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Bedard gets a talking to


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Trust me, he's a jerk. He's been a jerk since he was in the minor leagues. That never stopped me from rating him highly or even knowing that he was a special prospect, but it does stop me from liking him.

Do I root for him when he pitches, absolutely. would I trade him if I could get two or three top prospects, absolutely, but only because I don't think the o's are close to competing in the AL East and only a major influx of young talent will enable this club to turn things around. Bedard is probably the only player that can net this return.

What you didn't like the ride?

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"What a matchup between two outstanding pitchers," Orioles interim manager Dave Trembley said. "Erik Bedard seemed to get better as he went along. For him to bring his game to the level that he did tonight, knowing who he was facing, one-on-one with Mr. Clemens and the New York Yankees, I think says something about what we've got with Erik Bedard."


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I covered Erik for over three years and he was always decent to me...but was stand-offish to most of the press. I think I got along with Erik because I did the first feature on him which appeared in the Daily Times and on this site. Erik thinks a lot of the questions he is asked are stupid...and he is probably right from his point of view. He is also a private guy. He really didn't like what he felt was the added pressure in talking to the press when he first got called up.

I have known Dave Trembley since he joined the Orioles. I have to think that members of press complained to Dave that Erik would not speak with them after the game, which is a violation of the Orioles' rules. Dave I'm sure told members of the press that he would look into it and he got back to them. Dave would give sportswriters his phone numbers and tell them that if they left a message, he would always call them back. If you ask him something to his face about a problem, I know he will get back to you.

Under Dave Stockstill, minor league managers like Jack Voigt, Dave Trembley, Don Werner and Tom Lawless were all under instructions to make sure that the players learn their responsibilities in dealing with the press. Erik was tutored to follow this and I'm sure it is frustrating for Trembley to have to deal with something that the Orioles have been teaching players to do since Class A.

For all those guys who got knocked out in the third inning, but followed the rules and waited in the clubhouse 15 minutes after a game in case a reporter had a question for them, this should not be a big deal for a major league player.

John Hoffmann

St. Louis

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Well, my mistake. The Frederick batboy said he was a great guy so I must be wrong. :rolleyes:

I didn't say Bedard has been a jerk to everyone he's ever met, and he very well may be a private guy, but his disdain for the press is ridiculous, especially since they've done nothing to deserve his attitude.

I'm not going to comment on whether other players like him or not because I don't know. He might be a great guy to his friends and family. Good for them.

But, in my book the guy is a first class jerk to the media and he's not fan friendly in most occasions.

Like most of you, I root for him to pitch well for the Orioles, but he's up there with one of my least liked players I've covered through the minors to the Orioles. Take it for what it's worth. You certainly have a right to have another opinion of him.

I wasn't trying to discredit your opinion; I was just saying that there are other people who've had personal experience with him that have a different one. As a stand-offish kind of person myself I'm sure people get impressions of me when I'm in public that aren't true to how I'm like when I'm comfortable around friends. All I'm saying is you shouldn't be so quick to judge. Being fan friendly and co-operative with the press is obviously important to you but calling someone a jerk because they leave a lot to be desired in those fields is an overreation IMO.

If you want to say he's a first class jerk to the press, fine, that's a fact. But saying he's a first class jerk in gerneral is just speculation. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but that's how I read it.

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I completely agree. Trembley is again showing why is should be given every chance to manage this club (although the lineup he has today has me head scratching).

In one smart move he just told everyone, players, coaches, front office folks, fans and press that his players will act like professionals, and not some diva.

I'm a huge Bedard fan when he's on the mound. I personally think he's a first class jerk off it. I don't really care overall, but he does have a responsibility to talk to the media after games in my opinion.

Personally, I don't see him resigning with the Orioles anyways so make sure he knows he needs to act like a professional while he's an Oriole.

Great job Dave.

I told you it was going to be a ride!

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Guest oriofan8
Ironic since you committed the cyber version of Hara-Kiri here also.

Sayonara !

That's GREAT ! :D:D

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