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can't win close games this year


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I just want one. I'll stop watching sports altogether after that. Nothing will ever come close to topping the enjoyment that a World Series would bring me. It's not like I'm asking for a dynasty.

When I was in the 6th grade the O's won the Series. Truthfully, I don't think that was the peak of my sports fandom, I guess it could have been but I was like 12. I probably got about as much enjoyment out of, like, that Mike Devereaux homer in '89. Or Delmon's hit. It certainly wasn't the high point of my life. I've been a huge baseball fan since I was in grade school and it might not be in my top 50 things that have happened to me. I mean, I didn't really do anything. I just sat there and watched.

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I have been around long enough to enjoy 3 World Series champion Orioles teams, but never imagined the one in 83 would seem to be the last one in my lifetime which looks to be the case!

Aren't you, like, 52 or something? With any luck you have at least 25 years left. An awful lot can happen in 25 or 30 years. There's teams that have won the Series that didn't exist 25 years ago.

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Delmon's hit was amazing. It's near the top of my list along with Manchester City/Duke/Tebow-era Florida championships. But it will always be tarnished because of what happened after. I can't watch it without thinking of the pompous, under serving jokes led by their Barney Fife manager who stole our moment from us. All of those moments you cited all came during seasons in which the end result was failure. It means nothing without a championship. I will always look at my life as a failure if I can't see the Orioles win one, regardless of what else happens.

That's just sad and bizarre. You need to embrace the bittersweet. Life is awesome without championships. I deeply and truly love the 1989 Orioles, the 1999 Hokies football team, and the 2012 Orioles. I'm not sure a Championship would necessarily eclipse any of them. I used to be a fairly big Redskins fan, and none of their championships mean anything like Nate McLouth's hit in the Manny "don't throw it away don't throw it at all" game.

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Aren't you, like, 52 or something? With any luck you have at least 25 years left. An awful lot can happen in 25 or 30 years. There's teams that have won the Series that didn't exist 25 years ago.

I wish I was only 52 but turned 60 in January. Good point though!

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Last season could have been our WS season, but we didn't get it done in the ALCS. IMO, Buck committed a strategic error in the sixth inning of game three, tied 1-1. Chen had given up two singles (both to lefties, IIRC) to put runners on first and third with one out and Billy Butler up. With KC's pen, that run could not score. Miller and his 15 K/9 was available, but Buck chose Gausman. Butler got a straight fastball, hit a sac fly, and that was the winning run. Series was 3-0, and that was that.

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