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Trade Watch (It starts)


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The Jays have done this shock and awe, wheeling and dealing stuff the last ten years, and it's gotten them nowhere. They still have to play the games like everybody else.

Maybe now they realize that they did need some team cohesiveness and character to make it work. Someday they will get some real pitching. After completely decimating their farm again unfortunately.

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Easy now. At least the Skins have made the playoffs a few times since 93.

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The Blue Jays have possibly been the poorest run franchise in all of baseball for two decades. And they still still have fan boys for the front office.

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Anybody can look impossible to beat on paper, until the games are actually played. The Jays have done this shock and awe, wheeling and dealing stuff the last two years, and it's gotten them nowhere. They still have to play the games like everybody else.

Look at the nats, can't even fend off the dysfunctional .500 mets

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Jairo Labourt

At 6-foot-4, 204 pounds, Jairo Labourt has a frame which projects to withstand a starting pitcher’s workload. The baby-faced 20-year old will benefit from added muscle (especially in the lower half), relying on long levers and a quick arm to generate velocity at present. Still, too much added bulk might slow the above-average athleticism.

The lefty throws from a high-3/4 arm angle with downhill plane and starts exclusively on the left side of the rubber. His tempo can be quick, but Labourt’s motion is repeatable thanks to a brief pause at the balance point. He pitches with a great deal of confidence and is not afraid to challenge hitters. Between two observed appearances, Labourt appears more composed. Boise batters reached scoring position in four innings, three of which Labourt ended with strikeouts.

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:o [raises hand] :leaving:

The Blue Jays are excellent at scouting young players and talent evaluation. I'll give them that much. Unfortunately for them, there is a lot more that goes into running a successful baseball team than just having good scouts and being knowledgable about sabermetrics

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Yeah no surprise there. You fit the bill to a T.

Absolutely THE most overrated front office in all of baseball. Baseball nerds love to salivate over these guys but AA has done jack all for about 5 years now.

Meanwhile Tulo and Price for 60 games is equivalent to pretty much spinning your wheels with different guys. The edge it gives them to make a run at the division much less the wild card is pretty much non existent.

You do know that Tulo isnt a rental right?

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I do, yes. I'm not sure how that relates to what I said though.

The way it reads, at first glance, is they acquired Price and Tulowitzki for 60 games. I know you meant Tulowitzki, and Price for 60 games. Lack of comma, changed the meaning. No harm, no foul. It's not worst then other things I've seen :)

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlueJays?src=hash">#BlueJays</a>, despite signing Martin, have operated all season with payroll below last year’s. Savings enabled them to add Donaldson, Price.</p>— Ken Rosenthal (@Ken_Rosenthal) <a href="

">July 30, 2015</a></blockquote>

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