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Fangraphs: Data Suggests Cord Cutting Not Imminent.


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">ICYMI - New Numbers Suggest Cord-Cutting Revolution Not Imminent <a href="http://t.co/R9C4CepwAS">http://t.co/R9C4CepwAS</a></p>— FanGraphs Baseball (@fangraphs) <a href="

">July 24, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Comcast just reported minimal cord-cutting in their last report and we do not yet know whether losses will grow or remain steady as people seek other digital entertainment options. If ESPN continues to lose 3.5% of their subscribers every year at a steady rate and continue to increase their per-subscriber charge like they have been, their revenue will continue to grow over the next five years just as it has over the last five. For ESPN?s part, they continue to invest heavily in live-game broadcasts, and those broadcasts continue to provide solid ratings and the resulting advertising revenue.
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As long as their broadband revenue increases cancels out their cable subscriber decreases, they'll be fine. I think we all know that isn't likely over the long term. ESPN for it's issues has already frozen on air talent salaries and it appears Cowherd will be moving on to Fox. There is a distinct chink in the armor.

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As long as their broadband revenue increases cancels out their cable subscriber decreases, they'll be fine. I think we all know that isn't likely over the long term. ESPN for it's issues has already frozen on air talent salaries and it appears Cowherd will be moving on to Fox. There is a distinct chink in the armor.

Cowherd should be sent to the Dominican.

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If ESPN continues to lose 3.5% of their subscribers every year at a steady rate and continue to increase their per-subscriber charge like they have been, their revenue will continue to grow over the next five years just as it has over the last five.

I do not believe it is sustainable for ESPN to continue to lose subscribers and jack while raising rates. At some point, this path will fail and ESPN will lose both subscribers and lower rates. ESPN also has a better run competitor in FoxSports than it has perhaps ever had and there are other channels like mlb.com that are siphoning off viewers.

ESPN has played games with the college conferences - subsidizing or offering to subsidize some while offering less than respectable treatment to others. I wouldn't mind seeing that channel brought down a few rungs.

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Cowherd should be sent to the Dominican.

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If you mean for who is in general then yes. If just for his recent comments, no. Lotta uproar over nothing. Looks more like sour grapes from BSPN and they used it as an opportunity to save some face.

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If you mean for who is in general then yes. If just for his recent comments, no. Lotta uproar over nothing. Looks more like sour grapes from BSPN and they used it as an opportunity to save some face.

I can imagine he ticked off a lot of employees there. He comes across as nothing but a grade A "tool".

...which means he can fit right in with FOX too. I don't see much difference between ESPN and FOX Sports. Or the rest of the sports entertainment (as opposed to sports reporting) industry. Don't really care about ESPN's loss or FOX's gain. Sad, I used to like ESPN too but that seems like so long ago, when MTV still showed music videos.

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I can imagine he ticked off a lot of employees there. He comes across as nothing but a grade A "tool".

...which means he can fit right in with FOX too. I don't see much difference between ESPN and FOX Sports. Or the rest of the sports entertainment (as opposed to sports reporting) industry. Don't really care about ESPN's loss or FOX's gain. Sad, I used to like ESPN too but that seems like so long ago, when MTV still showed music videos.

Yea, BSPN has led the way in making sports coverage more like a TMZ thing. But all "journalism" or "reporting" is that way now. Prob the combination of 24 hour coverage, with the need to be "FIRST" in reporting a story and add the necessity for clicks and hits its a lotta garbage to wade thru just to find the nuggets of value.

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Addition by subtraction.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Pedro on Cowherd comment <a href="http://t.co/dkof4czfRs">pic.twitter.com/dkof4czfRs</a></p>— Roy Firestone (@RoyFirestone) <a href="

">July 25, 2015</a></blockquote>

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The thing is, with guys like him, it's only a matter of time before one of their highly opinionated "truths" kicks them in the butt. And that's nice to know. It really doesn't matter what the subject is, because they don't care about what they say anyway, they're just trying to get "listeners" or "clicks".

Cowherd's professional idol is Rush Limbaugh, I believe I heard or read that. Limbaugh was kicked out of sports entertainment after his comments on Donovan McNabb.

A part of me selfishly wants baseball to be less popular so a larger percentage of people can talk about the actual sport. But big business can't have that.

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If you mean for who is in general then yes. If just for his recent comments, no. Lotta uproar over nothing. Looks more like sour grapes from BSPN and they used it as an opportunity to save some face.

Well, were you raised by your father? Was he in the picture? Because, if not, I don't think I could I could trust you to give a winning opinion.

Thing is, Cowherd wasn't intending to knock Dominicans, IMO. He was trying to troll baseball and its fans. He's disgusting.

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