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Orioles Spend 250k of their International Money ( Report that it was $750k)


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14 hours ago, tntoriole said:

But this is my point...if you would have asked anybody on this board “hey, do you think if you are working for Peter Angelos, not some other owner, but Peter Angelos, do you think he is just going to be pleased as punch for you to take another job with your division rival the winter after you won the division?”  No, either Dan was just dumb, which he is not...or he just thought, I really don’t care about my relationship with Angelos, I am just looking out for number one.   

If I had been Angelos, I would have waited till the Toronto gig was gone, then fired Duquette.  But Angelos does not like paying employees not to work.  So instead, Dan just lost any trust or influence he might have had prior to that dalliance.  Because he was not loyal to an owner that everyone in the universe knew demanded it..whether Dan liked it or not, whether it was fair or not, is irrelevant...Angelos demands it. 

If Duquette was such a baseball genius, why did Boston can him and no other organization except ours hire him for 10 years?  In part, it was likely due to some of the abrasive aspects of his personality and getting along with the ownership.   Would I want different ownership?  Sure.  But I still think that there are much better GM options out there than Duquette.   It is time for a new hand of cards.  If John and Lou are the “new owners”, then they should pick their guy. 

I think it's a bit overstated that DD "courted" the BlueJays.  I remember it more like they said that they would really like to have him as their guy and DD saying he was flattered.  Clearly not what Old Pete who "owns" his guys wants to hear.  I grant that it wasn't the right thing for DD to say.  But I also don't think it warranted having his duties diminished and an interloper like Brady inserted as an advisor.  The whole thing is a mess.

Which brings us full circle to do they really know what they are doing with getting involved in the International Market after having NO presence there for a decade.  It's more of the ad hoc management of an organization that I feel gets us into trouble. 

We'll have to disagree on DD.  I don't know that I would cry a river if they didn't bring him back, but I do think he has done some pretty good things.   But he does have his warts, I'll grant.

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9 hours ago, Frobby said:

Now the burning question is, what are we going to do with Juan Montes?

(For the 99.9% of you who have no idea who that is, he’s our own 23-year old GCL 1B, who hit .301/.389/.419.)

Bring both Montes and Zollner up to Baltimore on 9/1 to platoon at 1st base for the rest of the season.  Says Duquette: "Jack and Juan add an element of inexperience and mediocrity that the O's need and covet."

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9 hours ago, Frobby said:

Now the burning question is, what are we going to do with Juan Montes?

(For the 99.9% of you who have no idea who that is, he’s our own 23-year old GCL 1B, who hit .301/.389/.419.)

I'm part of that 99.9 who've never heard of him.

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10 hours ago, Frobby said:

Now the burning question is, what are we going to do with Juan Montes?

(For the 99.9% of you who have no idea who that is, he’s our own 23-year old GCL 1B, who hit .301/.389/.419.)

Tough year for the GCL Orioles. 13-42. Can we get kicked out of that league for lack of talent?


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Jake Junis Priest: Hi. Was hoping to learn more about Jack Zoellner and why the O’s saw fit to spend money on him. Thanks!


Kiley McDaniel: I actually really liked him as a senior sign out of New Mexico and pushed for him…then he got hurt and fell out of contention for us. It’s plus power and some feel to hit, 1B only fit probably

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2 minutes ago, weams said:

You would think he could understudy in 2022. 

Well two seasons in and he hadn't made it out of the GCL.  If it takes him two years a level he won't be ready by 2022.  Do you expect him to start getting promoted faster as the difficulty increases?

As far as we know the O's will send him back to the GCL in 2019.

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Just now, Can_of_corn said:

Well two seasons in and he hadn't made it out of the GCL.  If it takes him two years a level he won't be ready by 2022.  Do you expect him to start getting promoted faster as the difficulty increases?

It sounds like there was an injury. All I know is the Draft guys liked him. I know nothing about the dude. 

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4 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Well two seasons in and he hadn't made it out of the GCL.  If it takes him two years a level he won't be ready by 2022.  Do you expect him to start getting promoted faster as the difficulty increases?

As far as we know the O's will send him back to the GCL in 2019.

I think we can be pretty confident that’s not their plan.    But will he start with a full season club?    

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7 minutes ago, weams said:

It sounds like there was an injury. All I know is the Draft guys liked him. I know nothing about the dude. 

Was he hurt this year as well?

I'd think that a healthy college senior a year out of school wouldn't get sent to the GCL and if he did he would hit his way into a promotion.


Do you think his performance warrants jumping multiple levels Frobby? 

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22 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Was he hurt this year as well?

I'd think that a healthy college senior a year out of school wouldn't get sent to the GCL and if he did he would hit his way into a promotion.

Do you think his performance warrants jumping multiple levels Frobby? 

I think how he hits in the spring will determine whether he jumps multiple levels.    Obviously, they like the guy for some reason.   And McDaniel didn’t laugh off the acquisition as ridiculous.   

However, it’s pretty clear that JC Escarra should be promoted to Delmarva (he hit .331/.417/.511 at Aberdeen), so it’s a bit unclear whether there would be room for both him and Zoellner to get playing time.

In any event, I don’t want to be the guy defending the acquisition or his placement for next year.    I’m just saying there must be something more than meets the eye here.   I don’t see them trading away $750,000 in slots for no reason whatsoever, even if they don’t need them.   

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  • 6 months later...
On 9/7/2018 at 3:32 PM, Frobby said:

In any event, I don’t want to be the guy defending the acquisition or his placement for next year.    I’m just saying there must be something more than meets the eye here.   I don’t see them trading away $750,000 in slots for no reason whatsoever, even if they don’t need them.   

And, there was.    I feel so much better now.   

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