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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">C?spedes just told me in our <a href="https://twitter.com/BBTN">@BBTN</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/SportsCenter">@SportsCenter</a> interview that he will be looking for a contract of 6+ years <a href="http://t.co/Hd4mlJX2Cg">pic.twitter.com/Hd4mlJX2Cg</a></p>— Marly Rivera ~ ESPN (@MarlyRiveraESPN) <a href="

">September 18, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Cespedes has been worth almost four wins a year. Assume he wants to be paid like a 4-win player throughout his deal, which would be from age 30 through at least 36. That would be $28M/per, so... 6/168 or 7/192. I think that's ballpark of what he gets, especially since it seems some team will heavily weight his most recent performance.

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Please let someone else overpay for this guy as personally there is something about this guy that keeps him moving from

Team to team like a journeyman.

It's just his great worth as a player. And he has just always been the expendable player going to a team that needs him.

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Yes, and I'm sure he's ready to sit tight in one spot now.

6 years, $160 mil? I can definitely see it. And I don't think that's a disaster of a deal. Not great, but Cespedes finds a way to produce. If it's an AL team of course they can DH him later in the contract.

People are going to have to rethink the baseball market, considering some of the recent signings. There are going to be a number of huge deals in the off season, including Davis. $7 mil a year is going to buy basically nothing. :slytf:

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