple 4, 5+ win seasons on his resume in his peak years is something like "pennies on the dollar". You can quibble with the phrase, that's fine. It's a big discount. Just on performance and potential almost no one would trade Schoop straight up for Puig.

Maybe if the Dodgers were forced to trade Puig to the Orioles and only the Orioles then that deal might happen if you added in some other parts going back to the Dodgers.

My suspicion is that the Dodgers could get more that will both help them now and in the future. Would they rather have Schoop than Kendrick...yea prob. Is the difference enough to warrant parting with Puig...no way.

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