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Attribute movie quotes!

Moose Milligan

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Cameron: [Cameron's in his car] He'll keep calling me. He'll keep calling me until I come over. He'll make me feel guilty. This is - Alright I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go, alright I'll go. ****! - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

To Jon Knott. We know you're coming.


Economics Teacher: Bueller?... Bueller?... Bueller?

To Sammy P. Yes, you're boring.


Grace: Oh, he's very popular Ed. The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, dickheads - they all adore him. They think he's a righteous dude.

To Nick Markakis


Cameron: The 1961 Ferrari 250GT California. Less than a hundred were made. My father spent three years restoring this car. It is his love, it is his passion.

Ferris: It is his fault he didn't lock the garage.

To Peter Angelos....Thanks for ruining the 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California...er, the Baltimore Orioles.


Garth Algar: Uhm, Wayne? What do you do if every time you see this one incredible woman, you think you're gonna hurl?

Wayne Campbell: I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours. But if you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be.

I think this one accurately explains our attempts to attract big time free agents. Hey A-Rod!


Stacy: Well, don't you want to open your present?

Wayne Campbell: If it's a severed head I'm going to be very upset

Stacy: Open it.

Wayne Campbell: What is it?

Stacy: It's a gun rack.

Wayne Campbell: A gun rack... a gun rack. I don't even own *a* gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?

To Sammy and the FO.... "I don't even know *how* to platoon! What am I gonna do with a platoon?"


Wayne Campbell: She's a babe.

Garth Algar: She's magically babelicious.

Wayne Campbell: She tested very high on the stroke-ability scale.

For uh...well...Amber Theoharis.


Garth Algar: Okay, pop quiz. Cassandra is not interested in Benjamin because... A: Chicks think he's handsome, B: has cool car, C: has lots of cash, D: has no visible scars, E: does not live with parents.

Wayne Campbell: Okay, how about, F: you're a gimp. You know what you can do with your pop quiz?

Let's just get it out of the way...A-Rod isn't coming here.

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Laura: I'm too tired not to be with you.

Rob: What, so if you had a bit more energy we'd stay split up, but things being as they are, with you being wiped out and all, you want to get back together? Is that it?

Laura: Yeah.

How it feels to be an O's fan.

Rob: I can't fire them. I hired these guys for three days a week and they just started showing up every day. That was four years ago.

The Orioles coach hiring practices.

Rob: I can see now I never really committed to Laura. I always had one foot out the door, and that prevented me from doing a lot of things, like thinking about my future and... I guess it made more sense to commit to nothing, keep my options open. And that's suicide. By tiny, tiny increments.

The Orioles business plan.

Rob: I was jealous of other men in her design department. I became convinced that she was going to leave me for one of them. Then she left me for one of them.

So long, Mussina.

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From dumb and dumber...

Lloyd to Harry (after they both get fired)-

Or Melmo to Patterson (along with the stare) after he botches the bunt and CPat botches his baserunning-

"God, you are a such a pathetic loser!!"

Although I consider the Orioles more like the blind kid that buys their dead bird, thats how the Orioles have looked with more than one FA signing in the past 10 years.

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Casual O's Fan: My God, what is that smell? Oh.

SamP: That's the smell of desire my lady.

Casual O's Fan: God no, it smells like, like a used diaper... filled with... Indian food. Oh, excuse me.

SamP: You know, desire smells like that to some people

Miggy: What is that? Smells like a turd covered in burnt hair.

Kinkajoo: Smells like Bigfoot's dick.


SamP: This is pathetic.

O's Fan: You're pathetic.


MASN guy: Let's go to Amber Theoharris who's live on the scene with a MASN exclusive. Amber?

Theoharris: Kinkajoo Watch. The mood is tense; I have been on some serious, serious reports but nothing quite like this. I uh... Nick... Markakisis inside right now. I tried to get an interview with him, but they said no, you can't do that he's a live bear, he will literally rip your face off.

[to the Nick]

Theoharris: Hey, you're making me look stupid. Get out of here, Kinka-Jerk.

MASN guy: Great story. Compelling, and rich.


Angelos: Oh, Sam, there are literally thousands of men that I should be with instead, but I am 72 percent sure that I love you.


Bill Lawson: Bob Dylan once wrote, "The times, they are a changing". Sam Perlozzo had never heard that song.


Leo Mazzone: [after jumping into the O's to ehp his buddy SAmP] I immediately regret this decision.


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Another Star Wars reference: "I'll try." "No." "There is no try." "Only do, or do not."

Millar (or Knott) trying to get Sam to let him in the lineup: from Cheech & Chong.

"Hey man, it's Dave." "Let me in."


"Dave, man."

"Uh, Dave's not here."

"No man, I'm Dave. Let me in."


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Maybe not now, but a year or 2 down the road when Flanny & Duquette finally talk ol' Petey into rebuilding the team...

Angelos: Here is a list of players that I want.

Flanagan: I've never heard of half of these guys and the ones I do know are way past their prime.

Duquette: Most of these guys never had a prime.

Flanagan: This guy here is dead.

Angelos: Cross him off then!

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Flanagan: What would you do if you had a million dollars?

Duquette: I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two free agents at the same time, man.

Flanagan: That's it? If you had a million dollars, you'd sign two free agents at the same time?

Duquette: Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, too; 'cause free agents dig dudes with money.

Flanagan: Well, not all free agents.

Duquette: Well, the type of free agents that'd double up on a franchise like the O's do.

That was wonderful.

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I feel like the fan in Major League II played by Randy Quaid. What was the line he had when he blew up

That's most likely "Vile thing, you make my butt sting! I detest you! You're all garbage, all of ya! Back up the truck, back it up!"

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