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Have you paid attention to his career?

The guy has pitched three years in the bigs- this is now his fourth- without any kind of arm injury. He missed some time in 05 with a leg injury, which doesn't really concern me bc that kind of stuff happens. Admittedly, he did have TJ surgery in the minors but he hasn't had a single issue since then. Tell me, why he is more of an injury risk than say Dice-K or Beckett?

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I'm as worried about Bedard as I am of being mauled by a polar bear on my morning commute.

He's gonna close out the season with a 3.50 ERA or so, his overall ERA will be skewed by the rough start, but he'll still be nasty.

I'd hate to see him traded, but if we do decide to blow things up and we can't extend him for the next 3-4 years, it'd be a great time to look to deal him. We'll get more in return for him than we will for Tejada. I'd much rather extend him than trade him, but if we can't, I'd see what offers are out there. He's not a guy we'd have to move though, since we still have him for two more years and his trade value isn't going to be getting any lower.

This is exactly what I'm saying. If he wants to stay here and anchor our rotation for the next 10 years, I'd have no problem with it. It hard enough to find a #1 starter, if you want to call him that.

I would love to keep him, but I also see what trading Bartolo Colon did for Cleveland. They netted Brandon Phillips, Sizemore, and Cliff Lee. That was a pretty darn good prize. I don't know that the guys we have in our FO could pull this one off...and I'm not very optimistic that they could.

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The guy has pitched three years in the bigs- this is now his fourth- without any kind of arm injury. He missed some time in 05 with a leg injury, which doesn't really concern me bc that kind of stuff happens. Admittedly, he did have TJ surgery in the minors but he hasn't had a single issue since then. Tell me, why he is more of an injury risk than say Dice-K or Beckett?

With Dice-K use in Japan and Beckett's injury history himself, i am not sure he is any more of a risk than these guys.

But Bedard has had his injury issues in the past and has had major surgery to his elbow.

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But Bedard has had his injury issues in the past and has had major surgery to his elbow.

The TJ surgery he's already had makes him less likely to suffer the same injury than, say Cabrera or Loewen or any other pitcher who hasn't had it.

I have 0 injury concerns with Bedard. Actually, I have no higher injury concerns for Bedard than I do with any other pitcher. All pitchers are susceptible to injury, but I certainly do not think that Bedard is any more likely to get hurt than your average guy, and may be less so b/c he's already gotten his TJ out of the way.

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The TJ surgery he's already had makes him less likely to suffer the same injury than, say Cabrera or Loewen or any other pitcher who hasn't had it.

I have 0 injury concerns with Bedard. Actually, I have no higher injury concerns for Bedard than I do with any other pitcher. All pitchers are susceptible to injury, but I certainly do not think that Bedard is any more likely to get hurt than your average guy, and may be less so b/c he's already gotten his TJ out of the way.

That's pretty much exactly how I feel about it. I don't think there is NO chance that he gets hurt but he isn't any more susceptible than anybody else.

PS- I think Dice-K and Beckett are much bigger injury risks than Bedard.

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Tonight will tell me alot about Eric. Has has thrown well against the Rays in the past and right now a few of their hitters are struggling. Tonight is a good night for him to go out and have a consistent outing. Seven strong would be a welcome site and it would be nice to win the series tonight. Its time to step up and be the ace that everybody thought he would be this year.

If you are going to begin a thread focusing on a player, please spell his name correctly.

It is "Erik", not "Eric." He spells it with a k.

Sorry to be a pain, but that drives me crazy when we constantly spell our favorite player's names wrong.

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Why is every start for Bedard some kind of start that "tells you alot about who Erik is" and "this is what an ace would do"??

I have seen this alot on here. It seems like there is a thread almost every time Erik starts stating stuff like this(not picking on you i_miss_cal, just something i have noticed).

Well said, and my thought exactly.

The guy's had something like 90 career starts, but #91 is going to bring some sort of divine revelation?

Okay then...

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But if you aren't going to extend Bedard, now is a perfect time to trade him...It will be at the deadline, when teams are begging for top pitching. You will have an all out bidding war on him.

