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Ed Encina


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Ed's a good beat writer.   I'll miss him.

At some point I might divorce myself from the printed version of the newspaper.   I haven't pulled that bandage off yet.   I subscribe to the Sun, bring it into work, and read it at my desk with lunch every day.   I don't have outside internet at my desk.   There's one terminal in our cube, so you'll see me here occasionally around 5 or 6 PM when I'm the last person in the office,   So I still subscribe.   And I like to do the NYT crossword puzzle and the daily soduku, especially Thursday and Friday when they get more challenging.   

The Sun is a shadow of what it once was, in terms of quality writers.  So much of the content is generated by the parent Chicago Tribune.   The entire baseball page is nationally generated, so the O's box score is no longer on the O's page, it's on the MLB page with all the others.   Sometimes they even forget to change the times for games from Central Time to Eastern Time (today's NFL listed all next weekend's games in Central Time).   The used to have so many excellent writers for sports and other things like Connolly, Valkenberg, good food writers and reviewers, good movie reviewers, a good tech columnist.   Now most of that is taken from the Tribune company.   A few decent sports writers left, and Zurawik is excellent covering TV/media.   But movie reviews, most food writing, etc, are all from the mother ship.

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