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Camden Depot: Jon Shepherd Rides the Camel


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Sir Alec Issigonis is best known for his ground breaking design work that went into creating the Mini, though he is probably best known for a witticism he uttered 60 years ago:

A camel is a horse designed by committee.

Realizing that 45 MM does not buy a lot.

The idea there is that individuals off on their own larks will create a product that will not meet its desired function. So, after six site writer blueprints and three contributions from our audience, it is my job to design a winning club based on the restraints of this exercise. I would like to flip this metaphor on a side though in that while we all wish to design something as sleek looking as a horse, sometimes a camel is much more useful. To that end, I am trying to find my camel for the desert that appears to be the 2016 season.

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Great article and pretty much the general blue print DD will use IMO, if not the specific solutions. Think we can do better in the SP department. Prefer Jaso to Joyce and Morneau to Park. Better OBP. Like Zobrist but don't think he'll cost that much. Would look into trading Britton for a good young bat and signing O'Day to close.

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