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Chris was upset


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You?d want him on your Whack-A-Mole team. <a href="https://t.co/y7vEm3UV9p">https://t.co/y7vEm3UV9p</a></p>? MLB (@MLB) <a href="
">September 12, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Pretty intimidating, that response.

Then just standing at first quietly with Buck? Love dem Os.

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I just saw the WHOLE replay til Buck walked down the tunnel. I swear my heart is racing. MASN, in it's infinite wisdom... is showing the Gnats/Marlins replay. :rolleyes:

FP the leader of deprogramming. In a span of 3 minutes you could forget all baseball knowledge you have acquired throughout your entire lifetime. Have no idea who decided to replay that game.

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FP the leader of deprogramming. In a span of 3 minutes you could forget all baseball knowledge you have acquired throughout your entire lifetime. Have no idea who decided to replay that game.

It's in the contract. I'm sure. Gnats get so many replay games. O's get so many. Just bad timing. Bad luck.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You?d want him on your Whack-A-Mole team. <a href="https://t.co/y7vEm3UV9p">https://t.co/y7vEm3UV9p</a></p>— MLB (@MLB) <a href="
">September 12, 2015</a></blockquote>

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I have no words. This is GIF of the Year. By a mile.

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I just saw the WHOLE replay til Buck walked down the tunnel. I swear my heart is racing. MASN, in it's infinite wisdom... is showing the Gnats/Marlins replay. :rolleyes:

Please, let this be an "Orioles Classic" very soon! Yeah, I was searching for a replay on MASN and I thought "what??!!"

I posted at the end of the game thread that I've missed two games this year. The more I think on it, I realize it's just one. This one!

After watching so much sub-standard baseball, the one game I miss, it's the "revenge match pile on"!

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You?d want him on your Whack-A-Mole team. <a href="https://t.co/y7vEm3UV9p">https://t.co/y7vEm3UV9p</a></p>— MLB (@MLB) <a href="
">September 12, 2015</a></blockquote>

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He's a dude! :hearts:

""In that situation, you lose your head a little bit, your emotions are high. I've played against Franklin for a number of years. I respect him as a player. It is what it is. It's part of the game, unfortunately.

"There's been a little bit of feel lost for it. I always thought growing up, if a guy gets drilled, somebody else is going to get drilled and then it's over. But nowadays it seems to carry over game to game. Hopefully, it's done with."

Davis said he wasn't worried about the situation escalating into a brawl.

"No. The pitch wasn't at my head. It wasn't dirty," Davis said.

"I get it. When you're getting lit up a little bit, there's frustration and I appreciate that it wasn't at my bean like it was the other night. But like I said, it's an emotional game and sometimes your emotions get the best of you, but hopefully that's where it stops."


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What I liked is after he broke the bat he just stood there with the handle in his hand glaring at Morales. Good thing he didn't go out there, no telling where that handle would have wound up. :eektf:

About the third time I watched this, and every time since, it's reminded me of a belligerent drunk (in movies, of course; i have no real-life experience with this :rolleyes:) smashing a bottle over the bartop as a prelude to going after someone with the broken base of the bottle.

It seems I'm appreciating Chris Davis more every day. It seems like lately he's drawing a lot of helpful walks and getting some key hits that don't leave the ballpark, probably driving up his future earnings as the BA, OBP and RBIs climb.

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For those who were at the game, how many KC fans were there? In the clips I've seen, I noticed some blue more than I would have liked. So is this next progression of the KC bandwagon like we saw near the end of last year? They may have been a good story, but their chest thumping players and dumb immature antics like last night surely would turn off the true baseball fan.

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