Also, he is still cheap, so alot of different teams could go after him. He is also under their control for a while, which also makes him even more attractive.

Plus, and this has to be considered with Erik's history, he is healthy now. That could always change, especially with a pitcher.

Now, if we show a willingness to extend him and get it done, great...If not, trade him this July.

Considering the totality of current circumstances (age, talent, production, contract status, projection, etc.).... more trade value: Carlos Zambrano or Erik Bedard?

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Why is every start for Bedard some kind of start that "tells you alot about who Erik is" and "this is what an ace would do"??

I have seen this alot on here. It seems like there is a thread almost every time Erik starts stating stuff like this(not picking on you i_miss_cal, just something i have noticed).

Because, some people like to make more out of things then they really are.

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Considering the totality of current circumstances (age, talent, production, contract status, projection, etc.).... more trade value: Carlos Zambrano or Erik Bedard?

Got to go with Bedard on this one, Dave.

He'll be reasonably cheap for the next 2 seasons and a team needing that one starter may be willing to give up a little more for him because they know he'll be there for at least the next 2 seasons.

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If you are going to begin a thread focusing on a player, please spell his name correctly.

It is "Erik", not "Eric." He spells it with a k.

Sorry to be a pain, but that drives me crazy when we constantly spell our favorite player's names wrong.

Same here... Not just our players though. The current Clemens thread in the MLB section has it "Clemons" in the title.

As far as Bedard is concerned, I'm moving closer and closer towards trading him off. I think that we can get a lot for him, and if we're "blowing the team up," he should probably be dealt.

If you're dealing him, what players are you targeting?

Jarrod Saltalamacchia out of Atlanta is blocked by Brian McCann, who is only 23. italianstallion mentioned in another thread that Bedard or Cabrera would probably be necessary to get Saltalamacchia included in a trade. This would also really open us up to being able to move Hernandez.

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Considering the totality of current circumstances (age, talent, production, contract status, projection, etc.).... more trade value: Carlos Zambrano or Erik Bedard?

Wow Dave, this is a tough one.

Personally, i feel Bedard projects out better, is less of an injury risk and he has a much better contract situation.

However, Zambrano has had a better career, is younger and has better name recognition.

It is a toss up even though it shouldn't be IMO.

I know if i were the GM, i would offer more for Bedard but i am not 100% convinced that is what would happen.

Not trying to dance around your question but my honest answer would be that it depends on the team.

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Got to go with Bedard on this one, Dave.

He'll be reasonably cheap for the next 2 seasons and a team needing that one starter may be willing to give up a little more for him because they know he'll be there for at least the next 2 seasons.

That's certainly reasonable.

The thought occurred to me that if I'm the Cubs, I'd probably trade Zambrano for Bedard right now. That'd be a bit of a downgrade to the rotation, but it gets you away from the "will he or won't he" dilemmas with Z:

Will he or won't he re-sign with the Cubs?

Will he or won't he be worth 5/85 if he does?

From the O's perspective it only makes sense if you think you can flip Z between now and the deadline for more than you can get for Bedard. (Or the difference is small, and the Cubs kick in a decent young player in addition to Z).

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Wow Dave, this is a tough one.

Personally, i feel Bedard projects out better, is less of an injury risk and he has a much better contract situation.

However, Zambrano has had a better career, is younger and has better name recognition.

It is a toss up even though it shouldn't be IMO.

I know if i were the GM, i would offer more for Bedard but i am not 100% convinced that is what would happen.

Not trying to dance around your question but my honest answer would be that it depends on the team.

The last point is probably the key.

A mega-payroll team in need of an elite pitcher this year, like the Yanks or Mets, would probably offer as much or more for Zambrano.

For most other teams though, the two additional arb years likely push Bedard ahead.

I suppose that begs the question... which category are the Cubbies in?

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The last point is probably the key.

A mega-payroll team in need of an elite pitcher this year, like the Yanks or Mets, would probably offer as much or more for Zambrano.

For most other teams though, the two additional arb years likely push Bedard ahead.

This was exactly what i was thinking, in fact, i was actually thinking those 2 teams.

I think the Dodgers could go either way on this as well.

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