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Roch: Rick Adair Talks About Jake


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This is what pisses me off the most. Arrieta tried it their way, it was obvious it wasn't working.

You never forget who brought you to the dance. Why not just let him go back to what made him successful in the first place? It's appalling to me that they couldn't do that with him.

b/c the Orioles player development is a joke. I hope he wins the Cy Young and WS MVP for the Cubs. I also hope that the entire player development staff is forced to watch him pitch, Clockwork Orange Style

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This is what pisses me off the most. Arrieta tried it their way, it was obvious it wasn't working.

You never forget who brought you to the dance. Why not just let him go back to what made him successful in the first place? It's appalling to me that they couldn't do that with him.

b/c the Orioles player development is a joke. I hope he wins the Cy Young and WS MVP for the Cubs. I also hope that the entire player development staff is forced to watch him pitch, Clockwork Orange Style

Everyone in the Warehouse should be pissed. This is a stain on the O's franchise. This can't happen when you desire to be relevant in the AL East.

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Oh my gosh...lol. That's the mindset of a 6-year-old. Sometimes in life things don't happen the way we want them to. I'm sure Jake would have liked to have had more success as an Oriole. How someone can't be happy for another person's success is mind boggling.

Whats mind boggling is how so many are so happy for him having success now that he's on an other team. I root for the Orioles and if somebody leaves and goes to another team they arent somebody Im rooting for. I want ONE team to do well and win, and only ONE team. So why would I want a guy that was here that was sposed to be a big contributor and wasnt, go somewhere else and help another team but didnt help the Orioles? You can call it a 6 yr old mindset but I call it passion for the team I root for.

Im a Cowboys fan and nothing makes me happier than to see DeMarco Murray sucking big time in Philly. I loved the guy when he was a Cowboy, but he's not a Cowboy anymore. I dont want to see the Eagles do well and since DeMarco isnt a Cowboy anymore and he went to another team, why would I want to see him do well?

Apparently you just arent a very passionate fan. Its sports. Passionate fans want their team to do well and dont share that same enthusiasm for other teams. Its not a life thing its a sports thing. I dont wish Jake any ill will. Nor do I wish DeMarco any ill will. But when it comes to the sports thing, I dont wish either any success. They are on other teams now. They are dead to me SPORTSwise. But you'd have to have some passion for your team to understand it.

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b/c the Orioles player development is a joke. I hope he wins the Cy Young and WS MVP for the Cubs. I also hope that the entire player development staff is forced to watch him pitch, Clockwork Orange Style

THIS times a hundred. Whatever organizational philosophy we have with developing starting pitchers is just dead wrong. Arrieta is the winning Power Ball ticket and we threw it away because we were too dumb to cash it in. Let him pitch nothing but shutouts the rest of the postseason while we try to figure out why Bedard is literally the best we have done since Mussina. Good can come of this, but admitting you stink at something is the first step. Then, work on getting better.

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Whats mind boggling is how so many are so happy for him having success now that he's on an other team. I root for the Orioles and if somebody leaves and goes to another team they arent somebody Im rooting for. I want ONE team to do well and win, and only ONE team. So why would I want a guy that was here that was sposed to be a big contributor and wasnt, go somewhere else and help another team but didnt help the Orioles? You can call it a 6 yr old mindset but I call it passion for the team I root for.

Im a Cowboys fan and nothing makes me happier than to see DeMarco Murray sucking big time in Philly. I loved the guy when he was a Cowboy, but he's not a Cowboy anymore. I dont want to see the Eagles do well and since DeMarco isnt a Cowboy anymore and he went to another team, why would I want to see him do well?

Apparently you just arent a very passionate fan. Its sports. Passionate fans want their team to do well and dont share that same enthusiasm for other teams. Its not a life thing its a sports thing. I dont wish Jake any ill will. Nor do I wish DeMarco any ill will. But when it comes to the sports thing, I dont wish either any success. They are on other teams now. They are dead to me SPORTSwise. But you'd have to have some passion for your team to understand it.

I highlighted the problem.

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Whats mind boggling is how so many are so happy for him having success now that he's on an other team. I root for the Orioles and if somebody leaves and goes to another team they arent somebody Im rooting for. I want ONE team to do well and win, and only ONE team. So why would I want a guy that was here that was sposed to be a big contributor and wasnt, go somewhere else and help another team but didnt help the Orioles? You can call it a 6 yr old mindset but I call it passion for the team I root for.

Im a Cowboys fan and nothing makes me happier than to see DeMarco Murray sucking big time in Philly. I loved the guy when he was a Cowboy, but he's not a Cowboy anymore. I dont want to see the Eagles do well and since DeMarco isnt a Cowboy anymore and he went to another team, why would I want to see him do well?

Apparently you just arent a very passionate fan. Its sports. Passionate fans want their team to do well and dont share that same enthusiasm for other teams. Its not a life thing its a sports thing. I dont wish Jake any ill will. Nor do I wish DeMarco any ill will. But when it comes to the sports thing, I dont wish either any success. They are on other teams now. They are dead to me SPORTSwise. But you'd have to have some passion for your team to understand it.

Condescending much?

You do realize the O's aren't in the postseason, right? So what does it matter if you enjoy a former Oriole's postseason success for another team? Arrieta winning an NL Wild Card game for the Cubs has zero effect on the Orioles right now.

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Condescending much?

You do realize the O's aren't in the postseason, right? So what does it matter if you enjoy a former Oriole's postseason success for another team? Arrieta winning an NL Wild Card game for the Cubs has zero effect on the Orioles right now.

Im an Orioles fan, not a Cubs fan. If you guys all wanna root for the Cubs thats on you, but it doesnt mean I have to. I dont care if the Cubs ever win another game. They're not my team. It has nothing to do with the O's being in the post season or not.

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Im a Cowboys fan and nothing makes me happier than to see DeMarco Murray sucking big time in Philly. I loved the guy when he was a Cowboy, but he's not a Cowboy anymore. I dont want to see the Eagles do well and since DeMarco isnt a Cowboy anymore and he went to another team, why would I want to see him do well?

Apples and oranges. Murray went to a hated division rival so of course you want to see him and his team fail. The Cubs may as well play in the Mexican League, for as often as the O's have to face them. They're an easy team to root for, and while it sucks he's not an Oriole anymore, that's not Arietta's fault. Not like he demanded a trade or dogged it here. It sucks that our coaches blew it so badly with him, but I liked him when he was here and wish him well this October...

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