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More steroid rumors


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Is it just me, or is everyone else pretty much immune to this crap by now? At this point, I could care less. You can't go back, and hopefully no one is doing it anymore.

It seems like the HOF still cares, and I'm sure many fans still do, just not as much for the vast majority of players as they care about Bonds, Clemens, Big Mac, and a few others.

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Is it just me, or is everyone else pretty much immune to this crap by now? At this point, I could care less. You can't go back, and hopefully no one is doing it anymore.

I think we've all become numb to it by now and simply tired of it. The media keeps throwing it in our faces though, nothing surprises me anymore. Obviously it was a huge problem.

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I tend to agree with the comments posted to this article by one reader:

Another "well done" article by the Daily News! You see, this is the problem with credibility. As one peruses the article headline you would certainly deduce that there was some type of "concrete" evidence that would further help substantiate the claims of steroid abuse against Clemens et al. As you read on you find that a"source" said he "observed" Blair filling a suitcase with steroids for Clemens, Bagwell and Petite. As we read further the article finally tells that Blair was investigated by the F.B.I. and failed to mention that Blair also took a lie detector test for federal investigators!! It's the usual misleading journalism that has become "par for the course". Whether Clemens and others did steroids I really don't know but I will tell everyone that what has happened in the past few months has been nothing short of a public ********!

It's similar to the allegations about McGwire. There was a steroids supplier named Curtis Wenszlaff in the bay area who apparently bragged to his friends and acquaintances that he was supplying Canseco and McGwire. However, the feds questioned him and he apparently failed to confirm that he'd ever supplied any drugs to McGwire, despite having negotiated a plea deal. He also testified before Congress, apparently without being questioned about supplying McGwire, which implies that the Congressional interrogators were aware there was nothing to the rumors that he'd McGwire.


... two dealers caught in Operation Equine told the Daily News that a California man named Curtis Wenzlaff provided Canseco and McGwire, among others, with illegal anabolic steroids. ... two FBI sources confirmed the men's identities and said they provided credible information throughout the operation and, like Wenzlaff, avoided jail time for their cooperation. ... No evidence against McGwire or any other steroid user was collected, ... Wenzlaff testified before a Senate subcommittee investigating steroid use in pro, college and high school sports.

But it makes a much better story when the allegations are emphasized without mentioning that they apparently couldn't be confirmed and were probably inaccurate.

The remarks by Pettitte appear to confirm that his father bought HGH from Blair, but there's no other evidence in the article confirming that Blair supplied Pettitte, Clemens, or other major league baseball player with steroids or HGH.

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