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CSNMidatlantic: Just Trying to Take it all In


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All jokes aside, do you work for the team or something?


You do understand that Hangout is in the pressbox and clubhouse all the time right? And that Paul Folk talks to all the employees weekly? Tony-OH has a phone contact list like Kevin Millar. Well, Shawn Carter is not in Tony's phone.

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Just pick one. You hop to both sides of the fence depending on the day. Either you're influenced by someone in the front office to be incessantly positive or you're not and you subscribe to the (in my opinion flawed) eternal optimism lifestyle. It's completely unfair that no one has the option to mute such propaganda despite the fact that the Orioles are, for all intents and purposes, dead. They're dead. Yet all the people here have to continue to read "everything is fine, nothing to see here, anyone criticizing us has no journalistic integrity" with no alternative. There are people who were born after 1983 that read this forum. Show some compassion.

I can assure you that I am not influenced. I will try to show compassion.

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Awesome stuff.



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Ausmus: this is not a rebuilding process because of the core group of players we have here, we're hitting the reset button <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Tigers?src=hash">#Tigers</a></p>— MLB Network Radio (@MLBNetworkRadio) <a href="

">October 2, 2015</a></blockquote>

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I can't blame you for perceiving my comments as hyperbolic.

I'm glad you see that. Statements that indicate you're sure the team is utterly hopeless for the foreseeable future can't be fact based. They're just pure emotion, rants without any basis in reality. Could the O's go back to losing for a decade? Sure. Is it bloody likely? Not at all. An expansion team starting from zero wouldn't be as lost and mired in despair as you think the O's with Manny, Schoop, Britton and Jones are.

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