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SI: Manfred Insists on More Minority Management


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I went to graduate school at Yale, a far cry from undergraduate, but close enough to see how things worked. A kid goes to the right prep school, goes to Yale or Harvard, etc. makes the right friends, joins the right clubs, and the daddies and granddaddies see to it he gets a nice entrance position in a big law firm or brokerage, no matter what his grades were. Few of these people are black. It's called the old boy network, and it is every where. In Baseball, as well as even here at he old OH.

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I went to graduate school at Yale, a far cry from undergraduate, but close enough to see how things worked. A kid goes to the right prep school, goes to Yale or Harvard, etc. makes the right friends, joins the right clubs, and the daddies and granddaddies see to it he gets a nice entrance position in a big law firm or brokerage, no matter what his grades were. Few of these people are black. It's called the old boy network, and it is every where. In Baseball, as well as even here at he old OH.

Ding Ding Ding. Dead on. As someone who did my grad work at Hopkins, its the same there as well.

I have seen utter idiots get opportunities they are not deserving of simply because of a name and their daddies buddies.

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The interview rules can actually work, since "buzz" will actually get you on a short list, and one of the way to get buzz is through interviews. This is how Mike Singletary got hired to be an NFL coach.

I wish there were a better way, since being forced to have interviews with someone is never ideal, but overcoming systemic bias is really difficult.

Bad example.

Mike singletary is a HOF linebacker who was a LB coach for the Ravens. He then left with mike Nolan who was the DC for the Ravens to be his DC in San Francisco. He then took over after Nolan was fired as an interim coach.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Because - sadly - whenever the issue of diversity arises it becomes a racially-coded discussion about "unqualified" Blacks being considered for jobs. No one ever wants to admit that, but it is a deep implicit bias that rears its ugly head repeatedly.

I consider anyone not a white male a diversity candidate. I just notice that there's a very nasty vein of anger whenever the subject of diversity and jobs comes up.


'Racially coded' is a horrible phrase that frankly turns my stomach. It is usually accompanied by an attitude that blacks simply can't do for themselves and must be given more than they can earn on merit to get by, at least for a few decades until their race evolves. it is incredibly insulting.

I would also echo the question about how many minorities were interviewed for manfreds job.

Lastly I thought the best jobs in MLB were on the field. Do front office employees make Cruz money?

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"Better looking numbers" are symbolism over substance. There, I said it. What is the definition of what "better looking numbers" are? Does three cut it? Five? Ten?

I understand the wrongs of the past, but I don't believe there is an owner today that wouldn't hire a minority candidate. The Calvin Griffiths are dead and excoriated decades ago. BTW, Mr. Manfred, team ownership has been a far more exclusive club than the field manager. The focus should be getting more minorities playing the game and into the stands.

I look forward to the day when we don't care what the "better looking numbers" are because they have become irrelevant. On that day, we will stop putting people into categories and simply focus on who is the most qualified for the job.

Agree with this

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Very difficult to change the network and change attitudes. I think the fastest way to better diversity in front offices to convincing more wealthy minorities to own/invest in MLB teams. There are a number of very wealthy minorities...MLB need to court them, and prep them for future ownership opportunities.

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