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Bedard gets a talking to


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Erik Bedard might be a jerk. Then again, he might just act like a jerk to the media and media types. If Bedard is a jerk to the media, does that make a a full fledged jerk in general? Is Bedard rude to the fans as well as the media? Just asking.

Might as well be since the press seems to think they're the only ones that matter at times :rolleyes:

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Might as well be since the press seems to think they're the only ones that matter at times :rolleyes:

Ever seen Bedard standing around talking with fans and signing autographs? Ever heard of anything he's done in the community?

I haven't. It's not just the press he looks down on.

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Ever seen Bedard standing around talking with fans and signing autographs? Ever heard of anything he's done in the community?

I haven't. It's not just the press he looks down on.

Yeah, but you could say that about a lot of players...doesn't mean they're inherently bad people.

My point is that the press seems to have a semi self righteous view of themselves..."How DARE he not talk to me?!?!"

I don't know, I can kind of see why a ballplayer wouldn't want to talk to the media...either you spit the same tired cliches or you're an arrogant so-and-so.

But, like I said, I'll take your word about Bedard, you know better than any of us.

I'm just saying...I don't like how members of the media get their panties in a knot simply because a ballplayer won't talk to them...and then crucify them for doing so...like they'll REALLY want to talk to you after that...

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Yeah, but you could say that about a lot of players...doesn't mean they're inherently bad people.

My point is that the press seems to have a semi self righteous view of themselves..."How DARE he not talk to me?!?!"

I don't know, I can kind of see why a ballplayer wouldn't want to talk to the media...either you spit the same tired cliches or you're an arrogant so-and-so.

But, like I said, I'll take your word about Bedard, you know better than any of us.

I'm just saying...I don't like how members of the media get their panties in a knot simply because a ballplayer won't talk to them...and then crucify them for doing so...like they'll REALLY want to talk to you after that...

I think you're misrepresenting the situation quite a bit (yeah, yeah, leave it to me to defend the press).

The press doesn't want to talk to Bedard out of some wanton egotism. They want to talk to him because it makes their game stories that much stronger and more complete. If your story is all about how dominant Bedard was, wouldn't you want to include quotes from Bedard about the matter? Wouldn't it be strange to have Bedard as the star of your story and yet not have Erik's own thoughts included?

The media is just trying to do its job, just like Bedard is doing his. And they can't do that job as well if Bedard blows them off. It's as simple as that.

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In a sporting universe that includes guys like Bobby Knight and Elijah Dukes, is Bedard really a "jerk" because he doesn't like people? The idea that he can make himself into a media darling like Millar just by observing Millar and taking his lead is as ridiculous as the idea that I can make myself into a dominant ML starter by observing Bedard.

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Erik Bedard might be a jerk. Then again, he might just act like a jerk to the media and media types. If Bedard is a jerk to the media, does that make a a full fledged jerk in general? Is Bedard rude to the fans as well as the media? Just asking.

A professional accepts and honors all of the responsibilities associated with his position.

A professional is respectful to all other human beings with whom he must communicate as a requirement of his position.

The Orioles have asked their starting pitchers to be available to the media after their starts.

In effect, on these occasions, since the interviews are broadcast, the player is talking to the fans. Erik Bedard has failed to show for these sessions on several occasions. In at least one instance, when he did show, he was rude to the questioners and made every effort to demonstrate his “superiority” and displeasure at the imposition on his time.

An occasional failure to act as a professional is excusable.

To this point, for his consistent pattern of purposeful disrespect, Erik Bedard has earned the “jerk” appellation.

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I know a guy that was bat boy when he was at Fredrick that says he was cool as hell. His teammates here seem to like him. He's always chatting when the camera goes in the dugout on days he's not concentrating on pitching. I'm sorry Tony but not signing autographs and not doing things in the community isn't proof someone's a jerk. Star athletes are put in a position most people can't relate too and expectations are put on them that you wouldn't possibly think of putting on an ordinary person. Yeah they make millions of dollars, but giving someone money isn’t going to change their personality and Erik Bedard is a private person that seems to resent the media for one reason or another. It's great that people like Cal Ripken and Jeremy Guthrie go out of their way and sacrifice their time to make sure everyone who wants an autograph gets one, but just because some are saints doesn’t make everyone that doesn’t follow their example a jerk.

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I think you're misrepresenting the situation quite a bit (yeah, yeah, leave it to me to defend the press).

The press doesn't want to talk to Bedard out of some wanton egotism. They want to talk to him because it makes their game stories that much stronger and more complete. If your story is all about how dominant Bedard was, wouldn't you want to include quotes from Bedard about the matter? Wouldn't it be strange to have Bedard as the star of your story and yet not have Erik's own thoughts included?

The media is just trying to do its job, just like Bedard is doing his. And they can't do that job as well if Bedard blows them off. It's as simple as that.

I agree and I see where you're coming from...but, honestly, I find it very rare that athletes say anything of interest...9 times outta 10 it's cliches that athletes say to give the media a soundbyte...

In reading summaries of the last nights game I think the most interesting quotes were from A-Rod, Damon, and Bedard's teammates...I think the WaPo's writeup was actually really good without quotes from Bedard.

I just think long gone are the days of importance of print media and colorful players that give good quotes that make you think or incite a chuckle...instead of something you just gloss over while reading breakfast. Kinda goes hand in hand, in my mind.

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If Erik Bedard is a jerk, I'd much rather have a team full of jerks that are as good as he is than a bunch of nice guys who suck.

I'd love for all the players to be great in the community and great players like Roberts, but I'd much rather have guys like Bedard than guys like Baez or whatever other nice guy that can't actually play baseball well you'd like to compare him to.

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If Erik Bedard is a jerk, I'd much rather have a team full of jerks that are as good as he is than a bunch of nice guys who suck.

I'd love for all the players to be great in the community and great players like Roberts, but I'd much rather have guys like Bedard than guys like Baez or whatever other nice guy that can't actually play baseball well you'd like to compare him to.

Erik Bedard can gracefully accept his professional responsibility as others with equal and superior talent do and have done.

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When I wrote for the local paper, I always found that the best quotes about a solid-performing pitcher would come from his catcher. Ask a pitcher how he did, and he'd say, "I felt good, yada, yada, yada, and we won." Ask the catcher, and you'd get a lucid analysis.

If I had my choice, Trembley would've had the conversation with Bedard and that would have been the end of it. I doubt any doomsday scenario develops, though. If Bedard wants to go elsewhere, he'll do it regardless of this exchange.

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I've been saying for a while that trading Bedard before he has the opportunity to up and leave would be a smart move. Now, I know, he'll be harder than hell to replace in our rotation, but if he's just going to walk away in 2009 (which I think he will if given the chance), best to have competing teams get into a bidding war to acquire his services. I remember reading 2 years ago that the O's would have been floored with how much they could have gotten in return for B.J. Ryan had they made him available. I don't want them to make the same mistake twice.

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I've been saying for a while that trading Bedard before he has the opportunity to up and leave would be a smart move. Now, I know, he'll be harder than hell to replace in our rotation, but if he's just going to walk away in 2009 (which I think he will if given the chance), best to have competing teams get into a bidding war to acquire his services. I remember reading 2 years ago that the O's would have been floored with how much they could have gotten in return for B.J. Ryan had they made him available. I don't want them to make the same mistake twice.

I agree, I love Bedard and dont want to see him leave but if he does then you have to trade him. You could get alot in return for him.

As for BJ, the O's wanted to resign him but the Jays offered a ridiculously amount of money that he couldnt refuse.

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